
Apology: To all who have sent photos and other information, thank you!
I am slowly working through what I’ve been sent – but please feel free to remind me if you think I might be too slow. – Colin Mackellar.


22 March 2025

Added a 1980s photo of DSS42 and 43 to the Tidbinbilla Gallery page. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Tidbinbilla Gallery.)

Added a page for the CDSCC / Tidbinbilla 60th anniversary. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Tidbinbilla 60th.)


17 March 2025

Added a late 1970s list of Tidbinbilla Milestones. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Milestones.)

Added messages sent for the 60th anniversary of the opening of Tidbinbilla. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> 60th Messages.)

Replaced a photo of DSS42 Tidbinilla Ops Room during Mariner 4 with an updated scan. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Mariner IV > Mariner IV Stories.)

Embedded a slideshow of photos from the opening of Honeysuckle Creek on the main page of the Honeysuckle Opening section. (Early Days > Opening section.)


03 March 2025

Added a page for Bruce Window (Island Lagoon, Tidbinbilla, Parkes) in the Space People section. (Space People > Bruce Window.)


01 March 2025

Updated the page with John Saxon’s Skylab audio with dates of recording, with thanks to Dwight Steven-Boniecki. (MSFN Missions > Skylab > Station Intercom Loops.)

Added a panorama of DSS43 under construction and DSS42 at Tidbinbilla, preserved by Les Whaley. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> DSS-43 Construction.)

Added an interview recorded with John Saxon in 2017. (Interviews > John Saxon 2017.)


26 January 2025

Added two videos to the Interviews section – Keith Aldworth and Mike Dinn remember Surveyor, and Mike Dinn recalls Apollo 8. (Interviews section.)

Added news of the recognition of John Saxon and Mike Dinn in today’s Australia Day Awards.


01 January 2025

Added information about the closure of Ascension and the rehabilitation of the site. (Other Stations > Ascension > Ascension Today.)

Added some photos of Bob Allen at Tidbinbilla during Surveyor. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Surveyor > Surveyor People.)

Added Lewis Wainwright’s Report on the first NW Australia Tracking Station Site Search in July 1962, as well as some new photos of the August 1962 follow-up visit to Carnarvon. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Site Survey 1962.)

Added personal memories of Red Lake by the late David Guerin, as well as some newly unearthed photos of the station. (Other Stations > Red Lake > David Guerin’s Story.)


07 December 2024

Added to the front page a link to the video of Mike Dinn’s comments after a screening of The Dish in Canberra earlier this week.


01 December 2024

Added to the front page a fun photo of Soviet cosmonaut Andriyan Grigoryevich Nikolayev.


08 November 2024

Added a page for Jack Duperouzel (MUC) in the Space People section. (Space People > Jack Duperpouzel.)


05 November 2024

Added a page for George Harris in the Space People section. (Space People > George Harris.)

Added a photo of Ken Anderson (Red Lake, CBY, CRO) in the Space People section. (Space People > Ken Anderson.)

Added an aerial photo of MILA, probably taken in the 1980s. (Other Stations > MILA > MILA intro.)


01 November 2024

Added a photo of Captain’s Flat township as seen from a helicopter searching for a site for the Apollo station in 1964. (Early Days > Location.)

Added a photo of Paul Mullen at the Honeysuckle servo console during Deep Space days. (Honeysuckle People > People at Work.)

Added an early photo of Parkes. (Other Stations > Parkes > Parkes intro.)

Added a second photo of George Mueller at Honeysuckle on 01 December 1969. (Honeysuckle People > Visitors.)

Added a photo of Honeysuckle without the antenna – from March 1966. (Station > From the water tank.)


01 October 2024

Added a frame of 16mm film showing the Apollo 13 re-entry groundtrack on the front display in the MOCR. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 13 > Re-entry Groundtrack.)

Added some memories of Les Whaley by Gary Elphinstone. (Space People > Les Whaley.)

Added a page for Dennis Willshire in the Space People section. (Space People > Dennis Willshire.)

Added a photo of Peter Barcock at DSS41 in the Space People section. (Space People > Peter Barcock.)

Added another photo of Stew Burton at the top of his page. (Space People > Stew Burton.)

Added a numbered version of the 1971 DSS41 Island Lagoon staff photo. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Staff photo 1971.)

In Hamish’s Apollo 8 Essay, added a news clipping about the message Prime Minister John Gorton hoped to send to Apollo 8. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Hamish’s essay.)


03 September 2024

Added a photo of the Orroral 85 foot antenna taken by the Baker Nunn camera. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Orroral Gallery.)

Added an aerial photo of Guam MSFN station taken by Al Fong circa 1966. (Other Stations > Guam. – second photo on that page.)

Added a page for Ray Hooker, the second NASA Senior Scientific Representative to Australia. (Space People > NASA Reps to Australia > Ray Hooker.)

Added a page for Les Whaley. (Space People > Les Whaley.)

Added a page for Stew Burton. (Space People > Stew Burton.)

Added a photo *just* showing the Red Hill microwave tower in 1965. (Apollo 11 TV > Honeysuckle to Sydney links.)

Updated John Saxon’s page with a 1990s photo of John at CDSCC. (People > John Saxon) and another photo on his 1994 interview page. (Interviews > John Saxon 1994.)

Added a link to audio from Apollo in Real Time of the last pass over Honeysuckle of Apollo 13 before re-entry. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 13 > Re-entry Groundtrack and audio.)

Added a unique first day cover for Apollo 16, thanks to Milton Turner. (People and Stories > Apollo stamps.)

Added an early Honeysuckle staffing and organisation chart. (Station > Staffing and Organisation Chart.)

Added an aerial photo of Dinn’s Diner at Parkes during Voyager 2 / Uranus support, and also added the name of Dr. Dwight Holmes. (Parkes > Voyager 2 support.)

Added several photos to Mike Linney’s The Linney Files. (People > Stories > The Linney Files.)

Added a page for Tidbinbilla’s Peter Barcock. (Space People > Peter Barcock.)

Added a page for The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal’s Eric Jones. (Space People > Eric Jones.)

Added two photos of the PMG’s Cameron Clarke to this Carnarvon story. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Mrs O’Donahue at Hamelin Pool saves the day.)

Added a 1965 panorama of Canberra taken by Les Whaley from Mount Pleasant Lookout. (Space People > Les Whaley.)


01 August 2024

Added some more photos from Lloyd Bott’s collection showing the close Australian / US collaboration in the US space program. (Department of Supply > Pioneers > Lloyd Bott > Houston visit Feb 1968.)


21 July 2024

Added a really lovely PDF version by Glen Nagle of Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 11 essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > PDF of Hamish’s essay (15.5MB.)


19 July 2024

Added a scan of a news clipping from 1964, “Tracking Station is Always Busy”, in the Carnarvon section. (Other Stations > Carnarvon> News clippings.)

Added Dave Kemp’s name to the photo of James Michener visiting Orroral Valley in 1980. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Visitors.)

Added a page of the leadership of the Department of Supply. (Supply > Leadership.)

Updated many of Hamish Lindsay’s Carnarvon photos with high resolution scans of his medium format negatives. (Other Stations > Carnarvon> Photos by Hamish Lindsay.)

Added a page for the Jupiter Monitor at Carnarvon. (Other Stations > Carnarvon> Jupiter Monitor.)

Updated the Featured page so that the most recent posts are at the top.

Added some details on the arrangements for Australians to see a live feed of the Apollo 11 EVA direct from Sydney Video. (Apollo 11 TV > Arrangements.)


01 July 2024

Added an updated scan of Hamish Lindsay’s photo of Dean Gilkes and Terry Hearn in the Honeysuckle Test Equipment Section. (People > People at Work.)

Added an updated scan – via Hamish Lindsay – of the Cooby Creek 40 foot antenna. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Photos.)

Added a scan of pages from The Department of Supply’s September 1969 issue of SCODOS. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > SCODOS.)


28 June 2024

Added to the front page a 60th anniversary message to the Carnarvon team from Dr Michael Griffin, NASA Administrator 2005-2009. (Anniversary message.)


22 June 2024

Added the audio recording of Hamish Lindsay’s 1994 interview with Carnarvon’s Terry Kierans. (Interviews > Terry Kierans.)


18 June 2024

Updated a number of John Lambie’s photos in the Carnarvon section with high res scans. (Other Stations > Carnarvon.)

Added and enhanced some photos on the page for the Gemini V Visual Acuity Experiment. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Visual Acuity Experiment.)


12 June 2024

Added a higher resolution version of footage taken at Red Lake, shortly before Friendship 7. (Other Stations > Red Lake.)

Added a video for the 60th anniversary of the opening of Carnarvon. On the front page, and in the Carnarvon section. (Other Stations > Carnarvon)

Updated two of the photos of Hamelin Pool Post Office with high res scans. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Mrs O’Donahue at Hamelin Pool saves the day.)


08 June 2024

Added a brief video tribute to Bill Anders on the front page.


05 June 2024

Updated the page for Chuck Koscielski, Goldstone and JPL. Very sorry to hear that Chuck left us last December. (Space People > Chuck Koscielski.)


04 June 2024

Added a tribute to Mike Bartlett, Carnarvon and Tidbinbilla. (Space People > Mike Bartlett.)

Added a (not terribly exciting) photo of the Tidbinbilla Coll Tower as seen from Mt. Stromlo. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Coll Tower.)


02 June 2024

Added a higher res scan of photos of the WRESAT launch sequence. (Dept. of Supply > WRESAT > The Flight.)

Added a photo of DSS43 and 42 to the Tidbinbilla Gallery page. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Tidbinbilla Gallery.)

Added a tribute to TV engineer Elmer Fredd. (Space People > Elmer Fredd.)


25 May 2024

Added some additional information to the story of Mrs. Lillian O’Donohue at Hamelin Pool. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Mrs O’Donahue saves the day.)


01 May 2024

Expanded and added new images to the NASCOM Deakin section. (Other Stations > Deakin Switch.).

Added a scan of an information page about the Honeysuckle antenna. (Station > Antenna.)

Started a Tidbinbilla Gallery page. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Tidbinbilla Gallery.)

Added David Lozier’s story of his career at Ames Research Center and the Pioneer spacecraft. (Space People > David Lozier.)

Added a page to remember Honeysuckle's Kaz Kijak. (Space People > Kaz Kijak.)

Added an updated scan of Hamish’s photo of the Honeysuckle Maintenance team in October 1976. (People > Honeysuckle Team Photos.)

Added a scan of a cartoon drawn at Honeysuckle during the 1972 oil refinery workers strike. (People > Grafitti.)

Updated some text in the 1965 Orroral Valley Installation Album using notes sent a few years ago by Philip Clark. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > August 1965 photo album.)

Added sad news of the LOS of Ray Lloyd and Stew Burton (News.)


13 April 2024

Added an updated, high res scan of a photo of JPL’s Dr William Pickering addressing a gathering in the Tidbinbilla conference room in December 1969. He his there for the groundbreaking ceremony for DSS43. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS43 Groundbreaking.)

Added to the front page links to the Apollo 13 and Apollo 16 missions (in April 1970 and 1972 respectively).

Added an updated scan of Hamish’s photo of post-Apollo 16 celebrations with Swan Lager supplied by the brewery. (Apollo missions > Apollo 16 > John Saxon speaks with Orion.)


05 April 2024

Added a video of Keith Aldworth and Mike Dinn in Conversation about Surveyor (at Tidbinbilla) as well as Apollo 13, Apollo 11, and Parkes. Link on the front page to Vimeo.


01 April 2024

Added Allan Bailey’s story of his career at Tidbinbilla. (Space People > Allan Bailey.)

Added an album of photos of equipment installation at Orroral Valley in 1965. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > August 1965 photo album.)


19 March 2024

Added a page to remember Astronaut Tom Stafford.

Added news of a special screening at CDSCC on 20 April.


07 March 2024

Added a photo of a Hughes poster of Surveyor – signed by Hughes and Tidbinbilla people in 1966. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Surveyor > Surveyor People.)


01 March 2024

Started an Orroral Valley Gallery page. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Orroral Gallery.)

Added another photo of Ian Anderson at the HSK servo console in 1967. (Station > How it all worked > USB.)

Added another photo of the Honeysuckle opening ceremony, 17 March 1967. (Early Days > Opening > Photos.)


11 February 2024

Added information and a promo an upcoming event in Canberra to the front page.


09 February 2024

Added a updated scans of several of Hamish Lindsay’s Carnarvon photos. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Hamish’s photos.)


05 February 2024

Added a the audio recording and transcript of an interview with Honeysuckle’s John Saxon – recorded in 1994 by Hamish Lindsay. (Interviews > John Saxon.)

Added a page on the Deep Space Network’s support of Apollo 9. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 9 >DSN Support.)

Added the beginnings of a section on the Corpus Christi, Texas, MSFN station. (Other Stations > Texas.)

Added the beginnings of a section on MILA, the Merritt Island, Florida, MSFN station. (Other Stations > MILA.)

Added MSFN Technical Information Bulletin Vol 5 No 6. (MSFN Missions> MSFN > TIBs.)

Added some updated scans, photos and some background to the Ascension Island section – with more to come soon. (Other Stations > Ascension.)

Added a tribute to Cyril Fenwick. (Space People > Cyril Fenwick.)

Added an updated scan of a print of Carnarvon’s Trevor Housley at the station’s Gemini Digital Command System. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Hamish’s photos.)

Added an updated scan of Flight Controller John Ferry at CRO during GT-4. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Hamish’s photos.)

Added a great photo of DSS14, Goldstone. (Other Stations > Goldstone > DSS14.)


21 January 2024

Added a tribute video for Hamish Lindsay (made two years ago, in January 2022) to the front page.


01 January 2024

Added a page for Walt Larkin, first Goldstone Complex Director. (Space People > Walt Larkin.)

Added a photo of John McLeod to the Honeysuckle People at Work page. (People > People at Work).


23 December 2023

Added a tribute to Honeysuckle’s Ed von Renouard. (Space People > Ed von Renouard.) – including a video of his remembrances of the Apollo 11 Moonwalk (on Vimeo).


18 December 2023

Added to the front page two videos – one remembrance of Apollo 8 for the 55th anniversary, and another of Astronaut Harrison Schmitt reading a Christmas poem to the crew of Apollo 8.


09 December 2023

Added to the front page a video of Mike Dinn’s reminiscences of Apollo 8.


01 December 2023

Added a link on the front page to the 2024 Honeysuckle and NASA Networks Calendar.

Added a graphic to note that this website started 20 years ago!

Added links to tributes to Frank Borman and Ken Mattingly by Dr Harrison Schmitt.

More planned for later in the month.


14 November 2023

Added audio files from a compilation tape of manned Gemini missions supported by Carnarvon. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Missions > Compilation tape.)


11 November 2023

Added to the front page a tribute to Frank Borman.


03 November 2023

Added a link to the sad news of the loss of Ken Mattingly, Apollo 16.


01 November 2023

Added the MSFN Technical Information Bulletin Vol 2 No 10 for May 15 1964 with news of the emergency comms setup to Carnarvon during GT-1. The story is also told in the Carnarvon section. (MSFN Missions> MSFN > TIBs.)

Added several photos of Hamelin Pool taken by John Lambie. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Mrs O’Donahue saves the day.)

Added a photo of the Honeysuckle antenna being dismantled for move to Tidbinbilla. (Last days > Dismantling antenna.)

Added a “now-and-then” photo showing Honeysuckle in 1971 and 2023, with thanks to Michael Crowe. (Honeysuckle Today > Recent photos.)

Added a series of photos of Apollo equipment being installed at Parkes in October 1969, in time for Apollo 12. (Parkes > Apollo equipment installation.)

Started a page for the signs on the Apollo Road and at the station main gate. (Station > Signs.)


01 October 2023

Added David Johns’ recollections of living in Carnarvon and working at the Tracking Station. (Space People > David Johns.)

Added comments by Harrison Schmitt on the flag unfurled in the MOCR during the Apollo 11 EVA. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)

Added a photo of the sign at John Glenn Park in Muchea, thanks to John Lambie. (Other Stations > Muchea > Muchea Commemorative Display.)

Added a photo of Hamish Lindsay at Carnarvon in 1965. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > People.) and (Honeysuckle People > People.)

Added a photo of Sid Hills at Carnarvon. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > People.)

Added a photo of Shire President Wilson Tuckey with his racehorse at Carnarvon in 1965. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Life in Carnarvon.)

Added a scan of David Lozier’s membership card for the Interstellar Association of Turtles, to go with the Apollo 7 TV broadcast. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 7 > Apollo 7 Audio.)

Added a photo of the OGO Telemetry Station at Darwin. (Other Stations > Darwin > OGO Telemetry Station.)


10 September 2023

Have (at last) added Hamish Lindsay’s Skylab Essay, though there is still more work to be done adding illustrations. (MSFN Missions > Skylab > Hamish’s essay.)

Added an audio recording of Helen Garriott’s prank tape for Skylab 3, 10th September 1973. (MSFN Missions > Skylab > Prank Tape.)

Added two Super 8 movies filmed at Honeysuckle during Skylab. (MSFN Missions > Skylab > Honeysuckle footage.)

Added an audio recording of JPL coverage of the landing of Surveyor 6. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Surveyor > Surveyor 6.)

Added a plot of expected signal dynamics for the Voyager 2 encounter with Uranus in January 1986. (Parkes > Voyager 2 support.)

Added a photo of the Red Hill microwave tower in Canberra. This tower carried the Apollo 11 TV from Honeysuckle to Sydney. (Apollo 11 TV > Honeysuckle to Sydney.)


04 September 2023

Very belatedly added an article by Col Cochran written in 2010 on The National Mapping Orroral Valley Laser Ranging System. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > NatMap Laser Ranging System.)

Added a few more photos to the timeline of the Orroral Valley Tracking Station. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Orroral Timeline.)


01 September 2023

Updated Don Witten’s photos of Neil Armstrong at Goddard after Apollo 11. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Neil’s visit to Goddard.)

Added Scott Holgate’s short film on the preparations for the Apollo 11 50th in 2019 to the front page. “One Last Step – the Honeysuckle Legacy” features Mike Dinn and John Saxon.

Added a list of official attendees at the Opening Ceremony for Carnarvon Tracking Station in June 1964. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Opening Attendees.)

Added a timeline of the Orroral Valley Tracking Station. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Orroral Timeline.)

Added names to a photo of ladies at Orroral Valley in the Space People section. (Space People > NASA ladies Australia.)

Added the sad news of the loss of Orroral’s Philip Clark. (News.) and also added a little of Philip’s story to the Space People section. (Space People > Philip Clark.)

Also added news of the death of Marilyn Lovell in Illinois. (News.)


01 August 2023

Added links to features on the Carnarvon Site Survey (August 1962) and Honeysuckle mug shots (August 1967) to the front page.


08 July 2023

Added a brief tribute on the front page to Ken Sheridan. (News)

Also added a photo of Peter Alyward with Mike Dinn and John Saxon on the front page to accompany the sad news that Peter had died in Melbourne during the week.


04 July 2023

Added a video interview with Radio Astronomer Dr David Jauncey. (Interviews > David Jauncey.)


01 July 2023

Added a brief tribute on the front page to Ian Grant, with more to add when possible. (News)

Added a couple of extra photos of Island Lagoon StaDir Bill Mettyear. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Station Directors.)

Made some slight corrections to Island Lagoon Missions Supported. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Missions Supported.)

Updated Stan Anderson’s account of ARIA and Apollo 5. (Other Stations > ARIA > ARIA saves the day for Apollo 5.)

On the front page, added a video of Stan Anderson’s remarks at the Apollo 11 40th anniversary lunch in Canberra in 2009.

Added links to the front page to three fascinating interviews recently recorded with Skylab astronaut Dr Joe Kerwin.


01 June 2023

Added Ivan Chomenko’s name to a 1966/67 Island Lagoon staff photo. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Staff photos.)


01 May 2023

Added a number of images / links to the front page relating to the month of May! More new context coming later in the month.

Updated the scan of Laurie Turner with Harrison Schmitt on 03 May 1973.


12 April 2023

Added more photos of DSS-43 under construction. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> DSS-43 Construction.)


01 April 2023

Added a tribute by John Heath to Tidbinbilla original Keith Brockelsby, who died in Auckland earlier in the week. (News > Keith Brockelsby.)

Added a comment from Peter Churchill who was at Parkes for the Voyager 2 Uranus encounter in 1986. (Other Stations > Parkes> Voyager 2.)

Added a photo by Carnarvon’s Terry Newman of wildflowers at the station – on the front page.

More coming in the next few days.


19 March 2023

Added a video of the opening of Tidbinbilla on 19th March 1965. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Opening.)


15 March 2023

Added a brief tribute to Professor John Lovering. (News > Dr John Lovering.)

Added a brief tribute to Jim Kirkpatrick (Honeysuckle and Tidbinbilla.) (News.)

Updated the front page with a video of photos of the opening of Honeysuckle Creek on 17 March 1967.

Added a photo of DSS-43 under construction, from a MSFN Technical Information Bulletin. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> DSS-43 Construction.)

Added a press release from Prime Minister John Gorton during Apollo 11. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Gorton visit > Prime Minister’s message.)


01 March 2023

Added a photo of DSS-43 under construction, taken by Mike Dinn, plus two others from Stew Burton. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> DSS-43 Construction.)

Added a Polaroid photo of Ian Grant, John Saxon and Mike Dinn at the Ops console during a Goddard simulation, as well as a photo taken during a sim for Apollo 16. (Apollo Missions > Goddard Simulations > Photos of Sim teams.)

Added an undated Polaroid photo of Brian Bell at the Honeysuckle Servo console. (Honeysuckle People > People at Work.)

Started a page for the Installation of equipment at Honeysuckle, with some photos of the Collins installeers. (Early Days > Installation.)

Added newly scanned and previously unpublished photos by Hamish Lindsay from Honeysuckle’s opening day. (Honeysuckle Early Days > Opening Day > Official Guests.)

Added a transparency of the Honeysuckle antenna in Deep Space days. (Station > More photos.)


02 February 2023

Added a photo of John Lambie’s Gemini pin to his story in the Carnarvon section. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > John’s Story.)


01 February 2023

Added an undated Polaroid of Ed von Renouard chatting with Jerry Bissicks at Honeysuckle (Honeysuckle People > People at Work.)

Updated the scan of the photo accompanying Hamish’s ‘Wrong side of the Road story’. (Honeysuckle People > Stories.)

Added a Polaroid taken while Honeysuckle was receiving TV from Apollo 15 in lunar orbit. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 15 > Hamish’s essay.)

Added a photo of Honeysuckle taken by Hamish Lindsay in November 1970. (Station > More photos.)

Added a photo from the Honeysuckle loading dock as the station is being reconfigured for the Deep Space Network. (Deep Space Days > Honeysuckle joins the DSN.)


19 January 2023

Added to the news section the (slightly dated) news of the loss of Network Controller Ernie Randall. (News.)


04 January 2023

Added – on the front page – a link to the sad news that Apollo 7 astronaut Walt Cunningham has died in Houston.


23 December 2022

Added a tribute to Island Lagoon written by Carol Bee after the final party in November 1972. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Last Days.)


21 December 2022

Added three ‘close down’ tributes for Island Lagoon. One is for the Minitrack station which closed in late 1965, and the two others are for DSS41 which had its last track on 22 December 1972. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon.)

Added Bernard Smith’s recollections of Honeysuckle’s Christmas “carols” at the end of Apollo 17, December 1972. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 17 > Carols.).


13 December 2022

Added two videos to the front page – a greeting from Apollo 17 Lunar Module Pilot Dr Harrison Schmitt, and also a video tribute to all the Australian manned space flight tracking stations.


01 December 2022

Added a scan of the Apollo 17 Flight Plan. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 17 > Flight Plan.).

Many minor updates.


15 November 2022

Added Honeysuckle-recorded Apollo 12 audio, with more to come. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 12 > Honeysuckle audio.).


01 November 2022

Updated a 1968 photo of senior staff at DSS-41 Island Lagoon with a better scan. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Staff photos.)

Added another photo of Prime Minister Harold Holt at the Servo Console after the Honeysuckle opening ceremony, 17 March 1967. (Early Days > Opening > Photos.)


18 October 2022

Added to the front page the sad news that Jim McDivitt, Commander of Gemini IV and, later, Apollo 9, had died.

Added Alex Meldrum’s name to the Jack Swigert photo taken at Honeysuckle in May 1972. (People > Visitors.)


06 October 2022

Added another Tidbinbilla photo taken after the first operational track of Mariner 4, in 1965, with thanks to Jacqui Galbraith. (Other Stations >Tidbinbilla > Mariner IV > Mariner IV Preparations.)

Added a phone interview with Tony Saville, Comms Supervisor at Tidbinbilla from the beginning! (Interviews > Tony Saville.)


03 October 2022

Added a link to an audio recording of Apollo 11 radio coverage as heard in Melbourne. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Audio recorded in Melbourne.)


01 October 2022

Added an updated key of the August 1969 Cooby Creek staff photo. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby People.)

Added a page on the Ranger Program by Hamish Lindsay. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Ranger Program.)


12 September 2022

Added a brief tribute to Darcy Farrell, highly respected West Australian journalist. (News.)


01 September 2022

Added a 1967 publicity photo of Australian-born astronaut Dr Philip Chapman. (People > Visitors.)

Added the photos Hamish Lindsay took of the women working in support of NASA Tracking Stations in Australia, May 1975. (Space People > Photos taken for International Women’s Year.)

Added an Apollo 15 Preview handout from the U.S. Informatioin Service in Sydney. (Apollo missions > Apollo 15 > Apollo 15 USIS Preview.)

Added details of ARIA support for Apollo 17. Contributed by Michael Zeitfuss. (Other Stations > ARIA > ARIA Apollo 17 Support.)


23 August 2022

Added additional photos of the construction of DSS43 at Tidbinbilla. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> DSS-43 Construction.)

and several construction photos (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> DSS-43 Construction by Eric Counahan.)

Added to the front page Mike Dinn’s video recording of Apollo 17’s Gene Cernan speaking to the CDSCC Tidbinbilla team in 2016.

Added Part 2 to the interview with OTC’s Bill Woods. (Interviews > Bill Woods OTC.)


16 August 2022

Added three photos of the AWA Christmas Party 1965 to the Life in Carnarvon page. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Life in Carnarvon.)

and a photo of Paul Dench in The Great Carnarvon Elephant Race, 1969. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Life in Carnarvon.)

Added scans just provided by Richard Stachurski of the Network Controller’s console logs for the Apollo 11 launch, lunar landing, and lunar liftoff. (Apollo Missions > MSFN > Richard Stachurski.)

Added a photo taken during lunch after the Honeysuckle opening ceremony. (Early Days > Opening > Photos.)

Added a high res scan of Hamish Lindsay’s photo of Rich Mirdas and John Mitchell at the Data Demods. (Station > How it all worked.)


01 August 2022

Added several photos to the Apollo 11 Sydney Video page. (Apollo 11 TV > What it was like in Sydney Video.)

and another to the Arrangements for the Press at Sydney Video page. (Apollo 11 TV > Sydney Video arrangements for the Press.)

Added an interview with OTC’s Bill Woods. (Interviews > Bill Woods OTC.)


20 July 2022

Added the locally-produced Honeysuckle timeline for Apollo 11. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Timeline.)

Added a key to the Tidbinbilla USB team photo taken before Apollo 11. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Tidbinbilla USB team.)


18 July 2022

Added updated versions of the Honeysuckle Apollo 11 team photo – and produced a key for the colour photo. (People > Apollo 11 Staff photo.)

Updated the Apollo 17 TV page. (Apollo missions > Apollo 17 > Apollo 17 TV.)


01 July 2022

Added another photo by Hamish Lindsay of snow at Honeysuckle. (Station > Snow.)

Added the sad news that OTC’s Bob Goodman has died. (News.)


18 June 2022

Added a photo of the Carnarvon FPQ6 radar with Tickle Belly Flats in the background. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > FPQ6.)

Added a page of aerial photos of Carnarvon Tracking Station and township. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Aerial photos.)

Added a photo showing the location of the Gemini Coffee Lounge in Carnarvon. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Gemini Coffee Lounge.)

Added a “Brochure for Persons Associated with or working at Carnarvon Tracking Station”, July 1965. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Carnarvon Brochure.)


01 June 2022

Added a photo of two prime movers pulling the Honeysuckle Creek counterweight up the old track in mid-1966. (Honeysuckle Early Days > Construction.)

Added several May 1966 photos of the Honeysuckle construction camp by Waren Kain. (Honeysuckle Early Days > Waren Kain Construction photos.)

Added a note in the Muchea section to say that new fences and signs have been erected to prevent public access. (Other Stations > Muchea > Muchea Today.)

Added a photo of Tito Teraci and a joey at Carnarvon in 1965. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Life in Carnarvon.)


24 May 2022

Honeysuckle Apollo 10 audio for Lunar Orbits 2, 3 and 4 added. Will add more as time permits. (Apollo missions > Apollo 10 > Honeysuckle audio.)


18 May 2022

Have begun to add Apollo 10 audio recorded at Honeysuckle. Will add more as time permits. (Apollo missions > Apollo 10 > Honeysuckle audio.)


10 May 2022

Added a brief tribute to Jack Duperouzel, one of the original members of the Muchea technical team. (News.)


05 May 2022

Added a memo from Ian Homewood to Bob Leslie about Prime Minister John Gorton’s planned visit to Honeysuckle Creek on the day of the Moon Landing. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Gorton visit > Photos.)

Added a page to provide links to relevant videos on my Vimeo account. Not finished, with more videos to add, and will probably include links to external videos in time. (Videos.)

Added three early photos of Orroral Valley under snow. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Construction.)


01 May 2022

Added a panorama of the HSK antenna pad taken in 2009. (Honeysuckle today > The Honeysuckle site today.)

Added updated scans of the USB Modes cheat sheets. (Station > Miscellaneous Technical Info > USB Modes.)

Started a page for Life in Carnarvon. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Life in Carnarvon.)


20 April 2022

Added a brief tribute to Doc Weaver, Officer in Charge of ARIA Control. (News.)


19 April 2022

Added a scan of the Honeysuckle Apollo 16 timeline. (Apollo missions > Apollo 16 > HSK timeline.)

Added a page for John Saxon’s conversation with Young and Duke on the lunar surface. (Apollo missions > Apollo 16 > John Saxon speaks with Orion.)

Added a scan for the Apollo 16 EVA TV seen only at Honeysuckle. (Apollo missions > Apollo 16 > Apollo 16 EVA TV only seen at Honeysuckle Creek.)

17 April 2022

Added a second photo of Honeysuckle showing the location of the temporary TV tower installed prior to Apollo 10, but for the purpose of relaying Apollo 11 TV. (Apollo 11 TV > Honeysuckle to Sydney.)

Added the Tidbinbilla manning list for Apollo 16. (Apollo missions > Apollo 16 > Tidbinbilla manning list.)


Monday 11 April 2022

Added a much better scan of the Carnarvon Site Survey in August 1962. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Site Survey 1962.)

Added an 11 April 1972 press release from the Department of Supply outlining Australian support for Apollo 16. (Apollo missions > Apollo 16 > Department of Supply Press Releases.)


Friday 01 April 2022

Added the sad news that Honeysuckle’s Tony Cobden has died in Sydney. (News.)

Added Lewis Wainwright’s recollections of the Carnarvon Site Survey in August 1962. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Site Survey 1962.)


Thursday 10 March 2022

Added the sad news that Les Whaley has died in Canberra. (News.)

Added a news item from the Mercy Village newsletter about Muchea’s Jack Duperouzel. (Other Stations > Muchea > Jack Duperouzel story.)


Wednesday 02 March 2022

Added several more photos of the early days of Tidbinbilla. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Early Days.)


Friday 25 February 2022

Added several photos of the early days of Tidbinbilla, before construction had started, and some ‘then and now’ photos. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Early Days.)

Added the start of a page for news clippings about Carnarvon, including an article in Electronics Australia, December 1965. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > News clippings.)


Sunday 20 February 2022

Added a fascinating news clippings scrapbook belonging to Dr Warren Bishop, Aeromedical Monitor at Muchea. (Other Stations > Muchea > Warren Bishop’s Scrapbook.)


Wednesday 16 February 2022

Added several Friendship 7 related items to the front page. (A lilttle more to come before the weekend.)


Tuesday 08 February 2022

Added a message from former NASA Administrator Michael Griffin which was read out at the funeral for Hamish Lindsay. (News.)


Tuesday 01 February 2022

Added a note concerning the 60th anniversary of Friendship 7 this month.


Tuesday 25 January 2022

Added a brief video tribute to Hamish. (News.)


Saturday 22 January 2022

Added the unwelcome news that Hamish Lindsay has died in Canberra. (News.)


Friday 21 January 2022

Added a photo by Hamish Lindsay of the Honeysuckle dish paraboloid survey in August 1974. (DSN Missions > Honeysuckle becomes DSS44.)

Added a scan of the Cabling requirements for Muchea Tracking Station, May 1960. (Other Stations > Muchea > Station Plans.)

Added a page for the Department of Supply’s Tom Lawrence. (Department of Supply > Pioneers > Tom Lawrence.)


Thursday 06 January 2022

Added an updated scan of one of Hamish Lindsay’s Carnarvon photos (No. 7) of preparations for the Apollo wing construction. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Hamish Lindsay photos.)

Added an updated scan of Hamish Lindsay’s photo of Don Blackman at the Carnarvon FPQ6 radar. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > FPQ6.)

Added two photos by Hamish Lindsay of snow at Honeysuckle. (Station > Snow.)


Saturday 01 January 2022

Added the October 1981 NASA News announcement of the closing of the three 26 metre DSN antennas, including Honeysuckle. (Last Days > The Last Track.)

Added a paper, “The Operation and Maintenance of Cooby Creek A.T.S. Ground Station” – by Cooby Creek’s David Hancock. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Paper by David Hancock.)

Added a photo of the Network Inspection Team walking down to the Honeysuckle Powerhouse, 06 January 1967. (People > Visitors > Mueller.)

Added a photo of Don Loughhead and Frank Hain in the Honeysuckle Computer area. (Honeysuckle People > People at Work.)


Friday 25 December 2021

Added a photo by Hamish Lindsay of the Honeysuckle canteen set up for a special lunch on the last day of Apollo 17. (Apollo missions > Apollo 17 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)


Wednesday 15 December 2021

Added a photo by Hamish Lindsay of the Honeysuckle canteen set up for a special lunch on the last day of Apollo 17. (Apollo missions > Apollo 17 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)

Added another photo of Prime Minister Harold Holt watching his computer portrait emerge from the printer at Honeysuckle on Opening Day, 17 March 1967. (Honeysuckle Early Days > Opening Day > PM Holt’s computer printout.)

Added the name of John South (Goddard Rep to Australia) to a photo of Lewis Wainwright at Goddard in March 1969. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Lewis Wainwright’s Story.)

Updated the Satellites Tracked page for Orroral to incliude WRESAT. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Satellites tracked.)


Thursday 09 December 2021

Added an updated scan of Tony Salvage on the HSK cherrypicker before dawn. (Station > More photos.)


Wednesday 01 December 2021

Added a photo of Ken Lee’s farewell from Honeysuckle in July 1970. (Honeysuckle People > People at Work.)

Renamed the recently-started “Network People” section to Space People. – It’s for some of the many people who were involved in the various stations and missions who might not fit into just one section.

Added the MSFN Technical Information Bulletin for 01 and 15 December 1967 – and also featured on the front page. (MSFN Missions> MSFN > TIBs.)

Replaced the low resolution version of Hamish Lindsay’s photo of the Gemini 4 flight control team at Carnarvon with a new high res scan. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Missions > Gemini 4 essay.)

Added a short note with the sad news that Vern McGlynn, one of the Goddard TV men at Sydney Video for Apollo 11, has died in the US. (News.)

Also the sad news that Bill Reytar, who came from Goddard to Parkes for Apollos 11 and 12, died in 2016. (News.)

Added some new scans of transparencies of the Project ANNA Darwin transportable station, thanks to Teresa Sparks. (Other Stations > Darwin> Project ANNA site.).

Added a photo of Sydney Video during Apollo 12, to Hamish’s Apollo 12 essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 12 > Hamish’s essay.).


Saturday 13 November 2021

Updated two names on the 1962 Muchea team photo taken at the time of Friendship 7. (Other Stations > Muchea > Staff photos.)

Updated the Quindar test page in Mike Dinn’s memorabilia section – the audio hadn’t been playing. (Honeysuckle People > Mike Dinn > Memorabilia > Quindar tones.)

Added an Apollo 12 link to the front page for the anniversary of the flight.


Wednesday 03 November 2021

On the page for the 1961 Dakota crash near Muchea, added the exact location of a photo taken at RAAF Pearce and also updated two photos – one of the aircraft and one of the crash scene, thanks to Grahame Higgs. (Other Stations > Muchea > Dakota tragedy.)


Monday 01 November 2021

Added TIB Vol 5 No 22 to the front page, as well as a link to mark thr 60th anniversary of the opening of Parkes. More coming soon


Sunday 24 October 2021

Added the beginnings of a page on the Surveyor TV camera. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Surveyor > Surveyor TV camera.)


Tuesday 05 October 2021

Added a photo of DSS43 under construction, as seen from the huge construction crane. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> DSS-43 Construction.)

Started a page for satellites tracked at Orroral Valley. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Satellites tracked.)

Added a scan of the GSFC Operations Plan for tracking WRESAT, November 1967. (Dept. of Supply > WRESAT > Tracking.)


Friday 01 October 2021

Added a higher resolution photo of Prime Minister Harold Holt at the Honeysuckle Ops Console on Opening Day. (Honeysuckle Early Days > Opening Day > PM Holt tries out NASCOM.)

Added several photos of Orroral Valley by Andy Kenner taken during construction. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Construction.)

Finally added the beginnings of a “Network People” section, and inside that, a page for NASA Reps to Australia. (Network People.)

Added a page for Edwin P. Hartman, the first NASA Senior Scientific Representative to Australia. (Space People > NASA Reps to Australia > Ed Hartman.)


Thursday 16 September 2021

Added some notes on the origin of the name “Wing”. (Honeysuckle Early Days > Introduction.)

Added three photos of Fresnedillas (Madrid) taken by Luis F. Rojo in 1978. (Other Stations > Fresnedillas> After Apollo.)


Sunday 05 September 2021

Added a link to the front page of Willard Scott’s NASA Audio News Features prior to Apollo 11.


Wednesday 01 September 2021

Added the MSFN Technical Information Bulletin for 18 September 1968. (MSFN Missions> MSFN > TIBs.)

Added a new scan of one of Hamish Lindsay’s classic photos of the Honeysuckle antenna. (Station > Antenna.)

Added a schematic of the Honeysuckle antenna, courtesy of Glen Nagle at CDSCC. (Station > Antenna.)


Monday 23 August 2021

Added photos of the Tidbinbilla team at Parkes for the Voyager 2 Neptune encounter in August 1989. (Other Stations > Parkes> Voyager 2.)


Thursday 05 August 2021

Added two photos by Hamish Lindsay of Tidbinbilla ladies in May 1975. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> People at Tid in the 1970s.)


Tuesday 03 August 2021

Added to the front page three photos by Hamish Lindsay of Honeysuckle tracking Apollo 15 on 04 August 1971.


Monday 26 July 2021

Have added to Hamish’s Apollo 15 essay the detail that the Qantas flight which witnessed Apollo 15 on its first orbit was flown by Capt. Frank Brown. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 15 > Hamish’s essay.)

Have added audio of a short description by Capt. Frank Brown. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 15 > Hamish’s essay.)

Have added to Hamish’s Apollo 15 essay the audio of the launch of Apollo 15. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 15 > Hamish’s essay.)


Tuesday 20 July 2021

Have added some minor updates to Hamish’s Apollo 11 essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish’s essay.)

Added updated scans of Hamish Lindsay’s Viking / DSN teams photos at Honeysuckle. (People > Viking teams October 1976.)

Added scans of several slides from Angel Ioannou of HSK during Viking support in June 1976. (DSN Missions > Project Viking.)

Added a 45 minute video of an audio recording of Net 2 and the Honeysuckle Alpha loop synchronised with the start of the Apollo 11 EVA TV. Both on the front page and in the Apollo 11 TV section. (Apollo 11 TV > TV with Net 2 and Alpha.)


Monday 12 July 2021

Added to the front page a slideshow of Prime Minister John Gorton’s visit to Honeysuckle Creek on Monday 21st July 1969, just hours before the EVA.


Thursday 01 July 2021

Added new scans of David Hooper’s transparencies of Alan Shepard’s September 1968 visit to Honeysuckle Creek. (Honeysuckle People > Visitors.)

Added photos of Apollo 15’s David Scott and Jim Irwin stepping onto the lunar surface – as seen at Honeysuckle. (Apollo missions > Apollo 15 > Hamish’s Apollo 15 essay.)

Added photos of Apollo 15 lunar liftoff – as seen at Honeysuckle. (Apollo missions > Apollo 15 > Hamish’s Apollo 15 essay.)

Added a scan of the Apollo 15 Flight Plan. (Apollo missions > Apollo 15 > Apollo 15 Flight Plan.)


Friday 11 June 2021

Added some further information about the Honeysuckle site selection, with early site visits to come soon. (Honeysuckle Early Days > Location and Site Selection.)

Added a scan of part of SCODOS, June 1967. (Honeysuckle Early Days > Opening Day > SCODOS June 1967.)

Added another three photos of the Manned Space Flight Network Inspection Team’s 06 January 1967 visit to Honeysuckle. (People > Visitors > Mueller.)

Added a higher resolution scan of Bernard Smith’s photo of Alan Shepard with Wally Smallwood’s Saturn V model at Honeysuckle in October 1968. (People > Visitors > Shepard.)

Added a high resolution scan of Hamish Lindsay’s photo of William Pickering with Tom Reid at Honeysuckle in January 1969. (People > Visitors > Pickering.)

Added several photos to the DSS-43 construction page – with many more to come. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> DSS-43 Construction.)

Added a few more photos of DSS-43. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> DSS-43 Gallery.)

Added several aerial photos of Honeysuckle Creek taken during construction in 1966. (Honeysuckle Early Days > Aerial views.)

Added a photo of Ron Hicks at one of Honeysuckle’s 642B computers. (People > At work.)

Added a photo of Bill Waugh at Honeysuckle’s Scan Converters. (People > At work.)

Added a photo of Bill Perrin in Honeysuckle’s Telemetry section. (People > At work.)

Added several more photos by Hamish Lindsay of the late DSN-era Ops Console at Honeysuckle. (DNS missions > Joining the DSN.)

Added a photo of the Honeysuckle feedcone being reinstalled during Apollo 8. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)


Saturday 05 June 2021

Added Darcy Farrell’s memories of covering Friendship 7 from Muchea. (Other Stations > Muchea > Darcy Farrell’s story).


Friday 04 June 2021

Added some Gemini 4 links to the front page, for the anniversary of the flight in 1965.


Tuesday 01 June 2021

Added enhanced versions of images of some ARIA people. (Other Stations > ARIA > ARIA People.)

Added Peter Trost’s name to this photo taken at Sydney Video on 21 July 1969. (Apollo 11 TV > What it was like in Sydney Video.)

Added a page for Lewis Wainwright’s story. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Lewis Wainwright’s Story.)


Monday 10 May 2021

Added a note to the front page about the 35th anniversary of the Orroal Valley 26 metre antenna as the Mount Pleasant Radio Telescope..


Tuesday 04 May 2021

Added a note to the front page about Alan Shepard’s Freedom 7 flight 60 years ago tomorrow.


Saturday 01 May 2021

Added to the front page a photo of Chris Kraft and Tec Roberts at Carnarvon in March 1967, Story about Lewis Wainright coming soon.

Added the Goddard Technical Information Bulletin for 03 May 1971 – linked from the front page.


Thursday 08 April 2021

Added a souvenir autograph sheet signed by members of the media who were at Houston for Apollo 11. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Apollo 11 Media.)

Added scans of two photos of Australia-born astronaut Phillip Chapman on a tour of Honeysuckle. (People and Stories > Visitors.)
Added a photo of Phillip Chapman at Tidbinbilla in 2004. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Visitors to Tid.)


Thursday 01 April 2021

Added the Goddard Technical Information Bulletin for 21 April 1971 – linked from the front page.


Wednesday 24 March 2021

Added a video to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the opening of Muchea.


Wednesday 17 March 2021

Added high resolution scans of photos of Honeysuckle Creek’s Opening Day, 17 March 1967. (Early Days > Opening > Photos Here and here).

Thanks to Bec Bigg-Wither, we’ve added re-scans of Martin Geasley’s slides of the Honeysuckle Opening Day. (Early Days > Opening > Martin Geasley’s photos.)


Saturday 13 March 2021

Added to the front page a slideshow of photos of Honeysuckle Creek’s Opening Day, 17 March 1967. Also on Vimeo.


Thursday 11 March 2021

Added another photo of Bruce Withey at Honeysuckle. (People > People at Work 3)

Added Bryan Sullivan’s story of the Honeysuckle Command Data Kluge. (Station > Command Data Kludge.)


Tuesday 02 March 2021

Added several photos of the Orroral Valley as it is today. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Orroral Today.)


Monday 01 March 2021

Added the MSFN Technical Information Bulletins for 26 February and 15 March 1971. (MSFN Missions> MSFN > TIBs.)

Added Ed von Renouard’s photo of Apollo 15 LMP Jim Irwin visiting Honeysuckle Creek on 09 November 1972. (People > Visitors > Irwin.)

Featured Apollo 9 on the front page for the 52nd anniversary. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 9.)

Added Ed von Renouard’s photo of the Fickle Finger of Fate during Apollo 14. (MSFN Missions> Apollo 14 > Hamish’s essay.)


Friday 19 February 2021

Added a video of the Honeysuckle site, a year after the bushfires. On the front page, and also on Vimeo.


Tuesday 02 February 2021

Added a scan of the Apollo 14 Flight Plan. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 14 > Apollo 14 Flight Plan.)


Monday 01 February 2021

Added the MSFN Technical Information Bulletin for 15 November 1963. (MSFN Missions> MSFN > TIBs.)

Added the MSFN Technical Information Bulletin for 16 October 1964. (MSFN Missions> MSFN > TIBs.)

Added the MSFN Technical Information Bulletin for 03 February 1971. (MSFN Missions> MSFN > TIBs.)

Added the name of Fritz Holstrom to the list of Mercury Aeromedical Monitors at Muchea. (Other Stations> Muchea > Aeromeds.)

Added a letter to Lewis Wainwright from NASA Rep Edwin Hartman at the closure of Muchea, “a truly outstanding station”. (Other Stations> Muchea > Last Days.)

Added several stories by John Lambie to the Carnarvon section. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > John’s Story. Karin’s Story. GT3 story. Meeting Pete Conrad. Gemini Coffee Lounge.)

Added some updates to the Apollo 14 section, with more to come this week. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 14.)


Monday 18 January 2021

Added quotes from Christopher Kraft about the Honeysuckle Opening Ceremony. (Early Days > Opening > Official Visitors.)

Added a scan of a 1971 NASCOM schematic, and a detail of the Australian segment. (MSFN Missions > MSFN > NASCOM).

Added photos of DSS-42 and 43 at Tidbinbilla by Hamish Lindsay in December 1975. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> Photos.)

Added photos of Frank Borman’s visit to DSS-41 Island Lagoon in March 1966. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Visitors.)

Added two more photos of the DSS-41 Control Room, thanks to Harry Hakkennes. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > DSS-41 internal photos.)

Added a detailed photo of the Honeysuckle antenna by Hamish Lindsay. (Station > More photos.)

Added two more photos of Honeysuckle taken from the water tank – both around the time of Skylab. (Station > From the water tank.)

Added a high res scan of Hamish with his theodolite on the apex of the Honeysuckle antenna, August 1971. (Station > The Antenna.)

Updated several photos of the road slips on the Apollo Road with new scans from Hamish’s negatives. (Early Days > Road.)

Added another photo of Len Litherland’s Honeysuckle Team C around the time of the Viking landings, 1976. (People > Team photos.)

Added a high res scan of Jenny Hame in the Technical Support Section, 5 June 1969. (Station > How it all worked.) and (People > At work.)

Added a black and white photo of unidentified visitors at Honeysuckle in August 1977. (People > Visitors.)


Saturday 02 January 2021

Added a scan of Woomera’s Gibber Gabber Christmas Annual for 1965. (Department of Supply > Gibber Gabber Christmas 1965).

Added updated scans of photos of the post-Apollo-16 celebrations with Swan Lager. (Apollo missions > Apollo 16 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)

Added another photo of the Manned Space Flight Network Inspection Team’s 06 January 1967 visit to Honeysuckle. (People > Visitors > Mueller.)

Added photo of DSS43 under construction, taken from Larry’s Hill. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43> DSS-43 Construction.)

Added some photos of Cyril Fenwick’s wonderful models and diorama. (News > Cyril’s models.)

Added a scan of the 07 January 1971 MSFN Technical Information Bulletin – to the front page, and also to MSFN Missions > MSFN > TIBs.


Tuesday 01 December 2020

Added a Verlort radar plot of the pass of MA-4 over Muchea in September 1961. Muchea’s very first track!. (Other Stations > Muchea > Missions supported > MA-4.)

Belatedly added an image of the new (2019) edition of To the Moon and Back. (The Books > To the Moon and Back.)

Added a new scan of Wally Smallwood in the Honeysuckle Test Equipment section, probably 1966. (People > People at Work).

Added a photo of the 1974 Honeysuckle children’s Christmas party. (People > People at Work page 2).


Saturday 14 November 2020

Added an updated scan of the team at Parkes for Apollo 12, November 1969. (Other Stations > Parkes > Apollo support.)


Monday 02 November 2020

Added the audio of Hamish Lindsay’s 1994 interview with Don Gray. (Interviews > Don Gray 1994.)


Sunday 01 November 2020

Added a photo of Hamish Lindsay and with Neil Armstrong to Hamish’s page. (People > Hamish Lindsay.)

Added PMG Senior Technician Trevor Gray’s account of getting the Apollo 11 TV from Honeysuckle to Red Hill. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 TV > Honeysuckle to Sydney.)

Added a July 1965 booklet detailing the layout and equipment for the planned station. (Early Days > 1965 booklet.)

Added a new scan of Honeysuckle’s Viking Team C. (People and Stories > 1976 Team photos.)

Added another photo taken inside the Technical Support Section. (Station > How it all worked.)


Thursday 01 October 2020

Added a updated high res scans of Ian Hahn’s early photos of Honeysuckle. (Early Days > Ian Hahn’s photos.)

Added an updated scan of Hamish Lindsay’s September 1971 photo of Bryan Sullivan in the Computer area. (People > People at Work.)

Added an updated scan of Hamish Lindsay’s August 1971 photo of Bill Perrin at the telemetry monitoring console during Apollo 15. (People > People at Work.)

Added an updated scan of Hamish Lindsay’s photo of the USB area around the time of Apollo 15. (People > People at Work.)

Added an updated scan of Hamish Lindsay’s photo of Bill Shaw inspecting wild pig damage. (People > People at Work.)

Added an updated scan of a June 1965 photo of the Honeysuckle site. (Early Days > Location.)

Added an updated scan of Hamish Lindsay’s photo of the mods to the Data end of the station prior to the J missions. (Apollo missions > Apollo 15 > Hamish’s Apollo 15 essay.)

Added a 1966 aerial photo by Hamish of Carnarvon’s T&C Building. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Views.)

Added an updated scan showing the car change area on the old Honeysuckle road – just past the creek crossing, before the clumb around Dead Man’s Hill. (Early Days > The Road.)


Wednesday 09 September 2020

Added a brief tribute to David Cooke, former Officer-in-Charge of the Parkes Radio Observatory. (News.)


Tuesday 01 September 2020

Added a copy of a 1984 newspaper report on the expected closure of the OTC Carnarvon site. (Other Stations > Carnarvon OTC > Last Days and Today.)

Added a scan of Goddard News for 15 November 1965. It includes features on Apollo computers and Orroral Valley. (Apollo missions> MSFN > Goddard News.)

Added another “Kangaroo at Honeysuckle” photo. (Station > More photos.)

Added a photo of Ian Grant. (People > Station Directors > Ian Grant.)

Added the beginnings of a page for Tidbinbilla’s Station Directors. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Station Directors.)

Added scans of Surveyor 3 images received at Tidbinbilla. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Surveyor Missions > Surveyor 3 images from Keith Aldworth.)


Thursday 13 August 2020

Added photo of DSS41 taken from the Coll Tower – tha same as was used on the final Christmas card. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > DSS41 External photos.)

Added a photo of the Receiver-Exciters at Carnarvon. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > More photos.)

Added a photo of someone – perhaps Hamish Lindsay – on the WWV tower at Carnarvon. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > More photos.)

Added a page on the Inverter Switch on the Scan Converters for Apollo 11 EVA TV. (Apollo 11 TV > Inverter Switch.)

Added a 54 minute video of Bryan Sullivan and Hamish Lindsay sharing stories of Honeysuckle, recorded in Canberra on 21 July 2013. On the front page – or here on Vimeo.

Added a photo of four of the original Tidbinbilla engineers to the front page for August.


Tuesday 04 August 2020

Added another photo of Honeysuckle from the water tank by Hamish Lindsay, taken in June 1972. (Station > From the water tank.)

Added to the front page video of a short interview with Bill Wood, Goldstone Apollo, remembering the Apollo 11 EVA.


Sunday 05 July 2020

Added a tribute to Carnarvon’s Paul Dench. (News > Paul Dench.)


Saturday 04 July 2020

Added some news clippings from Terry Newman to the Cooby achievements page. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby Achievements.)


Wednesday 01 July 2020

Added a newspaper clipping of Wally Schirra’s visit to Carnarvon in 1966. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Wally Schirra visit.)

Added Hamish Lindsay’s 1994 interview with NZ-born Geochemist Dr Stuart Ross Taylor AC. (Interviews > Stuart Ross Taylor 1994.)


Thursday 25 June 2020

Added some great photos of Goldstone by Bill Wood, with more to come. (Other Stations > Goldstone > Goldstone Gallery.)


Friday 19 June 2020

Added some video from Jan Delgado of her October 2019 visit to the Island Lagoon site. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Island Lagoon today.)


Wednesday 17 June 2020

Added a page for the DSS42 Collimation Tower, which was dismantled earlier this month. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Coll Tower.)


Monday 01 June 2020

Added Hamish Lindsay’s 1994 interview with Mike Dinn. (Interviews > Mike Dinn 1994.)

Added a page for Les Tarn, WRE Electrician who supervised the electricals on the DSS42 antenna. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Construction > Construction People: Les Tarn.


Wednesday 06 May 2020

Added Hamish Lindsay’s 1994 interview with Kevyn Westbrook on his experiences as Muchea Ground Communication Controller. (Interviews > Kevyn Westbrook 1994.)


Monday 13 April 2020

Added Bruce Window’s notes on the Apollo 13 MOCR audio tapes relating to HSK, HSKX and Parkes. (Apollo missions > Apollo 13 > Bruce Window’s notes.)

Added a wonderful PDF booklet version of Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 13 essay – thanks to Glen Nagle. (Apollo missions > Apollo 13 > PDF Booklet of Hamish’s essay.)

Added a scan of Goddard News for 13 April 1970. (Apollo missions> MSFN > Goddard News.)


Wednesday 08 April 2020

Added Cheryl Moore’s remembrances of Apollo 13 at Tidbinbilla. (Apollo missions > Apollo 13 > Cheryl Moore’s story.)

Added video of the Launch of Apollo 13 to the front page.


Sunday 01 March 2020

Added a photo of the Honeysuckle Creek opening ceremony (17 March 1967) to the front page. Further updates planned for later in March.


Friday 14 February 2020

Added a photo of Apollo 15 Lunar Module Pilot James Irwin at Honeysuckle Creek in November 1972. (People > Visitors > Irwin.)

Added a new page for the old Orroral Homestead to the Orroral Valley section. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley> Orroral Homestead.)


Saturday 01 February 2020

Added Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 14 essay as the start of an Apollo 14 section. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 14.)


Wednesday 01 January 2020

Added a scan of the 15 January 1970 MSFN Technical Information Bulletin – to the front page, and also to MSFN Missions > MSFN > TIBs.


Sunday 01 December 2019

Added a scan of a Hughes Surveyor Handbook (for Surveyor 4) to the Surveyor section. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Surveyor > Handbook.)
Added an anotated photo of the MSFN Station Directors at the July 1967 meeting at Goddard. On the front page, and in the MSFN section.
Added some Super 8 video shot by John Saxon during Skylab 2.


Monday 18 November 2019

Added a MSFN Technical Information Bulletin (Vol 6, No. 15) from 50 years ago, and a Goddard News (Vol 6, No. 1) from 56 years ago to the front page, and started a section for Goddard News.


Friday 15 November 2019

Added a link on the front page to the Apollo 12 section for the 50th anniversary of the launch. Also added a scan of pencil portraits of the crew, thanks to Bernard Smith.


Friday 01 November 2019

Added a video to the front page to remember the Apollo 11 astronauts’ visit to Sydney 50 years ago today.


Monday 14 October 2019

Also added two MSFN Technical Information Bulletins Vol 3, No. 6, March 19 1965 and Vol 6, No. 14, 22 October 1969, to MSFN Missions > MSFN > TIBs.


Tuesday 01 October 2019

Created a new section for the two relatively short-lived Darwin transportable stations. (Other Stations > Darwin.).

Added a news clipping of Muchea’s support of Faith 7 in 1963. (Other Stations > Muchea > Faith 7.)

Added a TWX sent by Ian Grant to the Network on the shutdown of DSS44 / Honeysuckle Creek, in November 1981. (Last Days > HSK closes.)

Added a new page with a few photos of the new sign on Apollo Road. (HSK Today > The Apollo Road today.)

Added several photos of DSS41’s last days. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Last Days.)

Added a photo of Honeysuckle Creek – the creek after which the Station was named. (HSK Today > Recent photos.)

Added a photo of the installation unveiled at Honeysuckle Creek for the Apollo 11 50th anniversary. (HSK Today > The site today.)


Sunday 01 September 2019

Added photos of NASA Administrator Tom Paine’s visit to Tidbinbilla, 25th February 1970. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Visitors.)

Also added the MSFN Technical Information Bulletin Vol 6, No. 13, 15 September 1969, to the front page. Others at MSFN Missions > MSFN > TIBs.) .


Saturday, 03 August 2019

Added a new video from our friends at Namadgi National Park – on the front page, and also here.

Added two oral history recordings – by Paul and Joan Dench – recorded in 1994, as they reflected on their time in Carnarvon. (Interviews > Paul & Joan Dench).

Added a link to the booklet Tidbinbilla’s Forgotten Role in the Apollo Program to the front page. (It will also go into the Tidbinbilla section.)


Thursday, 01 August 2019

Added a scan of the 15 August 1969 TIB to the front page, and to the TIB page.


Saturday, 27 July 2019

Added scans of photos of Wally Schirra’s visit to Carnarvon on 9th March 1966. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Wally Schirra visit.)


Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Added to the front page a tribute to Christopher Kraft, who has died in Houston, as well as a lovely video produced by the Namadgi National Park.


Saturday, 13 July 2019

Added several videos to the front page, and also a comprehensive list of events in Canberra which are open to the public for Moon Week.


Monday, 08 July 2019

Added the edited video of Ed von Renouard’s Super 8 footage, taken during and just after the Apollo 11 EVA, to the front page.


Monday, 01 July 2019

Updated the page with internal audio from Honeysuckle Creek at the start of the Apollo 11 EVA. (Apollo 11 TV > Net 2 and Alpha audio and transcript.)

Added to the News section links to Apollo 11 50th events at Tidbinbilla and Parkes, and other material of interest.

Added new, high resolution scans of Hamish Lindsay’s negatives of Prime Minister John Gorton’s visit to Honeysuckle Creek on the day of the Moon Landing. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Gorton visiit > Photos.)

Began a page on media interest / photos of Honeysuckle Creek prior to Apollo 11. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Pre-Mission Media Interest.)

Added the current Overseas Telecommunications Veterans Association (Australia) newsletter which features memories of OTC support for Apollo 11. (News.)

More to come later in the month (hopefully).


Saturday, 15 June 2019

Added the MSFN Post-Mission Report for AS-506, Apollo 11. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Post-Mission Report.)

Added an updated scan of a photo of the team at the Honeysuckle Operations Console before Apollo 11. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)

Updated scans of several of David Cooke’s slides taken at Parkes on 21 July 1969. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)

Added TIB Volume 6, Number 10 – 25 June 1969 – to the front page.

Added a Prime Minister’s Department Press release after Prime John Gorton visited Honeysuckle Creek on the day of the Moon Landing. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Prime Minister’s Press Release, 21 July 1969.)

Added another photo of Vice President Dan Quayle’s visit to Tidbinbilla in April 1989, courtesy Mike Dinn. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Vice President Dan Quayle’s visit.)


Saturday, 01 June 2019

Added a tribute to Richard Mallis, DSN Pioneer, who died last Sunday. (News > Richard Mallis.)

Have made available vector versions of the Apollo 11 mission patch, and two 50th anniversary logos. (Rectangular, circular.)


Saturday, 11 May 2019

Added a page on how the the Apollo 11 EVA television signal reached the United Kingdom and Europe – the long way round. (Apollo 11 TV > The UK and Europe.)

Added a scan of another of Hamish Lindsay’s classic photos of Honeysuckle – from the Tidbinbilla archives. (Station > More photos.)

Also added a recently-found b&w photo of Hamish at the servo console on 10th February 1974, during an ALSEP track. (People > Hamish Lindsay)


Wednesday, 01 May 2019

Added an updated scan (courtesy of Patrick Hetherman) and key of the August 1969 Cooby Creek staff photo. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby People.)

Added a little more information about the Penguin Award given to the Department of Supply after Apollo 11. (Apollo 11 TV > Penguin Award.)

Added an updated scan of one of Hamish Lindsay’s photos (No. 18) of the Carnarvon FPQ-6 under construction. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Hamish Lindsay photos.)

Added photos of Kevin Gallegos and Paul Hutchinson at Honeysuckle during Deep Space days. (DSN Missions > More DSS44 photos.)

Added another photo of the Manned Space Flight Network Inspection Team’s 06 January 1967 visit to Honeysuckle, courtesy of Glen Nagle. (People > Visitors > Mueller.)

Added a photo of Dr George Mueller on 01 December 1969, being presented with a photo of Honeysuckle. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS43 Groundbreaking.)

Added a photo of the Viking Shifts at Tidbinblla (DSS42 and 43), 14 October 1976. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> People at Tidbinbilla 1970s.)


Monday, 15 April 2019

Added to the front page a scan of TIB (Technical Information Bulletin) Vol 6, No 5, April 15 1969. Others at MSFN Missions > MSFN > TIBs.)


Monday, 08 April 2019

Added a photo of Cyril Vahtrick to his essay, “The Advent of Communications via Satellite: Australia's Story”. (Other Stations > OTC > Australia’s Story.)

Added updated scans of two of Hamish Lindsay’s December 1975 dawn photos of the Honeysuckle antenna. (Station > More photos.)

Added scans of the “Apollo People” and “Skylab People” souvenir autograph sheets produced at Honeysuckle. (People and Stories > Graffiti.)

Added an updated scan of the cover of Walkabout Magazine, August 1967, with a photo of Honeysuckle’s opening ceremony. (Early Days > Opening > Souvenirs.)

Added photos of Vice President Dan Quayle’s visit to Tidbinbilla in April 1989. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Vice President Dan Quayle’s visit.)


Monday, 01 April 2019

Added a scan of the MSFN Network Operations Directive Mission Supplements for AS-506, Apollo 11.(Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > NOD Supplement.)

Added a TWX from the ATS Program Director on the closure of Cooby Creek. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > End of an era.).

Added new images of Kevyn Westbrook to his interview page. (Interviews > Kevyn Westbrook.).

and some very early photos of the NASCOM center at Deakin. (Other Stations > Deakin Switch.).

Added another two photos of Honeysuckle during construction – Photos LE59718 and LE59719, taken by Hamish Lindsay from the water tank. (Station > From the water tank.)


Friday, 01 March 2019

Added a congratulatory TWX from Mercury Flight Director Chris Kraft, at the conclusion of John Glenn’s Friendship 7 flight in 1962. (Other Stations > Muchea > Friendship 7 thanks from the Flight Director.).

Added a scan of Version 5 of the Apollo 17 timeline for Honeysuckle Creek, Tidbinbilla and Parkes. (Apollo missions > Apollo 17 > Honeysuckle timeline.)

Added a TXW announcing the appointment of Ian Grant as Honeysuckle Station Director in February 1978. (People > StaDirs > Ian Grant).

Added a note about a TV link-up for the Scouts from Cooby Creek to the USA in May 1967. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby Achievements.).


Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Added some more photos of Cooby Creek, courtesy of Jack Watson. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby Photos.).

Added the name of Katbuki Tanigawa to the Cooby Creek installation photo, thanks to Terry Newman. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby People.).


Friday, 01 February 2019

Added some more photos, thanks to Glen Nagle, of the dismantling of the Honeysuckle antenna for the move to Tidbinbilla in 1982. (Last days > Dismantling the Antenna.)

Added another photo of Honeysuckle Station Director Tom Reid and Goddard Simulations Team Leader George Harris, on 29 September 1967. (Apollo Missions > Preparing for Apollo> Hamish’s Essay.)

Added a note about a much-appreciated award given to the founder of this website. (About / contact.)

Add a floor plan of Honeysuckle during Deep Space days. (Station > Floor plans.)

Added a scan of TIB Vol 6, No. 3. (20 February 1969) to the front page for February.


Monday, 21 January 2019

Added a press release announcing the opening of Carnarvon in June, 1964. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Opening.)

Added a 4 page feature from GSFC on Carnarvon. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Carnarvon Dedicated.)

Added part of a 1966 Caltex magazine for their distributors, featuring Val Jeffery and his fuel deliveries to HSK and ORR. (Early Days > Caltex supplies fuel to Honeysuckle and Orroral.)

Finally added a very special e-mail from Neil Armstrong, received at the conclusion of the Tape Search. (Apollo 11 TV > Tape Search > Neil’s letter.)


Monday, 14 January 2019

Bill Hempstead has annotated a photo of ‘the younger set’ admiring a dummy astronaut – at the opening of Cooby Creek ATS station. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby Opening Ceremony.).


Saturday, 05 January 2019

Added a new scan of a 1968 photo of senior staff at DSS-41 Island Lagoon. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Station Directors.).

Expanded the Baker-Nunn section at Island Lagoon. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Baker-Nunn.).


Tuesday, 01 January 2019

Added various Apollo 8 items to the front page, plus a scan of TIB Vol 6, No. 1.


Friday, 28 December 2018

Added more highlights of Apollo 8 audio recorded at Honeysuckle Creek. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Apollo 8 Audio Highlights.)


Friday, 21 December 2018

Added some highlights of Apollo 8 audio recorded at Honeysuckle Creek. The aim is to expand that page over the next few days. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Apollo 8 Audio Highlights.)

Added some reminiscences of Apollo 8. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Apollo 8 Recollections.)


Monday, 17 December 2018

Added an Apollo 8 pre-mission press release. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Pre-mission press release.)


Saturday, 08 December 2018

Added a wonderful PDF file of Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 8, created by Glen Nagle, to the front page. It’s an 8MB PDF file. Also in the Apollo 8 section. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8.)

Added a link to a new website by Dr. Brian J. O’Brien, Principal Investigator of the Lunar Dust Experiment. On the Links page.
Added an Apollo 17 banner to the anniversary of launch.


Saturday, 01 December 2018

Added an extensive update of Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 8 essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Hamish’s essay.)

Lots of minor additions. Plenty more on the way.


Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Added a the 15 November 1968 MSFN Technical Information Bulletin to the front page.


Thursday, 01 November 2018

Added a late 1970 paper by Ian Grant, Geoff Seymour and John Saxon enetitled Computers and Apollo. (Station > Computers and Apollo.)

Added a link to the Apollo 11 50th celebrations in Australia website produced by John Saxon for the Apollo 11 50th committee.


Saturday, 27 October 2018

Added a photo of Tidbinbilla CSR John Cummings with Station Director Tom Reid, c. 1970. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > People.)

Added new scans of photos of Apollo 7 slow scan TV. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 7 > Apollo 7 TV.)

Added scans of proofs of external photos taken at Honeysuckle in August - September 1966. (Early Days > External photos August-September 1966.)

Added photos taken by Hamish Lindsay in late 1966 showing the first road, the coll tower and equipment installation. (Early Days > Early scenes late 1966.)


Monday, 01 October 2018

Added a PDF key with names to the photos of the ARIA 4 PMEE crew and ARIA 4 Flight Crew for Apollo 13. (Apollo missions > Apollo 13 > Re-entry section > ARIA 4.)

Added some items the News and Jottings section, with the aim of adding snippets of news which may be of interest.


Saturday, 08 September 2018

Added a USAF booklet on the ARIA support of the Apollo Program. (Other Stations > ARIA > ARIA Booklet.)


Thursday, 06 September 2018

Added several photos of Island Lagoon from Jan Delgado. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Minitrack photos from Jan Delgado.)

Added updated scans of photos of Alan Shepard’s visit to Honeysuckle Creek in September 1968. (People and Stories > Visitors.)

Added an updated scan of a photo of Laurie Turner with Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt. (People and Stories > Visitors.)

Added new scans of photos of the NASCOM switching centre at Deakin. (Other Stations > Deakin Switch.)

Added some new photos of the MSFN Inspection Team’s visit to Tidbinbilla on 07 January 1967. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Visitors.)

– and also two photos of their visit to Orroral Valley. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley> Visitors.)

Added scan of a photocopy of the EKGs for Armstrong and Aldrin at the time of the First Step. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)


Wednesday, 01 August 2018

Added, to the front page, two photos of the Honeysuckle antenna tracking Apollo 15, 4th August 1971. Both photos by Hamish Lindsay.


Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Added, to the front page, draft images of the cover of a forthcoming book by Andrew Tink, “Honeysuckle Creek. The Story of Tom Reid, a Little Dish and Neil Armstrong’s First Step”. It is planned for release in November 2018.


Monday, 16 July 2018

Added photo of Prime Minister Harold Holt at the Servo Console after the opening ceremony, 17 March 1967. (Early Days > Opening > Photos.)

Added a high resolution scan of the 1969 DSS-41 Island Lagoon staff photo. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Staff photos.)

Added another of Hamish Lindsay’s photos of Honeysuckle under snow. (Station > Snow.)

Added Hamish Lindsay’s photo of kangaroos silhouetted against the dish. (Station > More photos.)

Added two early photos of Bryan Sullivan and Gordon Bendall in Computers, and two of Ian Anderson at the Servo console. (People > People at Work 1.)

Also added one of the photos to Bryan Sullivan’s descrioption of the station, where he includes a note about the printout he is examining. (Station > How it all worked > Computers.)

Added an Apollo 11 audio highlights tape. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Highlights tape.)

Added (part of) a publication published by STC, featuring Honeysuckle Creek. (People > News clippings.)


Monday, 02 July 2018

Added a scan of (a photocopy of) a signature sheet of Honeysuckle team members during Apollo 11. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Honeysuckle Signature Sheet.)

Started a page on media representatives who covered Apollo 11 at the Cape and Houston. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Apollo 11 Media.)

Added new scans of the post-Apollo 11 Honeysuckle staff photos. (People > The post-Apollo 11 Honeysuckle Creek Staff Photo.)

Added a scan of Hamish Lindsay’s classic photo of Honeysuckle under snow. (Station > Snow.)



Saturday, 16 June 2018

Added two 1965 photos of Honeysuckle during construction – taken from the water tank, and updated a 1966 photo. (Station > From the water tank.)

Added a 1966 aerial photo of Honeysuckle during contruction. (Early Days > Construction.)


Saturday, 09 June 2018

Added an updated scan of one of the black and white photos of the Honeysuckle team after Apollo 11. (People > 1969 Staff Photo.)

Added another photo of PM Harold Holt waiting for his computer portrait to print, at the opening ceremony. (Early Days > Opening > Prime Minister’s Computer Portrait.)

Added an updated scan of Hamish with theodolite near the water tank. (People > People at Work.)

Added a December 1970 plot of Honeysuckle’s dish’s antenna profile showing the range of coverage of objects in orbit or near the Earth. (The Station > The Antenna.)

Added a photo of Station Director Tom Reid farewelling Goddard Sims leader George Harris in September 1967. (Apollo Missions > Preparing for Apollo> Hamish’s Essay.)


Sunday, 27 May 2018

Added the sad news of the death of Apollo astronaut Alan Bean to the front page.

Added an updated PDF of NASA publication SP-87, the Proceedings of the Apollo Unified S-Band Technical Conference held at Goddard in June 1965. This version has had OCR run over the text. (The Station > The Apollo Unified S-Band System.)


Tuesday, 01 May 2018

Added a photo of the team at Sydney Video during Apollo 17. (Apollo missions > Apollo 17 > Apollo 17 TV.)

Added a 10 July 1969 press release from the Australian Department of Supply outlining Australian support for the Apollo 11 mission. (Apollo missions > Apollo 11 > Press Release 34.)

Added, to Hamish Lindsay’s essay, scans of a Qantas souvenir card, for passengers who saw Apollo 15 above the Indian Ocean, prior to LOI. (Apollo missions > Apollo 15 > Essay.)

Added 60 minutes of audio, recorded at Honeysuckle Creek, of Apollo 10’s post-TEI television broadcast. (Apollo missions > Apollo 10 > Post-TEI TV.)

Added updated scans of some of Bryan Sullivan’s photos. (People > The Bryan Sullivan files.)

Added a photo of the MOCR during the second Apollo 8 TV broadcast. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Apollo 8 TV.)



Monday, 16 April 2018

Added animations of photos of the jettisons of the Service Module, and then Aquarius, to Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 13 essay. (Apollo missions > Apollo 13 > Essay.)

Added a composite photo showing Jim Lovell and Jack Swigert to Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 13 essay. (Apollo missions > Apollo 13 > Essay.)



Thursday, 05 April 2018

Added a newspaper clipping on witnesses to the Apollo 13 re-entry. (Apollo missions > Apollo 13 > Re-entry section > Photographs.)

Added an audio clip of a call from Network to Honeysuckle prior the Apollo 13 re-entry. (Apollo missions > Apollo 13 > Honeysuckle Apollo 13 SRT and Comms > Network calls.)

Expanded the ARIA 4 / Apollo 13 re-entry section. (Apollo missions > Apollo 13 > Re-entry section.)


Tuesday, 20 March 2018

ACT Parks and Conservation Service, in collaboration with Google, has added Street View imagery for Honeysuckle Creek and Orroral Valley to Google Maps. Details here.


Saturday, 17 March 2018

Added audio of Laurie Turner singing two Honeysuckle Christmas Carols – from a tape kept by Alan Foster. (People & Stories > The Honeysuckle Honeys.)

Added a high resolution scan of John Saxon’s Apollo 11 Honeysuckle Creek Log. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Honeysuckle Log.)

Added audio of an Apollo 9 Back Up Voice check, recorded at Honeysuckle. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 9 > Audio recorded at Honeysuckle.)

Added a rescanned photo of John Saxon and Hamish Lindsay during Project Viking – just below the earlier scan. (People > People at Work 2).

Added several new scans of photos of the Honeysuckle Creek opening ceremony, 17 March 1967. (Early Days > Opening > Photos.)

Added a newspaper clipping of PM Harold Holt with his computer portrait at the opening ceremony. (Early Days > Opening > Prime Minister’s Computer Portrait.)


Thursday, 01 March 2018

Added two photos of Island Lagoon taken in 1981. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Island Lagoon Today.)

Added John Saxon’s Apollo 15 Honeysuckle Creek Log. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 15 > Honeysuckle Log.)


Monday, 12 February 2018

Added a photo of the crew for the first ARIA round-the-world-flight. (Other Stations > ARIA > ARIA People.)

Added a letter to Lloyd Bott from Chris Kraft in 1967, after Honeysuckle Creek’s opening. (Early Days > Opening > Thanks.)

Added new scans of ID photos taken at Honeysuckle Creek in August 1967. (People > Staff ID photos August 1967.)

Added Bryan Sullivan’s Apollo 16 Honeysuckle Creek Log. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 16 > Honeysuckle Log.)

Added a diagram of Apollo 16’s TLI burn over Australia. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 16 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)

Added a page for the Red Lake Flight Control team at Woomera / Red Lake, during Friendship 7. (Other Stations > Red Lake > Flight Control Team.)

Added a page for the Project Mercury Aeromedical Monitors. (Other Stations > Red Lake > Mercury Aeromedical Flight Controllers.)

Added a page of photos from US Aeromedical Monitor Dr. Ed Beckman – taken at Muchea. (Other Stations > Muchea > Ed Beckman photos.)

Added an updated scan of the photo of the Honeysuckle Honeys. (People > The Honeysuckle Honeys.)

Added a photo of the Apollo 11 astronauts being welcomed in Sydney’s Hyde Park, with Nicholas Shehadie (1926-2018) looking on. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Astronauts visit Sydney.)

Added a photo of Clive Broomfield at Orroral Valley to this page, and a scan he provided of Australia from a Nimbus satellite here.


Sunday, 07 January 2018

Added to the front page a link to the NASA tribute to Astronaut John Young.

Also added to the front page a Woomera Baker-Nunn photo of Gemini 10 (with John Young and Mike Collins onboard) and the Agena target vehicle.


Monday, 01 January 2018

Added a photo of NASA Super Constellation NASA 421 at Canberra Airport in 1968. (Apollo Missions> Goddard Simulation Flights > Simulation flights to Honeysuckle.).

Uploaded Philip Clark’s 8mm film from Orroral Valley to Vimeo – and it is also in the Orroral Valley scetion. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Philip Clark’s film.)

Added audio files, recorded at Orroral Valley, of their support of STS-1, the first Space Shuttle flight. Audio courtesy of Philip Clark, who is writing a book on Orroral’s Shuttle support. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > STS-1 audio.).

Added some more Orroral stories from Clive Broomfield. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Clive Broomfield.).

Plenty more to come, later this month.


Sunday, 24 December 2017

Added to the front page the video of the Genesis Reading from Apollo 8.


Saturday, 23 December 2017

Added to the front page Bruce McCandless’ message to the Australian trackers.


Sunday, 17 December 2017

Added a photo of Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt to the front page, to mark the 50th anniversary of his disappearance.


Monday, 04 December 2017

Added a photo of Australian Deputy Prime Minister Lance Barnard at CDSCC / Tidbinbilla in 1973. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Visitors.)

Added two photos of Brian Hale at the Honeysuckle Recorders circa 1971. (People > People at Work 2.)


Friday, 01 December 2017

Added a second 1963 photo of the RF survey at Tidbinbilla by Keith Brockelsby and Jeff Newnham. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Early Days.)

Added a third photo of the ELDO Council visit to Honeysuckle on 8th May 1970. (People > Visitors.)

Added a December 1966 picture of Kevyn Westbrook at Deakin exchange. (Other Stations > Deakin.)

Added another 1968 photo of senior staff at DSS-41 Island Lagoon, plus a staff photo from 1969. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Staff photos.)


Monday, 27 November 2017

Added a 1968 photo of senior staff at DSS-41 Island Lagoon. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Station Directors.)


Saturday, 25 November 2017

In the WRESAT section, added Peter Pockley’s recollections of describing the launch of WRESAT. (Dept. of Supply > WRESAT > Peter Pockley.)

Added a page for the 50th anniversary of Apollo 11. There’ll be more to come on this page!


Friday, 17 November 2017

Added some photos of WRESAT, courtesy of Dr. John A. Carver. (Dept. of Supply > WRESAT > John Carver photos.)


Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Added some photos of the old Honeysuckle site, taken by Malcolm Brinkley in 1992. (Last days > Waiting for demolition.)


Monday, 06 November 2017

Added a link on the front page to Apollo 17: Diary of the 12th Man, by Apollo 17 Astronaut, Dr. Harrison H. Schmitt.


Wednesday, 01 November 2017

Added some info from WRE’s Dick Collins on the Honeysuckle Creek site selection survey. (Early Days > Location).

Added a 1977 plan of the Orroral Valley Operations Building from Philip Clark. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Plan.)

Added a telephoto image of Honeysuckle from the water tank – taken by Hamish Lindsay in June 1972. (Station > From the water tank.)


Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Added some photos of the DSS-43 extension from 64 to 70 metres. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > DSS-43 > DSS-43 extension.)

Added two photos of Station Director Don Gray with an unidentified visitor to Honeysuckle / DSS44 in August 1977. (People > Visitors > Unidentified.)

Added the beginnings of a page for the Tidbinbilla / CDSCC Visitors’ Centre. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Visitors Centre.)

Added a photo of Tom Reid at Orroral Valley in 1965. (People > Station Directors > Tom Reid.)


Monday, 16 October 2017

Added an updated scan of Hamish Lindsay’s photo of Tom Reid and George Harris at Honeysuckle at the end of the Goddard Sim flights. (Apollo Missions > Preparing for Apollo > Essay by Hamish Lindsay.)

Added a scan of another of Hamish’s photos of Honeysuckle from the water tank – probably taken late 1969. (Station > From the water tank.)

Added an updated scan of Hamish’s photo of Ozro Covington and Dale Call at HSK in 1969. (People > Visitors > Covington & Call.)


Wednesday, 04 October 2017

Added another photo of the Honeysuckle team just after Apollo 11. This one includes the entire dish. (People > 1969 Staff Photo.)

Added two photos of the Manned Space Flight Network Inspection Team’s 06 January 1967 visit to Honeysuckle. (People > Visitors > Mueller.)

Added a photo of Casa de Collins to the Construction page. (Early Days > Construction.)

Added notes made by Howard Kyle from his visit to HSK and Tid in April 1969. (People > Visitors > Howard Kyle.)

Added a new scan of a photo of NASA Administrator Dr Thomas Paine at Honeysuckle during the Deep Space era. (People >Visitors > Thomas Paine.)

Added a photo of John Young’s 1994 visit to Tidbinbilla.. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Visitors.)


Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Added two photos of the Manned Space Flight Network Inspection Team’s 07 January 1967 visit to Tidbinbilla, as well as photos of visits by US Vice President Dan Quayle, and the Crown Prince of Spain. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> Visitors.)

Added an April 2013 photo of Don Gray to his page. (People > StaDirs > Don Gray.)

Added a photo of maintenance on the Honeysuckle antenna’s bull gears. (People > People at Work 2.)

Added some 1980 photos taken at Tidbibilla – people yet to be identified. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> People at Tid.)

Added a number of images to Mike Dinn’s page. (People > StaDirs > Mike Dinn.)


Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Added a few more photos of the construction of DSS-43 at Tidbinbilla. (in Other Stations > Tidbinbilla> DSS-43.)

Added 20 photos of Muchea from Muchea locals, the Martins, taken 1962-63. (Other Stations > Muchea > Photos from Marion Martin.)


Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Added a details of the microwave links from Parkes to Sydney for Apollo 11, courtesy of Geoff Foote. (Apollo 11 TV > Parkes to Sydney.)

Added the beginnings of a page on how Apollo 11 TV was seen behind the Iron Curtain. (Apollo 11 TV > Behind the Iron Curtain.)

Added a larger version of the tilt-corrected video of the start of the Apollo 11 EVA. (On the front page, and at Apollo 11 TV > Tilt-corrected video.)

Added links to the above video, and a number of Apollo 11-related interviews, to the front page. (Now moved to the Previously Featured page.)


Wednesday, 05 July 2017

Added a number of new scans of colour transparencies by Hamish Lindsay. (The Station > More photos and from the Water Tank, as well as People > People at Work.)


Saturday, 01 July 2017

Added a new scan of a colour transparency of Deakin Switch, by Hamish Lindsay. (Other Stations > Deakin Switch.)


Sunday, 25 June 2017

Added an excerpt from an interview with Dr. Peter Pockley, founder of the ABC’s Science Unit, recorded in 2010.

In this segment, he speaks about Australia’s contribution to the “Our World” global television broadcast, which went to air between 5:00am and 7:00am AEST on Monday 26th June 1967. On the front page, and more about Our World in the Cooby Creek section.


Thursday, 25 May 2017

Added the sad news of the death of “Fox” Mason at Parkes. (News.)


Monday, 01 May 2017

Added comments by Peter Gabelish, who witnessed (and took photos of) the Apollo 13 re-entry from the Air New Zealand DC-8 he was onboard. (Apollo missions > Apollo 13 > Re-entry section > Photographs.)

Added a plan of the Orroral Valley Operations Builing from 1966. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Plan.)

Added a featured photo to the front page – taken by Ian Hahn in late 1966, before the opening of Honeysuckle Creek. This is the first of a batch of new, high resolution, scans of Ian’s transparencies.

More to come soon.


Monday, 10 April 2017

Added the beginnings of a page for Honeysuckle’s last Station Director, Ian Grant. Details still to be added. (People > StaDirs > Ian Grant.)


Saturday, 1st April 2017

Added a excerpt from an interview recorded with the late Dr Peter Pockley. He speaks about the 1966 television programmes, “The Astronomers of Siding Sping” and “The Astronomers of Parkes” – precursors of the BBC’s “Stargazing Live”, coming from Siding Spring this week.


Friday, 24th March 2017

Added two posters for the HSK 50th designed by Glen Nagle and Hmaish Lindsay to the front page. (Poster 1, Poster 2.)
Photos from the 50th celebrations coming soon.


Saturday, 11th March 2017

Added details of events (PDF) at Questacon on Saturday 18th March, for the HSK 50th.


Monday, 6th March 2017

Added higher resolution scans of some photos of the Honeysuckle Creek opening ceremony. (Early Days > HSK Opening > Official photos.)


Wednesday, 1st March 2017

Added an audio interview from ABC Radio with John Flaxman to his page. 1. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > People at Tidbinbilla > John Flaxman.)

Embedded a British Pathe report on the opening of Honeysuckle Creek to the front page.


Sunday, 19th February 2017

Added to the front page audio of the MA-6 Friendship 7 mission – the Goddard loop recorded by Bill Miller at the Red Lake (WOM) Mercury station, in the early hours of 21 February 1962. (Other Stations > Red Lake > Friendship 7 audio recorded at Red Lake.)

Also added to the front page silent footage of Red Lake, probably filmed in November 1961. (Other Stations > Red Lake > Friendship 7 audio recorded at Red Lake.)


Monday, 6th February 2017

Added a photo of the Honeysuckle site from June 1965, probably from the initial site survey. (Early Days > Location).

Added a closeup of Wally Smallwood’s Saturn V model. (People and Stories > People at Work page 1.)

Added a higher resolution scan of “Honeysuckle Creek, the cherrypicker, and the crescent Moon at dawn” photo. (The Station. > More Photos.)

Added a photo of Hamish Lindsay standing on the apex of the HSK antenna to produce the Horizon Profile. (The Station > The Antenna.)

Added a page for Eugene Duret, who was Senior Flight Controller at Muchea for MA-8 in October 1962. (Other Stations > Muchea > Eugene Duret.)


Saturday, 4th February 2017

Added a photo by Phil Maier of Honeysuckle Ops Area in September 1974, during the conversion to the Deep Space Network. (Deep Space Missions > HSK Becomes DSS-44.)

Added a CDSCC Personnel List from 1981. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > People at Tidbinbilla.)


Sunday, 29th January 2017

Added a link on the front page to the Muchea section – for the 55th anniversary, on February 20, of the flight of Friendship 7. Also added a link to remember the C47 Dakota tragedy – in support of Project Mercury.


Friday 27th January 2017

Added a front page image in remembrance of AS-204 / Apollo 1. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 1.)

Wednesday 11th January 2017

Added the fourth of a multi-part interview with Kevyn Westbrook, recorded in January 2012. This segment is Muchea and the Astronauts. (Interviews > Kevyn Westbrook.)

Added the air-ground and Goddard loop audio of two passes of Faith 7 / MA-9, recorded at Muchea in May 1963. Previously unpublished. (Other Stations > Muchea > Faith 7 audio).


Sunday 1st January 2017

Added a simple page on AS-204 / Apollo 1, in preparation for the 50th anniversary, later this month (Apollo Missions > Apollo 1.), as well a note about significant 50th anniversaries coming up this year – on the front page.

Updated the video file of John Saxon’s 8mm movie of the HSK opening day with a larger file. Also put it on Vimeo. (Early Days > HSK Opening > John Saxon’s footage.)


Thursday 22nd December 2016

Am adding several TWXs kept by Brian Riehle to the new Apollo 8 TWXs page. Will aim to add several more over the next few days (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Apollo 8 MSFN TWXs.)


Tuesday 20th December 2016

Added several TWXs kept by Brian Riehle to Hamish’s Apollo 8 essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Hamish’s essay.)


Saturday 17th December 2016

Added information on the identity of the photographer of the The Auckland Star front page photo of the re-entry of Apollo 13. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 13 > Apollo 13 Re-entry section > Re-entry photos.).

Added several photos taken at Honeysuckle by NASA’s Don Witten during Apollo 8. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Goddard News.)

Added two great photos of the Apollo 17 Recovery. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 17 > Hamish’s essay.)


Friday 9th December 2016

Added the sad news that John Glenn has died.

Added photos of the conversion of C-135A aircraft into EC-135N ARIA aircraft at the Douglas Aircraft plant in Tulsa, Oklahoma. (Other Stations > ARIA > ARIA Conversion.) Still more to come in the ARIA section.


Thursday 1st December 2016

This month marks the 50th anniversary of the first satellite television programme to be received in Australia from the USA. Maybe not as earth-shattering as some events, but worth marking! Plus December contains the anniversaries of Apollos 8 and 17.


Friday 11th November 2016

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the launch of the last Gemini mission, Gemini 12. I have just added audio from each pass over Carnarvon (recorded at Carnarvon), in time for the anniversary. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Missions.)


Tuesday 1st November 2016

This month marks the 50th anniversary of the first satellite television programme to be broadcast from Australia. It was sent from the just-completed Carnarvon OTC Earth Station (which had been established to support the NASA Caranarvon Tracking Station), via Intelsat-IIa to Goonhilly Down in the United Kingdom.

There’s a link on the front page. I hope to add more material before the actual anniversary on November 25.


Saturday 15th October 2016

Added Geoff Smith’s name to the Cooby Creek installation team photo. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby People.)

Added a page on Cooby Creek’s “Australian Extended Operation”, with experiments for the PMG and DCA. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Extended mission.)

Added Neil Sandford’s memories of going to Cooby Creek in the Interview section. There is much more to add about Neil’s work in the NZ Post Office, Antarctica, Honeysuckle Creek and Tidbinbilla. (Interviews > Neil Sandford – editing in progress.)


Saturday 1st October 2016

This month is the 50th anniversary of the opening of Cooby Creek ATS station at Cooby Creek, near Toowoomba, Queensland. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby Opening Ceremony.)


Wednesday 21st September 2016

Added to the front page the news that Jack Garman (“the man who saved Apollo 11”) has died.


Thursday 1st September 2016

Added a link to the Australis OSCAR 5 website, put together by Owen Mace. A little-known, but pioneering, aspect of Australia’s space history. (Links.)

Added several photos of Cooby Creek from Veda Finlay. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby People and Cooby Teardown.)

More updates coming soon!


Wednesday 20th July 2016

Added Hamish Lindsay’s Viking essay (illustrations still to add), plus some Viking audio, just in time for the 40th anniversary of the Vikin 1 landing on Mars. (DSN Missions.)


Monday 18th July 2016

Added a colourised version (courtesy of Gary Peach) of the Surveyor team at Tidbinbilla – in the Surveyor section. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Surveyor > Surveyor people.).

Added the beginnings of a page on the installation of the equipment at Honeysuckle. (Early Days > Installation.)


Monday 11th July 2016

Added downloadable print-at-home Apollo 11 cards: PDF file: A4 format or US Letter format.


Monday 4th July 2016

Added some wonderful memories from Goldstone’s Chuck Koscielski, in the Island Lagoon section. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Chuck Koscielski and DSS-41 stories.)

Added various scans from Derek Bee to the Island Lagoon section. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon.)

Added a video file contributed by HSK’s Bruce Withey. It’s from an 8mm film he shot during the drive to Honeysuckle in 1968. (Early Days > The Road.)

Added the audio file of a talk given by NASA’s pioneering Flight Director, Chris Kraft, to the members and friends of the Carnarvon Rotary Club, held in the bar at the Carnarvon Race Club in March 1967. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Visitors.)

Hamish Lindsay’s new Viking 1 eassy for the 40th anniversary this month, and other material, coming soon.


Tuesday, 07 June 2016

Added a nice photo of the old Honeysuckle antenna and a rainbow – to the HSK antenna tribute page.


Wednesday, 01 June 2016

Updated the Surveyor section, with new photos, and essays by Hamish Lindsay – for the 50th anniversary of Surveyor 1, landing 02 June 1966. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Surveyor.)

Added a cartoon, “DSS42 Observation Window” to the Tidbinbilla section. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Social activities.)


Monday, 09 May 2016

Added photos of several pioneers of the Deep Space Network, on the DSS-41 Island Lagoon “Missions supported” page. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > DSS-41 Missions Supported.)

Added a recording of a 1976 network briefing on the results of the Viking landings on Mars. (Deep Space Missions > Dr Jerry Soffen briefs Australian trackers.)

Added a link to a terrific essay by William Mellberg, “Surveyor 1: America’s First Moon Landing”. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Surveyor.)

Updated the Last Days of DSS-41 page with some memories from John Heath. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Last Days.)


Monday, 02 May 2016

Added ‘new’ (at least, previously unpublished) audio of the MA-6 Friendship 7 mission – the Goddard loop recorded by Bill Miller at the Red Lake (WOM) Mercury station, 21 February 1962. (Other Stations > Red Lake > Friendship 7 audio recorded at Red Lake.)

Added Dick Hamson’s name to the Cooby Creek Antenna Installation team Photo from September 1966. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby People.)

Added some Polaroids of the Expo 67 television broadcast from Montreal, as it was received at Cooby Creek. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby Achievements.)

Added some lovely paintings of Woomera and surrounds by Pat Delgado in 1966. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Pat Delgado.)

Added a message from Dick Fahnestock to the staff of DSS41 just before the Ranger 7 lunar impact. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > DSS41 TWXs.)

Added a page on the Last Days of DSS41 Island Lagoon. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Last Days.)

Added a page on the DSS41 Island Lagoon Station Directors. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > DSS41 Station Directors.)


Monday, 04 April 2016

Added some new more photos from Woomera, 1960-1961, from Jan Delgado. (Department of Supply > Woomera > Jan’s photos.)


Thursday, 24 March 2016

Added some publicity material for Gene Cernan’s coming visit to Australia. PDF file.


Monday, 21 March 2016

Updated names on the Cooby Creek Staff Photo from August 1969. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby People.)


Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Added a PDF file of the Surveyor A (i.e. Surveyor 1) Press Kit, dated 26 May 1966. Copy preserved by Les Whaley who was at Tidbinbilla for Surveyor. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Surveyor.)


Monday, 14 March 2016

Added links to Stan Lebar’s visit to Canberra, 10 years ago this month. (People and Stories > Reunions > 2006).

Added audio and some more photos of the opening of DSIF-42 Tidbinbilla on March 19, 1965. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla.)

Added some silent footage of the construction of Honeysuckle’s 85 foot USB antenna – film from May 1966. (Early Days > Construction footage.)

Tuesday, 01 March 2016

Added a tribute to Cliff Smith, long-serving member of the team at Parkes.

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Added a story from John Penlington, who was at Muchea for the ABC to cover John Glenn’s flight. (Other Stations > Muchea > John Penlington’s story).

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

On the Links page, added The Space Association of Australia website, and to the Viking Mars Missions Education and Preservation Project website.

Added a plot of expected received data rates from Voyager 2 at Uranus encounter. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Voyager 2 support.)

Added a number of photos from Glenis Austin (nee Wilkerson) to the Muchea section. (Other Stations > Muchea.)

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Added to the front page a scan of the X-band plot of Voyager II being occulted by Uranus, – as received at Tidbinbilla, 24/25 January 1986. Tidbinbilla and Parkes were arrayed during the encounter. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Voyager 2 support.)

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Added new high resolution scans of two transparencies taken by Bill Miller at Red Lake Mercury station. (Other Stations > Red Lake > Red Lake photos.)

Monday, 11 January 2016

Added feature images for 2016 anniversaries to the front page.

Added two TWXs sent to the Australian stations, thanking them for their support of Apollo 8. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Apollo 8 Thanks.)

Added (a long overdue) link to the 2009 documentary “One Small Step: The Australian Story”, on the front page.

Monday, 21 December 2015

Added the Apollo 8 onboard audio of part of the fourth television broadcast (which included the message “for all the people back on Earth”) to the front page. More to come soon.

Friday, 06 November 2015

Added a new scan of Hamish’s May 1968 photo of Mike Dinn. (People > Individuals > Mike Dinn.)

Added a newly-scanned photo taken by Hamish Lindsay in August 1971, showing the Honeysuckle Creek USB area during Apollo 15. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 15 > Hamish’s essay.)

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Added Hamish’s classic photo of Dr George Mueller to the front page. Dr Mueller has died at the age of 97.

Tuesday, 01 September 2015

Added a PDF version of the Australian Minister for Supply’s press release the day after the Apollo 11 landing and EVA. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Press Release.)


Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Added a link on the front page to the Carnarvon support of Gemini 5, launched 50 years ago.


Saturday, 15 August 2015

Added an updated scan of Jack Garman’s Apollo 11 Computer Alarm Cheat Sheet, with grateful thanks to Jack. (Interviews > Jack Garman.)


Saturday, 08 August 2015

Added a photo of NASA Acting Administrator Thomas Paine presenting an Group Achievement Award to the Australian Department of Supply for their support of Apollo 8. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Apollo 8 Thanks.)

Added a new scan of Hamish Lindsay’s wonderfully-composed phto of George Mueller at the HSK servo console on 6 January 1967. (People > Visitors.)


Monday, 20 July 2015

Added audio of President Nixon’s conversation with the Apollo 11 crew – to Hamish Lindsay’s essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)

Added another audio tape from Apollo 11, recorded from Net 1 at Honeysuckle Creek. This covers the EVA from the reading of the plaque to the deployment of the LRRR. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Apollo 11 audio recorded at HSK.)


Thursday, 02 July 2015

Added a little more to the section on Mariner IV. (Other Stations >Tidbinbilla > Mariner IV.)

Added a better scan of a photo of the Ops console at HSK prior to Apollo 11. (People > Mike Dinn.)

Added two photos, with names, of Gene Kranz’s White Team, at the conclusion of Apollo 11. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > The White Team.)

Added two photos, with names, of Cooby Creek people – a photo of the Antenna Installation Team September 1966, and the Staff Photo from August 1969. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Cooby People.)

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Expanded the section on Mariner IV, in preparation for the 50th anniversary of Mars encounter. (Other Stations >Tidbinbilla > Mariner IV.)

Added a 1963 photo of Bob Leslie. (Other Stations >Tidbinbilla > Early days.)

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Expanded the page on the Gemini V Visual Acuity Experiment. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Visual Acuity Experiment.)


Wednesday, 03 June 2015

Australian space historian and author Colin Burgess spotted himself in the crowd at the public appearance of Frank Borman and Wally Schirra in March 1966. (Department of Supply > Pioneers > Lloyd Bott > Borman and Schirra in Sydney.)


Tuesday, 02 June 2015

Added Hamish Lindsay’s essay on Gemini IV, plus audio he recorded at Carnarvon, and other memories of America’s first space walk, just in time for the 50th anniversary. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Missions.)


Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Updated Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 13 essay, with various audio files (including the EECOM loop from Sy Liebergot) and stills from MOCR footage around the time of the explosion. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 13 > Apollo 13 Essay by Hamish Lindsay.)


Monday, 13 April 2015

Updated the Apollo 13 section, for the 45th anniversary, with some new photos,
previously unheard audio from a pre-mission simualted EVA at “Fra Mauro”,
additional HSK comms loop audio from the last track of Apollo 13,
and a letter from Stan Lebar about the colour camera used to broadcast the launch. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 13.)


Wednesday, 01 April 2015

Added some 2014 photos of the Island Lagoon site, taken by Andy Hope. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Island Lagoon Today.)

Added some more photos from the Tidbinbilla opening ceremony on 19 March 1965. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Opening.)

Added a photo of the Hughes team at Tidbinbilla for Surveyor. (Other Stations >Tidbinbilla > Surveyor > People at Tidbinbilla.)

Added a page for Tidbinbilla social activities. (Other Stations >Tidbinbilla > Social activities.)

Added a photo of Jeff Newnham and Keith Brockelsby conducting a radio survey at Tidbinbilla before the station was established. (Other Stations >Tidbinbilla > Early Days.)

Added a better scan of the Honeysuckle Creek opening day as seen from the cherrypicker. (Early Days > Opening > Photos of the Opening Ceremony.)

Updated Hamish Lindsay’s GT-3 essay. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Missions > Gemini 3.)

Monday, 23 March 2015

Added a new section for Gemini 3, launched 50 years ago today! (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Missions > Gemini 3.)

Friday, 20 March 2015

Added some more on the fire at Tidbinbilla during Apollo 11, including a photo of the damage. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish’s essay. The scroll down to “HSK MISSION DAY 2 Friday 18 July 1969.”)


Monday, 16 March 2015

Added some more on Darcy, the King of Cooby – from Ken Anderson. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > King of Cooby.)

Added another Tidbinbilla photo taken after the first operational track of Mariner 4, in 1965, with thanks to Glen Nagle. (Other Stations >Tidbinbilla > Mariner IV > Mariner IV Preparations.)

Added a scan of a 1971 JPL publication on DSS-41, Woomera. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > DSS-41 booklets.)

Added the beginnings of a new subsection on Surveyor, in the Tidbinbilla section. (Other Stations >Tidbinbilla > Surveyor.)

Friday, 13 March 2015

Added a terrific logo designed by Glen Nagle for the CDSCC 50th celebrations.


Thursday, 26 February 2015

Added a link to a video by Public Service Broadcasting of their tribute to the Apollo 11 lunar landing. Entitled “Go!”.

Added a section for the Santiago STADAN station, featuring some photos taken by William Schoene (who earlier worked at Island Lagoon Minitrack). (Other Stations > Santiago STADAN station.)


Monday, 02 February 2015

Added an interview with one of Australia’s first space trackers, Ernest (Ned) Kelly at Woomera Minitrack. (Interviews > Ned Kelly.)


Monday, 19 January 2015

Added a panorama of the Wideawake Airfirld at Ascension Island, assembled from photos taken by Tom Sheehan in 1963. (Other Stations > Ascension > Ascension Views.)

Added a comparison of ‘then’ photos of Woomera 1962-63 and ‘now’ 2012 photos – taken by Bruce Window. (Department of Supply > Woomera > Then and Now.)


Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Added information for former team members of Tidbinbilla regarding the upcoming 50th anniversary.


Friday, 19 December 2014

Added a photo of Team D at Tidbinbilla, circa 1980, thanks to Colin Schmutter. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > People.)

Monday, 15 December 2014

Added audio, recorded at HSK, of the start of Apollo 12 EVA 1, to Hamish’s Apollo 12 essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 12 > Hamish’s essay.).

Monday, 24 November 2014

Added two partial Earth Orbit Charts, and a Translunar / Transearth Trajectory Plotting Chart, to Hamish’s Apollo 11 essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish’s essay.)

Added Earth groundtrack maps and the photo Jack Schmitt presented to Honeysuckle, to Hamish’s Apollo 17 essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 17 > Hamish’s essay.)

Added images of the HGA and the docking assembly to Hamish’s Apollo 9 essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 9 > Hamish’s essay.)

Added two annotated photos of Tidbinbilla taken from 30,000 feet. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Intro and CDSCC Today.)

Added a photo of Don Gray and Mike Dinn on 13 April 2013 to Don Gray’s page. (People > Station Directors > Don Gray.)

Made some minor changes to the MCC-H page. (Apollo Missions > MCC-H.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Added the eulogy Mike Dinn gave at Don Gray’s funeral last week. (People > Station Directors > Don Gray – scroll to bottom.)

Added ‘Trouble with Galahs’ at Island Lagoon DSS41 and Minitrack (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Galahs.)

Monday, 17 November 2014

Added a link to Richard Fidler’s interview with Mike Dinn on ABC Radio last week – on Mike’s page (scroll to the bottom).

Made some minor updates to Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 12 essay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 12 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)


Monday, 10 November 2014

Added some more photos, as well as a link to a 2001 interview, to Don Gray”s page.

Uploaded an expanded version of Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 11 essay with more text and additional illustrations. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)


Thursday, 06 November 2014

Added the sad news that Don Gray has died in Canberra.


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Added two TWXs sent to the Network at the successful conclusion of Apollo 7. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 7 > TWXs.)

Monday, 06 October 2014

Added photos of the Cooby Creek installation by David Hancock and the Teardown by Neil Sandford. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek.)
More Cooby material to come soon.


Thursday, 02 October 2014

Added names of some of the Ascension Island personnel in July 1969. (Other Stations > Ascension > During Apollo.)

Uploaded an expanded version of Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 11 essay – with another update to come. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)

Added a photo of DSS-14 with Australian visitors Alan Sinclair and Bob Leslie. (Other Stations > Goldstone > DSS14.)

Added some more Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs). More to come! (MSFN Missions > MSFN > TIBs.)

Added a number of early 1970s guides to various tracking stations and their environs from BFEC. (Other Stations > BFEC Guides.)


Saturday, 23 August 2014

Added a few more Mercury-era Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) from John Lambie, and replaced a few with higher resolution scans. More to come! (MSFN Missions > MSFN > TIBs.)

Wednesday, 06 August 2014

Added some photos of Hamelin Pool Post Office & Telegraph Station, taken in August 2014. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Hamelin Pool.)

Added some memories of Snoopy, the Ascension Island Station mascot, from P J Clark. (Other Stations > Ascension > Snoopy.)

Friday, 25 July 2014

Added a Letter from NASA’s first Flight Director, Chris Kraft, to the Australian space trackers, on the occasion of the 45th Anniversary of Apollo 11. (PDF File.)


Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Have updated Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 11 essay – though the section after the end of the EVA is yet to be updated. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish Lindsay’s essay.)

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Added a page for Ascension Island Tracking Station’s mascot, Snoopy. (Other Stations > Ascension > Snoopy.)


Thursday, 03 July 2014

Added a logo for the 45th anniversary of Apollo 11. (Main.)
Added two Mercury-era Technical Information Bulletins (TIBs) from John Lambie. (MSFN Missions > MSFN > TIBs.)


Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Added a feature to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the opening of Carnarvon Tracking Station on 25th June 1964. (Main.)

Added two photos of the commemorative panels in John Glenn Park at Muchea. Sadly, they have deteriorated quite badly in the weather. (Other Stations > Muchea > Commemorative Display.)

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Added the third of a multi-part interview with Kevyn Westbrook, recorded in January 2012. This shorter 7 minute segment is on The Australian Fault Net. (Interviews > Kevyn Westbrook.)

Saturday, 07 June 2014

Added the second of a multi-part interview with Kevyn Westbrook, recorded in January 2012. (Interviews > Kevyn Westbrook.)


Friday, 30 May 2014

Added some Super 8mm footage of the Tidbinbilla DSS-43 opening on 13th April 1972 – with thanks to Robert Denize (Tidbinbilla 1972-79) who shot and edited the footage. It runs for 5 minutes. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > DSS-43 > DSS-43 Opening.)


Monday, 26 May 2014

Added a scan of the Apollo 11 Flight Plan (363 pages, dated 01 July 1969), as it was received at Honeysuckle Creek. It’s a 73MB PDF file. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Flight Plan.)


Friday, 23 May 2014

Added an interview with Jack Garman in Houston. Jack is famous for giving the GO when Program Alarms from the Apollo Guidance Computer threatened the Apollo 11 lunar landing. (Interviews > Jack Garman.)

Added scans of some very nice ‘First Day’ covers. courtesy of Milton Turner. (People & Stories > Apollo stamps and Skylab stamps.)


Thursday, 01 May 2014

Updated Bryan Sullivan’s essay on the OPs areas (Station > How it all worked)


Saturday, 26 April 2014

Added an Invitation for the 45th anniversary Space Trackers’ gathering in Canberra (840kb PDF file).


Monday, 24 March 2014

Added a new page on Stories to the Orroral Valley section. (Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Stories.)


Tuesday, 04 March 2014

Added a photo of Stirling Finlay in the Wire Room to Bryan Sullivan’s essay on the OPs areas (Station > How it all worked) and also to the People at Word section (People > People at Work).

Other minor corrections made.


Friday, 14 February 2014

Added a brief video clip from Apollo 12, where the crew send their greetings to Carnarvon and Honeysuckle. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 12 > Hello to all the troops.)

Added the first of a multi-part interview with Kevyn Westbrook, recorded in January 2012. (Interviews > Kevyn Westbrook.)


Monday, 03 February 2014

Added a little detail on the Apollo 9 launch audio. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 9 > Launch audio.)

Have updated all the text of Hamish’s Apollo 17 essay, but still some extra photos to add. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 17 > Essay.)


Saturday, 04 January 2014

Added a scan of a first day cover to commemorate Australian support for Apollo 16. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 16 > Cover.)

Have been slowly updating Hamish’s essay on Apollo 17. Currently text and a few pics updated as far as the end of Station 4, Shorty. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 17 > Essay.)


Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Added a photo of Mike Dinn with newspapers at Honeysuckle during Apollo 8. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Goddard News.)


Sunday, 01 December 2013

Made Apollo 8 the featured mission for December, in recognition of the 45th anniversary of that amazing voyage of discovery. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8.)

Added the text of a TWX sent out by the NST at Goddard at Christmas 1968. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Apollo 8 Christmas TWX.)

Added a tribute to George Barlow, WRE. (Department of Supply > Pioneers > George Barlow.)

Added some of Des Barnsley’s WRESAT newspaper clippings. (Department of Supply > WRESAT.)

Added more detail to the GT-V Visual Acuity Experiment supported out of Carnarvon, with more to come. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Stories > Visual Acuity Experiment.)


Monday, 18 November 2013

Added John Lambie’s story about hearing of President Kennedy’s assassination – via Teletype message at Carnarvon. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > JFK story.)

Added a tribute to Des Barnsley, Project Manager for WRESAT. (Department of Supply > Pioneers > Des Barnsley.)

Added a short video of Stan Lebar talking about what happened to the Apollo 12 TV camera. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 12 > TV camera.)


Saturday, 16 November 2013

Added a photo of WRESAT at Orroral Valley for RF tests – (Supply > WRESAT > Preparations.)

Added photos of the Tidbinbilla team at Parkes for Apollo 12 (Apollo Missions > Apollo 12 > Tidbinbilla team.)

Added some photos to Hamish’s Apollo 12 essay (Apollo Missions > Apollo 12 > Essay.)


Friday, 25 October 2013

Added 24 NASA Audio News clips produced just before Apollo 11. A treasure-trove of brief interviews with a range of key Apollo people. Found on one of Hamish’s audio tapes. :-) (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > NASA Audio News features.)


Saturday, 19 October 2013

Added a little information about the planned conclusion to Down Under Comes Up Live. (Other Stations > OTC Carnarvon > Down Under.)

Added several photos taken at Sydney Video immediately after the Apollo 11 EVA. (Apollo 11 > Sydney Video.)

Added a page on arrangements for the Press at Sydney Video. (Apollo 11 > Arrangements for the Press.)

Added a page of OTC Press Releases related the Apollo 11, the TV and also ARIA support. (Apollo 11 > OTC Press releases.)

Updated the (still far-from-finished) Apollo 11 TV main page. (Apollo 11.)

Added some more photos by Bryan Sullivan of PBCs from the CP 642B computer. (Station > Hardware.)

Added a much better recording of The Honeysuckle Honeys and Honeysuckle: Gateway to the Moon. (People & Stories > The HSK Honeys.)

Added an advertisement for T.H. O’Connor, the builder whose company constructed the main buildings at Honeysuckle, Orroral and Tidbinbilla. (Early Days > Construction.)

Added photos of the Opening of Cooby Creek, from the Lloyd Bott collection. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek > Opening.)

Adde a USIS Sydney Press release concerning Apollo 12. (Apollo missions > Apollo 12 > Press release.)


Monday, 07 October 2013

Added a brief tribute to Kevyn Westbrook – in the News section.

Added a photo of the Tidbinbilla Visitors’ Book for the opening of DSS-43. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > DSS43 > Opening.)

Made some updates to the Muchea section. (Other Stations > Muchea.)

Added photos of the Installation and Opening of Cooby Creek, taken by Neil Sandford. (Other Stations > Cooby Creek.)


Wednesday, 02 October 2013

Added some audio recorded by Bruce Window of satellite telemetry as received at Island Lagoon Minitrack. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Space Sounds.)

And also some photos of the Minitrack Optical telescope System at Island Lagoon. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Minitrack photos.)


Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Added a new section for the Overseas Telecommunications Commission – including a fascinating story by Cyril Vahtrick, who was involved in negotiating Australia’s role in international satellite communications. (Other Stations > OTC)


Monday, 12 August 2013

Added a tribute to Dr. Peter Pockley, who died in Sydney yesterday.


Friday, 19 July 2013

Added some onboard audio from the DSE recorder on Apollo 8 in lunar orbit. It was downlinked to Honeysuckle to Hamish’s essay on the mission and does not seem to be generally available (though the transcripts are). Apollo Missions > Apollo 8.


Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Added a terrific story and photos by Guntis (“Gus”) Berzins on his time as Senior Engineer at OTC Carnarvon, including the station becoming operational, and the historic Carnarvon – Goonhilly TV broadcast (which included Down Under Comes Up Live). Other Stations > OTC Carnarvon.


Tuesday, 04 June 2013

Added a PDF version of a 1968 UNIVAC brochure via Bryan Sullivan. Station > How it all worked.

Added the very first issue of the MSFN’s Technical Information Bulletin, from March 1963. Apollo Missions > MSFN > TIBs.

Added a audio from ten Gemini V passes over Carnarvon (1965). Other Stations > Carnarvon > Gemini V Audio.
Added Hamish Lindsay’s essay on Gemini V. Other Stations > Carnarvon > Gemini V Story.

Added much improved audio of the Opening Ceremony for Honeysuckle Creek. Early Days > Opening > Audio.

Added audio of the speech given by Sir Allen Fairhall, Minister for Supply, at the Opening Ceremony of Carnarvon Tracking Station. Other Stations > Carnarvon > Opening.


Friday, 17 May 2013

Added some really neat audio of Apollo 7 as recorded at the Corpus Christi (TEXAS) station by Dick Nafzger.
MSFN Missions > Apollo 7 > Apollo 7 audio.

Added some notes by Hamish Lindsay to the MSFN groundtrack chart – MSFN Missions > MSFN.


Wednesday, 01 May 2013

Added video of the celebrations of the 40th anniversary of the opening of DSS-43 Tidbinbilla. On the front page, and also at Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > DSS-43.

Added (but haven’t finished) a new section for Mariner IV at Tidbinbilla. Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Mariner IV.

Added a photo of a truck carrying components for Tidbinbilla crossing Commonwealth Avenue Bridge in ?1963. Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Early Days.

Added an August 1963 photo of Bob Leslie. Dept of Supply > Pioneers > Bob Leslie.

Added a photo of the USB area at Carnarvon during Apollo 8 to Hamish’s essay on the mission. Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Essay.

Added a photo of T.H. O’Connor, the Canberra contractor who worked on the contruction of Tidbinbilla, Orroral, Honeysuckle, and many Canberra public works. Other Stations > Orroral Valley > Orroral Construction.


Monday, 22 April 2013

Added new snow pictures. Station > Snow at Honeysuckle Creek.

Added the complete audio of the HSK Opening Ceremony, 17 March 1967. Early Days > Opening Day.

Added a GSFC Technical Information Bulletin (Vol 8, No 8, 17 June 1971) with stories on DSS-43 and also the Honeysuckle Creek road slip. Apollo Missions > MSFN > TIBs.


Monday, 08 April 2013

Added new scans of photos of the construction of DSS-43, for the 40th anniversary of the opening of DSS-43.

Added a few more early photos of Tidbinbilla, including one of the site before construction began. Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Early Days.


Friday, 05 April 2013

Added photos to the DSS-43 Gallery in the Tidbinbilla section, for the 40th anniversary of the opening of DSS-43. (Celebrations.)

Added a section of photos of snow at Honeysuckle. Station > Snow at Honeysuckle Creek.

Added photos by Bryan Sullivan of some UNIVAC printed circuit boards. Station > Apollo Tracking Operations – How it all worked.


Monday, 18 March 2013

Added a photo of the slow scan TV during Apollo 8 – probably taken at Goldstone. Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Hamish’s essay.

Added a photo of the HSK dish tracking NASA 421. Apollo Missions > Preparing for Apollo > Hamish’s essay.


Saturday, 09 March 2013

Added photos of the heavy transport teams carrying construction materials into Orroral Valley, 1965. Other Stations > Orroral Valley.


Tuesday, 05 March 2013

Added three charts showing the groundtrack of Apollo 17. Apollo missions > Apollo 17 > Apollo 17 groundtrack charts.


Monday, 04 March 2013

Added an updated illustration of the Passive Seismic Experiment carried on Apollo 11. Apollo missions > ALSEP > Hamish’s essay.

Added some very nice photos of the Slow Scan TV from Apollo 9. Taken at Goldstone. Apollo missions > Apollo 9 > SSTV.

Added what appears to be previously unreleased audio of the launch of Apollo 9 – recorded at Houston. Apollo missions > Apollo 9 > Apollo 9 audio.

More coming to the site soon.

Coming up on April 13, 2013, DSS43 40th anniversary celebrations at Tidbinbilla.


Monday, 18 February 2013

Added a link on the front page to the Muchea section – for the 51st anniversary of the flight of Friendship 7.

Also added a link on the front page to remember the C47 Dakota tragedy – in support of Project Mercury.

Updated the links Ron Hicks’ page. (People > Individuals > Ron Hicks.)


Monday, 04 February 2013

Added some memories of ALSEP from John Saxon. Apollo Missions > ALSEP > Hamish’s ALSEP essay.

Added a photo of Honeysuckle, showing the Near Coll Tower, taken from the water tank. Station > From the water tank.
Also added the photo and some info on the Near Coll Tower. Station > Honeysuckle Apollo Simulation System.

Added some more to Bryan Sullivan’s section on Honeysuckle’s operations areas. Station > Operations Areas at Honeysuckle.

Updated the Honeysuckle Opening section, and added larger versions of some photos by Martin Geasley.
Also updated Bruce Window’s Island Lagoon Minitrack photos.


Monday, 21 January 2013

Added an HSK Skylab Shift Roster from July 1973. People > Shift Rosters.

Added HSK Team Photos from October 1976. People > Team Photos October 1976.

Added a story from Neil Sandford about moths and power amplifiers. People > Stories.

Expanded the new section on Honeysuckle’s operations areas – by Bryan Sullivan. It’s not quite finished, but is online for comment (and for contributions!). Station > Operations Areas at Honeysuckle.

Also updated Bryan’s notes on audio recordings of SRTs during Apollo 16.

Added another Tidbinbilla photo taken after the first operational track of Mariner 4, in 1965, with thanks to Keith Brockelsby.


Wednesday, 02 January 2013

Added a little more to the Apollo 17 essay by Hamish Lindsay – still more photos to come. Apollo Missions > Apollo 17.

Updated the recording of the Apollo 17 lunar landing – recorded by Alan Foster at Honeysuckle from Net 1. Goldstone was tracking. This is a good quality recording. Apollo Missions > Apollo 17 > Updated Landing audio.

Added some scans of Tidbinbilla staff photos from (?)1968 – Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > Staff photos.

and also two photos at Tid taken after the first operational track of Mariner 4, in 1965.

Added photos of Alan Blake, Ted Wilcox, Geoff Rose and Ken Cox – and some recollections from Keith Aldworth – to the section on the Tidbinbilla TX fire in Hamish’s Apollo 11 essay. Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Essay.

Added a page on the DSS-43 support of Apollo 17. Apollo Missions > Apollo 17 > DSS-43 support.


Sunday, 09 December 2012

Added some featured items for December – on the main page. More to come soon.


Friday, 07 December 2012

The Apollo 17 essay by Hamish Lindsay is now online. It’s not completely finsihed – and there are photos, audio and video files to add – but you can read most if it now.

Also added some Apollo 17 first day covers and other material. Apollo Missions > Apollo 17.


Saturday, 01 December 2012

Added a photo to illustrate Hamish’s story ‘Banished from Honeysuckle for Life’. People > Stories.


Thursday, 22 November 2012

Added a new section on Honeysuckle’s operations areas – by Bryan Sullivan. It’s not quite finished, but is online for comment (and for contributions!). Station > Operations Areas at Honeysuckle.

Added an article (written by Milton Turner?) on the occasion of Honeysuckle’s move to the Deep Space Network in 1974. DSN Missions.

Added a photo taken by Glen Nagle out at the Honeysuckle site yesterday. Honeysuckle today > Recent photos.


Monday, 05 November 2012

Updated the Carnarvon panorama – and added a newly annotated aerial photo of Carnarvon Tracking Station from 1966. Carnarvon > Views of Carnarvon.

Added high res scans of the issue of Goddard News (January 13, 1969) reporting on the three 85 foot MSFN stations during Apollo 8.


Thursday, 01 November 2012

Added some material to the WRESAT section. Supply > WRESAT > The Satellite. (Still not finished though.)

Added various minor items in the Tid section.

Updated the Cooby Creek section.


Saturday, 27 October 2012

Added a sketch of the layout of the Guam MSFN station.

Added a copy of the first lunar seismogram – to the ALSEP section. Apollo Missions > ALSEP > ALSEP Essay.

In the Orroral Valley section,

– added a page for Station Directors,

– and a panorama of the Orroral site taken during the initial site survey.

Added a section on the opening of the Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum. Hamish Lindsay travelled back to Carnarvon for the event at which Buzz Aldrin was a special guest. Carnarvon > Carnarvon Revisited.

Added a new section for Carnarvon Memorabilia. Carnarvon > Carnarvon Memorabilia.

Added photos of the Voyager 2 Uranus encounter at Parkes – in the Parkes section.

Added 1963 photos by Dick Collins of Tidbinbilla under construction – in the Tid section.


Friday, 31st August 2012

Added photos of Neil Armstrong’s visit to the Goddard Space Flight Center in late 1969 / early 1970 (can anyone help with the date?) to thank the Manned Space Flight Network for their support of Apollo 11. Visit to GSFC in the Apollo 11 section.

Added photos of Honeysuckle Creek during Apollo 8 from Don Witten, GSFC PAO who was there for the mission. Goddard News in the Apollo 8 section.

Belatedly added the messages received for the Apollo 11 35th anniversay luncheon in 2004 – thanks to Mike Dinn.


Sunday, 26 August 2012

Added a brief tribute to Neil Armstrong to the front page. It was announced this morning (Australian time) that Neil has died at the age of 82. He will be sadly missed and fondly remembered.


Wednesday, 01 August 2012

Added a number of photos in the ARIA section.
Added info re the forthcoming book on Orroral Valley by Philip Clark.
Colour-corrected the Honeysuckle Honeys photo.
Added a few other updates for August 2012.


Friday, 20 July 2012

Added a great photo of celebrations in Sydney Video after the Apollo 11 EVA – in the Apollo 11 TV section.
Added a page on what was seen of the Apollo 11 EVA in Eastern Australia – in the Apollo 11 TV section.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Added some more photos and scans of memorabilia from John Lambie to the Carnarvon section.
Updated a number of photos of ‘Down Under Comes Up Live’ in the Carnarvon OTC section.
Also added a few new photos and some FD loop audio to Hamish’s Apollo 11 essay – in the Apollo 11 section.


Saturday, 14 July 2012

Added some photos of Island Lagoon and the areas around Woomera – to the Island Lagoon section.

Updated Hamish Lindsay’s story on the Visual Acuity Experiment at Carnarvon, and also the FPQ-6 page (adding these operational instructions).


Friday, 06 July 2012

Linked Bill Wood’s photos of Walter Cronkite’s visit to the Goldstone Apollo station before Apollo 11, to the Apollo 11 section.


Tuesday, 03 July 2012

Added or updated a large number of images in Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 11 essay in the Apollo 11 section, in the Apollo 11 TV section and across the site.

Added photos of the Penguin Award given for Apollo 11 television.

Added video of US Vice President Dan Quayle’s visiit to Tidbinbilla in 1989 – to the Visitors page in the Tidbinbilla section.

Added a combined Flight Director’s loop and Eagle onboard audio file for the Apollo 11 Lunar Ascent.

Added featured images for July 2012, the 43rd anniversary of Apollo 11.


Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Added a slightly updated version of notes on the FPQ-6 by Ken Anderson in the Carnarvon section.


Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Added an ABC-TV press release previewing Our World (press release) – to the Cooby Creek Tracking Station section.


Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Added 50 photos of Carnarvon by Hamish Lindsay. (Carnarvon > Hamish’s Photos.)
Added a note (and photo) about the Visual Acuity Experiment at Carnarvon during Gemini V. (Carnarvon > Stories.)
Added a NASA film made for the opening, to welcome Carnarvon to the NASA team – with thanks to Brian Larwood. (Carnarvon.)

Added a new scan of pioneering tracker Ed (Ned) Kelly at Island Lagoon Minitrack – from Bruce Window.

Improved the layout of the section on Prime Minister John Gorton’s visit to Honeysuckle Creek on the day of the Moon Landing.
Added a photo of the Honeysuckle antenna being attended by a cherrypicker. (Station > More photos.)


Wednesday, 06 June 2012

Added scans of the Parkes opening ceremony from 1961, with thanks to reader Dan Flett.
Added a photo of the Orroral 26m antenna in its new life at Mt Pleasant in Tasmania.


Monday, 28 May 2012

Added a series of interviews (recorded in 2010) with Richard Nafzger, in charge of ground support for Apollo television. In the Interviews section.

Added another photo of the Deakin Switch from the Lloyd Bott collection.


Thursday, 10 May 2012

Added a larger version of the Apollo 11 TV background video (via Vimeo) in the Apollo 11 TV section (which needs a bit of work).


Saturday, 05 May 2012

Added some photos of Apollo 10 TV as seen at Honeysuckle Creek, as well as a little Apollo 10 video and a few photos.

The Lloyd Bott section is not quite finished – that will be updated soon.

More coming soon!


Tuesday, 01 May 2012

Updated the DVDs info to include the Restored Apollo 11 EVA broadcast.


Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Added a scan of a very nice poster from GSFC on the Mercury Tracking and Communications networks – in the Muchea section.

Added an Essay, “Our Time”, by NASA Flight Director Gene Kranz – in the Honeysuckle Last Days section.


Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Added a couple of new photos of the 50th anniversary celebrations of Friendship 7 to the Muchea section.

Updated the Carnarvon section, and added a location photo for the Dallas – Fort Worth sign.

Added larger versions of various photos in the Tidbinbilla section, and a new section for DSS-43, with photos of the opening ceremony on April 13, 1972. Also added new scans of the groundbreaking ceremony, from Bruce Window.


Thursday, 15 March 2012

Added some photos of the 50th anniversary celebrations of Friendship 7 to the Muchea section.

Added some new staff photos from Derek Bee to the DSS-41 pages (staff, external, internal) in the Island Lagoon section.


Tuesday, 06 March 2012

Added some great 8mm footage taken by Hamish Lindsay of the construction of Carnarvon Tracking Station. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Construction.)

Also added some new pages and a number of new photos in the Carnarvon section.


Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Added a new 1961 Muchea staff photo. (The second 1961 photo on that page.)

Added new photos (both external and internal) to the Muchea section.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Added an essay on Friendship 7 by Hamish Lindsay – in the Muchea section.
Added Reg Chamberlain’s name to the 1962 Muchea staff photo.)


Friday, 17 February 2012

Added a few more photos in the Muchea section.

Added an updated version of Hamish Lindsay’s Muchea essay.


Tuesday, 07 February 2012

Added a larger scan of a slide of The Honeysuckle Honeys (People > Songs.)

Added a bit more to the Friendship 7 page in the Muchea section. (still more to come)


Thursday, 02 February 2012

Added messages for the 50th anniversary of Friendship 7 (Feb 20 1962) – from John Glenn, Chris Kraft and Mike Griffin. (Muchea > Messages.)

Added an essay on Muchea by Hamish Lindsay.
Added two new photos – of the Dakota crew, and of the Mercury equipment installed inside the aircraft. (Other Stations > Muchea > Dakota tragedy.)
Am also adding other new material to the Muchea section, so please check back.

Added some other photos I had taken of Stan Lebar’s Apollo 11 mission patch. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > A11 patch.)

Added an early photo of the entrance at Carnarvon, by Hamish Lindsay. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > photo.)


Thursday, 26 January 2012

Added new photos of the remains of Muchea Tracking Station – taken by Andew Todd in 2011. (Muchea > Muchea today > 2011.)



Saturday, 21 January 2012

Added a page dedicated to the loss of the flight crew of a C47 Dakota which crashed after flying simulation runs for Muchea. (Muchea > Dakota tragedy.)

Added three photos of Gordon Cooper (Friendship 7 Capcom) at ARDU, Laverton, on the way home from Muchea in 1962. (Muchea > More photos.)

Added slightly larger versions of the screenshots of “Down Under Comes Up Live” in the OTC Carnarvon section.



Monday, 16 January 2012

Added a link on thre front page to the State Records Office of Western Australia, with details of their celebration of the 50th anniversary of Friendship 7. (See also Muchea Tracking Station.)



Friday, 06 January 2012

Added a few photos of Ascension Island – during Apollo, and today. (Other stations > Ascension.)


Wednesday, 04 January 2012

Added some new audio of the Apollo 11 Descent and Landing – of the loops being monitored at the Network Controller’s console. (Apollo Missions > MSFN > Descent and Landing audio.)


Friday, 23 December 2011

Added a Honeysuckle recording (from Net 1) of the Apollo 17 descent and lunar landing. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 17 > audio.)

Added a photo of the newly erected sign at the old entrance to Carnarvon Tracking Station. (Other Stations > Carnarvon (scroll down).)


Monday, 05 December 2011

Added the ‘Search for the Spurs’ as the featured photo of the month. Sorry, no other updates just yet – but more are on the way!


Tuesday, 01 November 2011

Madrid: Larry Haug has shared a scan of the February 1972 Personnel Roster from Madrid MSFN. (Other Stations > Fresnedillas > Larry.)

Ascension: Added another four photos of Ascension Island to Tom Sheehan’s collection from 1963. (Other Stations > Ascension > Ascension Views.)

Orroral: Added the text of a 1987 proposal by Clive Broomfield and others turn the former Orroral Valley site into an educational centre. (Other Stations > Orroral > Proposal.)

• Also added a scan of a 1976 Department of Science brochure about Orroral. (Other Stations > Orroral > Brochure.)

Muchea: Updated the information on Friendship 7’s first pass over Muchea with the information that the bright light John Glenn saw south of Perth was probably the Kwinana Refinery south of Rockingham. (Other Stations > Muchea > MA-6.)

• Added a scan of the June 1962 Space Flight Roundup, published by the Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, celebrating Scott Carpenter’s flight. (Other Stations > Muchea > Memorabilia.)

• Added three photos of Muchea found by Tony Pelling of Tid. (Other Stations > Muchea > More photos.)

• Added searchable text to the PDF booklet about Muchea. (Other Stations > Muchea > Booklet.)

Honeysuckle: The featured photo for this month is Jack Schmitt signing the master signature sheet during his visit to HSK on 3 May 1973. (I’ve also added a larger scan of that photo.)

Houston: Tom Sheehan has pointed out a terrific article on the founding of the Manned Spacecraft Center, 50 years ago – it’s in the October 2011 issue of JSC’s Roundup. Link here.

More Honeysuckle and Tidbinbilla photos in the pipeline – and DVDs of the Apollo 11 Restored TV – coming soon.


Sunday, 09 October 2011

Updated with a new scan of my photo taken outside HSK 40 years ago today! (About > Photo.)

Updated the scan of Hamish’s Earth to the Moon Apollo 8 diagram (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > near the bottom of his essay.)

Added a new photo of Ron Hicks landing a Piper Warrior. (People > Individuals > Ron Hicks.)


Thursday, 01 September 2011

Updated photos in the Lunar Orbiter section. (Apollo Missions > Preparing for Apollo > Lunar Orbiter.)

Added a 1967 (?) photo of the Telemetry section from Bruce Withey as the featured photo.

Added two articles on the MSFN / Houston interface – a 1972 story by Richard Stachurski for a USAF publication, and a closer look at the complexity of the system by Tom Sheehan. (Apollo Missions > MSFN.)


Thursday, 21 July 2011

Added links on the front page to Prime Minister Gorton’s visit, 42 years ago today.
Also added some updated external shots of Muchea, taken from frames of movie film. In the Muchea section.



Friday, 15 July 2011

Added links on the front page to key Apollo 11 events – but see the whole section here – and the Apollo 11 TV section here.


Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Added two recent photos of DSS46, taken by Adrian Carter.
Added an undated photo of the Madrid MSFN USB area.


Monday, 20 June 2011

Added an intro page on Tidbinilla’s early days (with some 1963 photos, and a 1965 WRE map of the three ACT tracking stations) – in the Tidbinbilla section.

Added larger versions of 40th anniversary greetings videos from Bruce McCandless and Derryn Hinch – in the Apollo 11 40th anniversary section.


Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Added copy of an MDSCC promo videoin the Madrid section.


Friday, 10 June 2011

Added a page for the KC-135 used for ALOTS photographic observations (including the Apollo 11 launch) – in the ARIA section.


Friday, 03 June 2011

Added two recent photos of the OTC antennae at Carnarvon – in the OTC Carnarvon section.


Thursday, 02 June 2011

Added a scan of a ‘new’ photo of Sydney Video – in the Apollo 11 TV section.


Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Added a note to identify Hank Schultz (NASA's Rep in Spain 1968-78, and previously StaDir of Corpus Christi, 1964–1967) to a photo taken inside the Fresnedillas Ops Building in the Madrid section.

Added new scans of Apollo 7 Slow Scan TV – photos kept by Dick Nafzger (GSFC / Apollo TV). In the Apollo 7 section.

Added one new scan of Apollo 9 Slow Scan TV – in the Apollo 9 section.

Added a panoramic photo of the MOCR, from next to the DoD Observer’s position, around the time of Apollo 11 TLI. In Richard Stachurski’s section.

Swapped in some larger versions of Hamish Lindsay’s photos in People at Work 1.

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Added a link to a statement by Apollo 17 astronaut Harrison Schmitt, on the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy’s pledge to land a man on the Moon and return him safely to the Earth. In the News section.


Thursday, 10 March 2011

Added an educated guess at the Apollo 13 re-entry groundtrack – from website reader Harry Campigli – in the Apollo 13 re-entry section.

Added a link to a better quality video file of Walter Cronkite’s pre-Apollo 11 news report from Goldstone. With thanks to Bill Wood.

Saturday, 05 February 2011

Added a video interview with Stan Anderson of ARIA Control, and also updated the ARIA section (slightly). (The interview is also in the Interview section.)


Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Added Bruce Window’s photo of Ed Kelly – “one of four or five of the earliest Australian trackers of NASA spacecraft with the original 108MHz Minitrack” at Island Lagoon Minitrack.

Added a biographical note and some photos and scans from Andrew Jary – who worked at DSS42 and DSS41 – in the Tidbinbilla section.

Added a 2010 CSIRO / NASA video on CDSCC/Tidbinbilla – in the Tidbinbilla section.


Saturday, 08 January 2011

Added a new section for Interviews

– and new for this section is a multi-part interview with Bruce Window (Ops 3 or SB3 at HSK-X)

– I’ve also linked in other interviews already on the site to make them a bit more accessible.


Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Added scans of several MSFN Technical Information Bulletins – in the MSFN section.


Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Added new scans of photos of the Orroral Valley Opening Ceremony, 24th February 1966. Am looking for help in identifying some of the official party.


Monday, 27 December 2010

Added new scans of very nice photos of Orroral Valley, by Jim Thompson – preserved and scanned by Clive Broomfield.

Cleaned up / enlarged some of the images in the Apollo 8 section.


Friday, 24 December 2010

Put part of the Lunar Orbit 9 TV broadcast (Christmas Day 1968 Aust time) – and also a poem read up to the crew by Jack Schmitt, on the front page. Also made some minor corrections to times in the Apollo 8 audio as recorded at HSK.


Saturday, 18 December 2010

Apollo 8 was launched on December 21 1968. Follow the mission with audio recorded at Honeysuckle. (There’s about 50 hours of audio.)

Have also made various improvements to the site – mainly substituting larger versions of some photos.

Coming in a few days – part 1 of a fascinating interview with Bruce Window.


Saturday, 11 December 2010

Added some audio of the Apollo 17 launch (from the Voice of America) – as recorded in Sydney – to the Apollo 17 section.

Also added a PMG schematic of the microwave links from Parkes to Sydney for the Apollo 17 TV.

Moved Honeysuckle video section photos taken during Apollo 17 – to the Apollo 17 section.

Added an overview map for the Parkes to Sydney microwave links for the Apollo 11 TV. In the Apollo 11 TV section.


Wednesday, 08 December 2010

Modified the site’s CSS file to give a larger body font. (If this looks terrible on your system, please let me know.)

Added a scan of a photo of Sydney Video on 21 July 1969 – recently found by Dick Holl.

Added three horizon profiles for Honeysuckle Creek drawn by Hamish Lindsay. (Descriptions to come.) In the Station section.

Added some photos by Mike Linney of the remains of Skylab – to the Skylab section.


Monday, 06 December 2010

Added scans and audio from Richard Stachurski, who was on the Network console in the MOCR at Houston for the launch of Apollo 11, and the lunar ascent, to the MSFN section. Includes previously unreleased audio of the Network loop for the Apollo 11 launch.


Wednesday, 01 December 2010

Moved the video tribute to Tom Reid to the StaDir section.

Re-organised the MSFN section.

Added a terrific 1966 film, The Vital Link, about the Goddard networks, to the MSFN section. It’s an 80MB mp4 file.

Added some better scans of photos to Tom Sheehan’s page, in the MSFN section.

Added a Super 8 film of Orroral Valley, made by Philip Clark.

(more to come later this week.)


Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Added the not-yet-complete WRESAT section (with material courtesy Des Barnsley) in the Department of Supply section.


Monday, 11 October 2010

Added a small video file of Tom Reid being presented with the NASA Public Service Award and Medal by US Vice-President Dan Quayle in April 1989.
Also added Tom’s remarks (18MB mp4 file) at the Apollo 11 20th anniversary gathering at the Lakeside in Canberra in July 1989.


Saturday, 02 October 2010

Added a link to a YouTube video of Walter Cronkite’s visit to Goldstone in July 1969, just prior to Apollo 11 – as documented by Bill Wood’s wonderful photographs. IWith thanks to Dwight Steven-Boniecki for the link.)

Friday, 01 October 2010

Added scans of the Menu and Guest List for the Luncheon for the Apollo 11 Astronauts in Sydney on November 1st 1969 – in the Apollo 11 mission section.
Added some photos taken by Pat and Jan Delgado in Woomera township in 1961–1966.


Thursday, 02 September 2010

Added Bill Shaw as the featured photo for the month.

Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Added some photos taken by Don Gray in 1964 to the DSS-41 and Woomera township sections. Also added some photos by Bill Mettyear (Jr) to the DSS-41 section.

Sunday, 01 August 2010

Added Horrie and Betty Clissold as the featured photo for the month.

Monday, 26 July 2010

Added some terrific photos taken by Jan Delgado who was at Island Lagoon. See her 1963 Island Lagoon photos in the People at Island Lagoon section.
Also added three photos from Jan taken at Red Lake Tracking Station in 1963 – and updated that section with site plans.
(Some more of Jan’s photos to go in the Tidbinbilla section soon.)

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Added some press releases and news clippings in the Apollo 11 section.


Saturday, 17 July 2010

Added two scans of seismic plots from Ed von Renouard to Hamish’s essay in the ALSEP section.
Added a shift roster and enhanced some intercom loop audio recorded by John Saxon in the Skylab section.
Added some new photos to the Goldstone section – taken by the late Pat Delgado (DSS41) in 1965.
Added two video interviews to the Fresnedillas (Madrid) section – with Dr Manuel Bautista, and with Larry Haug. Both recorded July 21 2009.
Added a photo of John Saxon and Martin Geasley to the not-yet-written page on the Operations Console in the Station section.


Monday, 12 July 2010

Added Neil Sandford’s paper on the Honeysuckle Creek Apollo Simulation System – in the Station section.
Added some photos Neil took of downlink spectra during the Apollo 15 EVA 3 – in the Miscellaneous Technical Info section – in the Station section.
Added photos of the OTC Paddington building – in the Apollo 11 TV section.
Added an updated version of Fred Haise’s video greetings for the Apollo 11 40th anniversary celebrations. In the Apollo 11 40th section.


Monday, 05 July 2010

Added an interview recorded with Kevin Gallegos at Honeysuckle SDDS – about how he came to work at Honeysuckle, and what it was like to demodulate the Apollo 11 telemetry and to watch the TV “in glorious black and green” on his CRO. On the What happened at Honeysuckle page in the Apollo 11 TV section. (Apologies it took so long to get online!)

Added a PDF file of the booklet produced by the The American Insititute of Aeronautics and Astronautics for the event at Tidbinbilla on 25th May 2010. In the News section.

More to come soon!


Monday, 17 May 2010

Added a new scan of one of Bryan Sullivan’s photos of The Honeysuckle Honeys in 1966.
Added a photo of DSS41 Island Lagoon in the early 1960s, courtesy Don Gray.


Wednesday, 05 May 2010

Added a link re the new Carnarvon book.


Tuesday, 04 May 2010

Added info in an AIAA ceremony to mark the designation of Honeysuckle Creek, Orroral Valley and Tidbinbilla as Historic Aerospace Sites. Here’s the invitation (need to reply) and the plaque.


Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Added photos of Cooby Creek Tracking Station including some of the site today (well, 2004) by Jack Watson –
and also some photos of Carnarvon Tracking Station by John Sharples.
Also added some Carnarvon OTC photos of the 97 foot antenna under construction and the 42 foot Casshorn antenna.

Added Mike Dinn’s Memorabilia pages (previously hosted elsewhere – will open in a new window.).


Saturday, 10 April 2010

Added an interview with Bruce Window to the Apollo 13 section.


Friday, 09 April 2010

Added new material to the Apollo 13 section – notably, HSK audio, ARIA 4 audio, and have added illustrations and appropriate audio to Hamish’s essay.

Have started a section on Cooby Creek, though that is not finished.

Added the audio of Prime Minister Harold Holt’s speech at the opening of Honeysuckle Creek, 17th March 1967.

Friday, 19 February 2010

Added some new photos to the sections on Tidbinbilla, Ascension and Orroral – as well as photos of the Honeysuckle antenna being dismantled at Honeysuckle for its move to Tidbinbilla in 1982. Back to Apollo 13 next.

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Added a page for photos of the antenna on the occasion of the shutdown.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Added a note about the shutting down of DSS46 – the old Honeysuckle Creek antenna. Also added some 2005 photos of DSS46 contributed by reader Eric Fehr.

Thursday, 24 December 2009

On the main page, posted a link to video of Stan Lebar’s address to the assembled trackers at the Canberra Apollo reunion in March 2006. I am very sad to report that Stan died earlier today, Australian time.

Friday, 18 December 2009

Added a scan of a page from Swan Brewery’s ‘The Black Swan’ with the Apollo 16 HSK story.

Thursday, 17 December 2009

Added a featured photo of Prime Minister Harold Holt, who disappeared while swimming in heavy seas near Portsea in Victoria 42 years ago today.

Have added the text only of Hamish Lindsay’s terrific Apollo 13 essay – photos and audio and other stuff coming in the next couple of days. Also added to that section a photo of the trail left by Apollo 13 on its re-entry.

Have added a section for the Department of Supply – There’s just a page there at the moment, and have moved Pioneers to that section. When finished, it will include WRESAT (that’s well on the way) and other stuff. I am trying to keep the site structure clearer – in the left hand menu, with Honeysuckle above the line, and everything else below it.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Added an account of the timeline and operations of the NASCOM Deakin Switching Centre in Canberra – by Kevyn Westbrook.

Added a video greeting sent from Apollo 11 EVA Capcom Bruce McCandless II – to the 40th anniversary Greetings section.

Added some details about the links from Parkes to Sydney for the Apollo 11 TV. (More to add on this later.)

Friday, 06 November 2009

Added a featured photo for November to the main page and also an LRO image of the Apollo 12 landing site to Hamish’s essay.


Wednesday, 04 November 2009

Added a PDF file of the just-released NASA report on the Apollo 11 Tape Search.

Added the 2009 version of ‘Kangaroos on the Moon’ and also a list of official guests to the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11 at Tid – to the Apollo 11 40th anniversary section.

Added some notes from Ken Anderson (ex CRO and Cooby) on the operation of the FPQ6 Radar. On the FPQ-6 page in the Carnarvon section.

Added a snippet of comms through ARIA 3 on Apollo 11 rev 1. And from a few minutes earlier, here’s some audio from Tananarive.

Added a photo of the the MSFN StaDirs meeting at Houston in May 1968, to the MSFN section.

Added a c.1966 photo from John Heath of the Tid team furiously working away on calculations – in the Tidbinbilla Deep Space missions section.

Added two PDF files of booklets about Tidbinbilla, from 1965 and 1970.

Friday, 09 October 2009

Added two more photos to the “Honeysuckle from the watertank” series.
Added a b&w photo of Tidbinbilla with the Apollo wing added.
More coming soon.

Thursday, 08 October 2009

Added a photo of Swan Lager being enjoyed at Honeysuckle after Apollo 16.
Added a photo of Jack Swigert’s visit to HSK in May 1972.
Added some scans from the Honeysuckle VIP Visitors’ Book, and also some new photos to the Visitors page.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Added a few more photos, from the 40th anniversary celebrations including video of Neil Armstrong’s message being read.

Also added links to video of the partially restored Apollo 11 TVin the Tape Search section.

Sunday, 09 August 2009

Added a much better scan of the photo of Sydney Video – with thanks to Dick Holl.

Wednesday, 05 August 2009

Added a story by Gordon Owttrim on starting at Orroral Valley.

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Added a video interview with Ian Mackenzie who was with the Channel 7 outside broadcast unit stationed at Sydney Video during the Apollo 11 Moonwalk.

Added some photos, etc., from the 40th anniversary celebrations.

Added the poem Brian Hale wrote and read out at the lunch on Tuesday 21st July.


Friday, 24 July 2009

Added Andrew McKean’s name to this photo by Ron Hicks.

Added rarely-seen film of Apollo 11’s re-entry, as seen by the ALOTS pod on a KC-135.

Added the message we received from Neil Armstrong.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

Added a link to Bill Wood’s photos of Walter Cronkite’s visit to Goldstine on 4th July 1969.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Added a copy of a NASA media advisory on the upcoming press conference – in the Apollo 11 TV section.

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Added an interview with Mike Dinn – on the ‘What happened at Honeysuckle’ page of the Apollo 11 TV section.


Friday, 10 July 2009

Added a few extra names to the Island Lagoon / DSS41 staff photo – with thanks to John Wickens.

Added some silent footage of Sydney Video, taken just before the Apollo 11 mission – the equipment is being checked out on readiness for lunar surface TV.


Saturday, 04 July 2009

Added material to the Apollo 11 TV section, including interviews with Ed von Renouard and Bryan Sullivan at Honeysuckle, the PMG’s Bruce Ekert, who manned the video link in to Red Hill, and Wayne Ozarko, OTC tech at Sydney Video. More interviews planned. (The A11 section is still quite incomplete.)

Added a silent film of Stan Lebar demonstrating the Apollo 11 Lunar TV camera.

Added some more details on the Apollo 11 40th plans for Canberra.

Added an overview map of the MSFN prime stations.

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Added a PDF file of screenshots of the Apollo 11 Moonwalk TV showing Buzz’s face. (Apollo 11 TV > Buzz).

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Have added some stories by Larry Haug to the Madrid section (Madrid > People).

Added info on how New Zealand saw the Apollo 11 Moonwalk. (Apollo 11 TV > NZ).

Monday, 08 June 2009

Have added a section on the Ascension Island Tracking Station, added the story and an interview on how Perth saw the Apollo 11 TV, made minor updates many sections of the website – including the Station Directors section, the Sydney Video section and others.


Friday, 01 May 2009

Added some new details on 40th Anniversary celebrations – John Saxon’s info and booking pages have been updated.


Monday, 27 April 2009

Added some new details on 40th Anniversary celebrations – and a very nice 40th anniversary logo from Tidbinbilla, courtesy of Glen Nagle at CDSCC.

Much more coming soon.


Thursday, 16 April 2009

I’ve scrapped the opening splash page – and moved the photo to the Intro page. Links to the old main page will redirect to the new one.

Added some new photos and one audio file to Hamish’s Apollo 11 essay.

Added (but not quite finished) an essay on the Red Lake FPS-16 radar by Ken Anderson (ex Red Lake, CRO and Cooby).


Wednesday, 08 April 2009

Added Hamish’s Apollo 12 essay (I still have some photos and audio to add – but you can read the text!) to the new Apollo 12 section.

Added new material to the Apollo 13 section.

Added a very nice update, by Syd Buxton (Apollo enthusiast in the UK), of the Apollo Program logo.

Made the PDF file of the Carnarvon Dept of Supply booklet searchable.

Added audio of AOS just after the Apollo 11 TEI burn – as received and recorded at Honeysuckle – I put it in Hamish’s essay.

Added a timeline (PDF) of the Apollo 11 EVA TV – in the Apollo 11 TV section.

Added a newish version of the HSK / Apollo crest.

Updated a number of photos.

There are lots of loose ends on the site at the moment – apologies in advance!


Tuesday, 03 March 2009

Added a vectorised scan of the Apollo 11 mission patch, and some photos and scans on an original 1969 embroidered mission patch. (Apollo 11 > Apollo 11 patch.)

Added three names (Ernie Cummins, Ernie Schmitt and Dini Quaedvlieg) to the post-Apollo 11 staff photo, with thanks to Tony Gerada. (People & Stories > Staff photo > Photo with names.)


Thursday, 26 February 2009

Added a new logo for the Apollo 11 40th anniversary. (Apollo 11 40th logo.)

Added a bunch of photos showing ARIA people – with more photos of people and aircraft to come. (Other Stations > ARIA.)


Thursday, 19 February 2009

Added a scan of Mike Dinn’s invitation to the opening of DSS-43 at Tidbinbilla. (in Other Stations > Tidbinbilla. > DSS-43.)


Tuesday, 03 February 2009

Added a scan of the Dim Sims poster – thanks to John Saxon. (in Apollo missions > Goddard Sims.)

Added a photo taken by Nevil Eyre of NASA 421 to the Goddard Sims section.

Also added a list of all the Sim flights to Honeysuckle (PDF file).

Added a satellite image based map covering Red Lake in the north to Island Lagoon in the south. (in Island Lagoon.)

Added a photo of Lewis Wainwright (StaDir CRO, 1963–68) at GSFC in 1969. (in Carnarvon > Carnarvon people.)

Added a photo of a signed farewell banner presented to Phil Maier when he left HSK in 1980. (People > Graffiti.)

Added some photos to the ARIA section. (Other Stations > ARIA.)


Monday, 26 January 2009

Added a new page of photos taken from the water tank. In The Station section.

Thursday, 18 December 2008

In time for the 40th anniversary of Apollo 8, I’ve added MPEG4 files of highlights from the six television transmissions from Apollo 8. (Apollo 8 > Video.)

Added scans of two photos kept by Mike Dinn of the Apollo 8 TV as seen at Honeysuckle during the Genesis reading on Lunar Revolution 9.

Added a scan of a photo of Ozro Covington at the post-Apollo 8 party at the US Ambassador’s residence in Canberra – from Goddard News, April 14, 1969.

Added a photo of Bernard Scrivener at Honeysuckle, with the setup he used to record the Apollo 8 audio (and the other missions too).

Added a very nice 1'38" film clip of Stan Lebar speaking about the Apollo 11 TV cameras. (Apollo 11 TV > Westinghouse camera.)

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Added some very nice MSFN / NASCOM maps, courtesy of Bryan Sullivan. In the Apollo Missions > MSFN section (then click on NASCOM circuits).
Added a PDF file with some info on the scenes from Ed von Renouard’s Super 8 film that’s on the second Honeysuckle DVD.
Updated parts of the Apollo 11 TV section. (Still quite a bit of reorganising to do and material to add.)

Thursday, 30 October 2008

Added another video clip from Apollo 8 onboard TV – received at Goldstone. Also have updated the existing clip of the reading from the first chapter of Genesis – on lunar revolution 9. For each of these I have cleaned up the audio and made them available as MPEG4 files.

Friday, 17 October 2008

Added some new material to the Carnarvon section (there’s a nice panorama taken from the USB antenna, and many b&w photos taken around the station).

Also added a little in the Tidbinbilla section (though there’s lots more on the way) – and an introductory page on the Apollo 40th anniversaries.

Friday, 03 October 2008

Added a much higher resolution scan of Hamish Lindsay’s “Honeysuckle tracking Apollo 8” photo – in his essay on Apollo 8. (Apollo missions > Apollo 8 > Essay > photo.)

Friday, 19 September 2008

Added a photo of the visit of Lord Casey, Australian Governor-General, to Tidbinbilla in 1966. (Tidbinbilla > Visitors).

Saturday, 6 September 2008

Added 3 photos taken a few weeks ago by Ron Jarvis of what’s left of the OTC Carnarvon station. (OTC Carnarvon > Today.)

Also added two photos of the OTC Carnarvon 42 foot cass-horn. (OTC Carnarvon > 42'.)

Added a photo (with more to come) from Ted Barnes in the Orroral Valley section.

Added several more photos taken at Guam MSFN station by Brian Riehle.

Friday, 29 August 2008

Added a newspaper clipping about the Apollo 11 Astronauts’ visit to Sydney in November 1969.

Added a very useful booklet, “The Goldstone Story” – intended for new personnel at the Goldstone Apollo station. At the bottom of this page.


Thursday, 14 August 2008

After the recent death of Australian Country singer Reg Lindsay, Mike Dinn reminded me that Reg sang his trademark song “Armstrong” at the Apollo 11 20th anniversary dinner in Canberra in 1989. The event was videotaped, and is available as a 100MB (approx) / 90 minute WMV file on Mike’s US site – direct link to the 100MB video file. (We hope to make extracts available in smaller segments at some point.)


Sunday, 10 August 2008

Have updated the Goddard Sims page on the last flight of NASA 421 to Australia with some photos taken by Trevor Mosel and Stan Parkes.

Have added some more photos to the Island Lagoon section, and also added biographical notes by Pat Delgado and Jan Delgado.


Sunday, 20 July 2008

Have updated the names of people in front of the Fresnedillas antenna – taken in 1972 – with grateful thanks to David Arbesu who found a list of all in the photo.
Added four photos taken at Carnarvon by John Lambie.


Tuesday, 15 July 2008

Added a new, complete recording of Derryn Hinch’s live description of the launch of Apollo 11 on Radio 2GB in Sydney.

Saturday, 05 July 2008

Have added a new scan of a photo of the ‘cherrypicker’ at Muchea – by Hamish Lindsay.

Sunday, 22 June 2008

Have added some photos taken in April this year at the site of Island Lagoon – mainly at the Minitrack site – by Keith and Jan Aldworth. (next to come – bios and more photos of Island Lagoon from Pat Delgado and Jan Delgado.)

Added a story by Don Gray about the kangaroo sign that was at Goldstone.

Added two photos of the Guam MSFN station taken by Al Fong.

Added larger versions of a variety of photos across the site (many more to do.)

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Have added an audio recording of a Network status check immediately before the launch of Apollo 8. It runs through all of the MSFN stations and was preserved by Hamish Lindsay.


Saturday, 24 May 2008

Have updated the Apollo Range Instrumented Aircraft section. There’s still a little more to add, but there are new photos and stories.


Tuesday, 06 May 2008

Have updated the Island Lagoon (Woomera) section with photos taken by Pat Delgado and Jan Delgado. It’s not finished yet – there is more to add – but I would be glad of any feedback / more info / corrections on what’s there so far. There are some wonderful photos there.


Friday, 19 April 2008

Added a photo of Paul Oats at Carnarvon. Have made a number of minor changes, including adding larger versions of many photographs throughout the website, and also added a few photos I took at various times.


Friday, 11 April 2008

Added the video from Apollo 8 that accompanied the reading from Genesis, on Christmas Day (Australian time) 1968. This comes from some clearer video from Apollo 8 that was unearthed in the search for the Apollo 11 tapes, and is provided courtesy of Dick Nafzger at the Goddard Space Flight Center. I hope to add some more highlights of the Apollo 8 TV soon. Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Apollo 8 video.


Wednesday, 09 April 2008

Updated Alan Gilham’s Carnarvon story to a web page. Other Stations > Carnarvon > Alan Gilham > Alan’s story.

Added images of the Walkabout magazine article in “Australia and Space” from their August 1967 issue. Early Days > Opening > Souvenirs > Walkabout.


Friday, 04 April 2008

Added a terrific story by Alan Gilham about his time at Carnarvon. Other Stations > Carnarvon > Alan Gilham > Alan’s story (PDF).
(As soon as time permits, I’ll be replacing the PDF with a standard web page – with links to larger versions of the photos.)


Tuesday, 01 April 2008

Added a scan of the Apollo 17 timeline for Honeysuckle Creek – in the Apollo 17 section.


Monday, 31 March 2008

Added news about a coming picnic, and also tentative plans for the 40th anniversary of Apollo 11.

Added another classic photo of Honeysuckle – in the Station section.

Also added some new navigation to the People section and grouped the Reunion photos (such as they are) in the one spot.


Wednesday, 26 March 2008

Added a Programming certificate presented to Bryan Sullivan –in the Memorabilia section.

Added two DSN era photos of the Ops Console and Computers – in the DSN section.

Created thumbnails for the first 6 stations in the Other Stations section.

Also increased the size of the small pictures in the ARIA section and made various other changes.

Added the full audio – recorded at HSK – of John Saxon’s conversation with John Young and Charlie Duke, who were sitting in Orion on the lunar surface during Apollo 16. It’s in the new Apollo 16 audio section. (Also used the audio to correct the transcript in Hamish’s essay on Apollo 16.)


Tuesday, 25 March 2008

Added a MSFN TLI groundtrack map for Apollo 14, preserved by Bryan Sullivan. It’s in the MSFN section.


Friday, 14 March 2008

Added some photos and info on Parkes. This is a work in progress. In Other Stations > Parkes. (Apologies for so long between updates!)


Thursday, 03 January 2008

Added some audio of John Glenn’s mission from his pass over Muchea and Red Lake (Woomera). On the Missions Supported page in the Muchea section.


Sunday, 30 December 2007

Added two photos of the Australia Post stamp launch, taken at the Adelaide launch. In the News section.


Friday, 28 December 2007

Added the last of the HSK Apollo 8 audio – from Day 8 (TEC Day 4 and Re-entry). See the Apollo 8 section.


Thursday, 27 December 2007

Added audio from Day 7 (TEC Day 3). See the Apollo 8 section.


Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Added audio from Day 6 (TEC Day 2). See the Apollo 8 section.


Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Added audio from Day 5 (end of Lunar Rev 8, Rev 9 – including the reading from Genesis – and the start of TEC.). See the Apollo 8 section.


Monday, 24 December 2007

Added just over 10 hours of audio from Day 4 (Trans Lunar Coast day 3, Lunar Orbit insertion and Lunar Rev 1 and the start of Rev 2.). See the Apollo 8 section.


Sunday, 23 December 2007

Added approx 10 hours of audio from Day 3 (Trans Lunar Coast day 2). See the Apollo 8 section.


Saturday, 22 December 2007

Audio from Day 2 of the mission is now online. See the Apollo 8 section.


Friday, 21 December 2007

Have begun to add Apollo 8 audio as recorded at Honeysuckle. Audio from Day 1 of the mission is online – more to come tomorrow. See the Apollo 8 section.


Thursday, 22 November 2007

Have replaced the Apollo mission patches (at the top of each of Hamish’s essays in the Apollo section) with better versions.

More to come soon.


Sunday, 07 October 2007

Have added more photos of the stamp launches in the News section.

Have added new material to the Muchea Tracking Station section.


Tuesday, 02 October 2007

Have added a News section – and included some photos from today’s stamp launch.


Monday, 24 September 2007

Have added two audio clips to the Apollo 13 section.

Also added Hamish Lindsay’s terrific Apollo 16 essay to the Apollo 16 section. Note that not all of the illustrations have yet been added.


Thursday, 13 August 2007

Have added two terrific audio interviews – one with Mike Dinn and one with John Saxon – courtesy of James DeRuvo and Conversations with Apollo.


Thursday, 23 August 2007

Have added various material, including the beginnings of a section on the Guam (GWM) Apollo tracking station, and also some recent photos of what is left at Island Lagoon (‘Island Lagoon today’).


Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Have added various material, including a section for TWXs (network teletype messages) – some official, some less so (e.g. The Principles of Communication). (People & Stories > TWXs.)

Also added a poem written to commemorate John Saxon’s conversation with the Apollo 16 crew while they were on the lunar surface. (People & Stories > Grafitti > the poem.)

Added two stills from a NASA film – showing construction of the antenna. (Early Days > Construction.)


Saturday, 21 July 2007

Added a Flash video file on where the Apollo 11 TV was received. (Apollo 11 TV.)

Added higher quality recordings of the Apollo 11 landing and the first part of the EVA. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Apollo 11 audio.)


Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Added a TWX sent to the network as HSK was about to join the DSN. Sent at Christmas 1973. Just about every group with whom Honeysuckle worked over the Apollo years is mentioned. (Apollo Missions > Leaving the MSFN/STDN.)


Friday, 08 June 2007

Added a video of the film of Prime Minister John Gorton’s tour of the HSK Operations Building on the day of the Apollo 11 Landing. (Apollo 11 TV > Prime Minister’s visit > Tour.)

Also added a better quality clip of the Prime Minister’s statement made after he left the Operations Building. (Apollo 11 TV > Prime Minister’s visit > Statement.)

Added a brief ABC TV (Australia) news report on the upcoming mission – and the roles of Honeysuckle and Sydney Video. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Pre-mission report.)

– all of these video files are in MPEG4 format.


Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Added a terrific live description of the launch of Apollo 11 by Australian journalist and broadcaster Derryn Hinch. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > The launch of Apollo 11.)


Tuesday, 22 May 2007

Added a newspaper clipping with a nice story about Honeysuckle Creek – from early 1969. (Apollo Missions.)

Added three newly scanned photos of the Apollo 7 slow scan TV – taken at Goldstone by Bill Wood. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 7 > Slow Scan TV)

Added two pages of a MSFN Technical Information Bulletin – November 1 1968 – from Bill Wood. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 7 > TIB)

Added some more photographs I took the day the Apollo 11 Astronauts visited Sydney – Saturday 1st November, 1969. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > The Apollo 11 astronauts in Sydney.)


Wednesday, 16 May 2007

Updated Hamish Lindsay’s essay on Apollo 7. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 7 > Essay)

Added some excellent photos of the Apollo 7 slow scan TV from Bruce Withey. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 7 > Slow Scan TV)

Added a newly discovered photo of the Apollo 9 slow scan TV from Bill Wood. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 9 > Slow Scan TV)

Added a sequence of photos taken by Bill Wood at Goldstone of the Apollo 11 EVA TV – scan converted. (Apollo 11 TV > Goldstone scan-converted TV)

Added scans of three Mercury Astronauts’ entries from Theo Mathews’ autograph book. Signed at Muchea. (Other Stations > Muchea > Memorabilia)


Friday, 04 May 2007

Added Flash comparisons of Tidbinbilla before and after the Wing was built, and a comparison of photos taken in 1965 and 2006.

Added some more photos of the Satellite TV broadcast from Carnarvon in 1966. (Carnarvon OTC > TV History.)


Wednesday, 02 May 2007

Added a scan of a TWX from GSFC Sim Director Jim Kennedy to the end of Hamish Lindsay’s Preparing for Apollo essay.

Added a greeting to the troops at Carnarvon and Honeysuckle from Alan Bean during Apollo 12. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 12)

Added some Skylab audio recorded at Honeysuckle. Descriptions yet to some.


Monday, 30 April 2007

Updated the location of HSK – with info from Hamish Lindsay. (Early Days > Location.)

Added the beginnings of a new section on Red Lake (Woomera)

– and added some new pictures of Muchea – as well as two staff photos.

Made minor updates to the Carnarvon OTC section and updated the location map.

Added some terrific photos taken by Bruce Window of the Minitrack installation at Island Lagoon.

Made some minor updates to the Goddard Sims section. (Apollo Missions > Goddard Sims)


Monday, 02 April 2007

Added an updated story on The Last Track by Hamish Lindsay – including a scan of the last TWX sent from HSK/DSS44 by John Saxon. (Last Days > Last Track.)


Saturday, 31 March 2007

Added a new scan of a photo by Hamish Lindsay – showing the antenna at dawn, Tony Salvage on cherrypicker, and the crescent Moon. (Station > More photos.)


Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Added a link to the NASA Bermuda Tracking Station tribute site.


Thursday, 15 March 2007

Added several photos from today’s 40th anniversary gathering at Honeysuckle. (HSK Today > 40th anniversary)


Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Added a 1 minute video file of John Saxon’s home movie of the opening. (HSK Today > 40th anniversary)


Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Added a page for the 40th anniversary celebrations. (HSK Today > 40th anniversary)


Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Added a page on Bryan Sullivan to the People section. (People > Individuals > Bryan.)


Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Added a notes from Bryan Sullivan to his recordings of an SRT during Apollo 16. (Apollo Missions > SRTs > Apollo 16 SRT)

(Lots more to come soon: including Hamish’s Apollo 16 story.)


Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Added a new photo of all of the Honeysuckle Honeys – from Bryan Sullivan. (People > Bryan Sullivan files)

Updated various graphics on the Apollo 11 story by Hamish Lindsay. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Hamish’s essay.)


Thursday, 01 February 2007

Added two new photos of the Aus-UK TV broadcast and a page from a magazine report – in the OTC Carnarvon Earth Station section. (Other Stations > OTC Carnarvon > Downunder Comes Up Live.)

Added an MPEG4 video file of the first 5 minutes of Apollo 11 TV – almost certainly recorded at Sydney Video. Also added a comparison video showing the 4 known recordings. (Apollo 11 TV > Sydney Video.)


Tuesday, 30 January 2007

Added new photos of Alan Shepard to the Visitor’s page. (People > Visitors.)

Added a new section for the OTC Carnarvon Earth Station. (Other Stations > OTC Carnarvon.)


Tuesday, 16 January 2007

Finished adding the illustrations to Hamish Lindsay’s article on Pioneers 6 – 11. (Deep Space Network missions > Pioneers 6–11)


Friday, 05 January 2007

Added some more audio as recorded at Honeysuckle to Hamish’s Apollo 8 essay – and also added some corrected text from Hamish, to do with the crew selection with thanks to feedback from Walter Cunningham. (Apollo missions > Apollo 8 and click on “Essay by Hamish Lindsay”)

Added larger versions of scans of Ken Sheridan’s copies of the Apollo 8 commemorative medallion. (Apollo missions > Apollo 8 > Memorabilia)

Added the Mission Control emblem to the H-MCC section. (Apollo Missions > Houston > MCC-H.)


Friday, 29 December 2006

Added a scan of the 3rd floor of MCC-H. (Apollo Missions > Houston > MCC-H.)

Added a photo of Alan Foster – and more audio (launch to TLI) as recorded at Honeysuckle to Hamish’s Apollo 8 essay. (Apollo missions > Apollo 8 and click on “Essay by Hamish Lindsay”)

Added some great photos by Scott Hendry to the DSN section and the Last Days section.

Added a scan of Ken Sheridan’s Apollo 11 certificate to the Memorabilia page in the People section.

Cleaned up many parts of the site. Other sections still in progress.


Monday, 25 December 2006

Added a photo of a sim at Honeysuckle in preparation for Apollo 15. A good picture of Evan Gull from the Goddard sims team. (Apollo Missions > Goddard Sims > the photo.)


Friday, 22 December 2006

Added a TWX sent out to the Network shortly after TEI, on Christmas Day 1968. (Apollo missions > Apollo 8 > TWX).


Wednesday, 20 December 2006

Uploaded an updated and expanded version of Hamish Lindsay’s Apollo 8 essay – just in time for the 38th anniversary of the mission. (Apollo missions > Apollo 8 and click on “Essay by Hamish Lindsay”).

– this includes more audio as recorded at Honeysuckle. Listen to the full 1 hour 19 minutes of the pass during lunar Revolution 1.

Added a labelled satellite image of the site of Muchea Tracking Station. (Other Stations > Muchea> Muchea Today.)

Added a PDF map showing that the NASA Tracking Station and the OTC Earth Station at Carnarvon were not the same! (And I plan to add a section on the OTC Earth Station soon). (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Intro to Carnarvon.)

Have also tidied up miscellaneous parts of the site.


Friday, 08 December 2006

Added a link to Google Earth to the site of Muchea Tracking Station north of Perth (you can see the plan of the site overlain on the satellite imagery). (Other Stations > Muchea.)


Tuesday, 05 December 2006

Added photos taken by Alan Gilham at Carnarvon – of the site and the USB area. This section needs further work, but you can see the photos (and send in corrections to my labels). (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Alan’s photos.)


Thursday, 16 November 2006

Added Ian Mackay’s name to the 1969 staff photo – with thanks to Paula Denning. (People > 1969 staff photo > photo with names) There are still a few ‘un-named’ people. Can you help?

Updates the names of people on Les Whaley’s photos from Tidbinbilla. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > TDSCC > Les’ photos.)


Sunday, 12 November 2006

Added a photo of FPQ6 supervising engineer Len Algate at Carnarvon – taken by Hamish Lindsay. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > FPQ6.)


Friday, 03 November 2006

Added some photos of Tidbinbilla supplied by Les Whaley. Any help with IDs would be appreciated. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > TDSCC > Les’ photos.)

Added a 16.5MB WMV file of the ABC-TV Stateline segment shown in Canberra on Friday 1st September – on “The Missing Moon Tapes”. This is the first entry in the new Video section of the site. (People > Video)

Added larger versions of two of Tom Sheehan’s photos taken at Carnarvon.


Thursday, 02 November 2006

Created a new subsection for Prime Minister John Gorton’s visit to Honeysuckle Creek – between the Apollo 11 landing and the EVA. Also added the video of an ABC-TV interview with the Prime Minister at Honeysuckle – and he reads a statement on the historic achievement of the first lunar landing. (Apollo 11 TV > John Gorton’s visit)


Tuesday, 03 October 2006

Added a corrected waveform of the audio – as well as a slowed down version – of the First Step – as recorded at Honeysuckle – after media reports of Peter Shann Ford’s analysis. Make up your own mind! :-) (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 Mission > Apollo 11 audio)


Thursday, 28 September 2006

Added some stories about Island Lagoon from John Carter. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon > Stories)

Added a section for the Bochum Radio Observatory in Germany. (Other Stations > Bochum)


Tuesday, 19 September 2006

Added the text and half of the illustrations to Hamish Lindsay’s article on Pioneers 6 – 11. (Deep Space Network missions > Pioneers 6–11)

Added a scan of a 1966 US magazine article (“Forgotten Spacemen”) about Carnarvon during Gemini. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Intro)

Also added a 1966 Collins Radio article about the USB system under development. (Early Days)

– both items from Alan Gilham (ex-CRO)

Added a story by Danny Twomey. (People > Stories > The Mini and the Irishman)


Thursday, 14 September 2006

Added a photo of the Carnarvon T&C Building pre-Apollo. (Other Stations > Carnarvon > Photos)


Wednesday, 13 September 2006

Added scans of the site plan and floor plan for Muchea Tracking Station, Western Australia. Provided by Hamish Lindsay. (Other Stations > Muchea)


Tuesday, 12 September 2006

Added a scan of The Parkes supplement to the (Goddard) NOD (Network Operations Directive) Section 35 for Apollo 11 – detailing the timeline for the equipment setup at Parkes, its integration with Honeysuckle, and the paths for the various signals from Parkes and Honeysuckle. (Apollo 11 TV > TV from the Moon [scroll to the bottom of the page] > PDF)


Monday, 11 September 2006

Added some scans of slides from Bryan Sullivan. I put them in the ‘People’ section, even though some of them are more of equipment. Included are photos of John Mitchell, Henry Gilkens, Ron Hicks and Clive Cross. (People > Bryan Sullivan Files 2)

Added photos taken at Muchea Tracking Station – by Hamish Lindsay at the end of Project Mercury – and by Glenn Hooley in 2006. (Other Stations > Muchea.)


Wednesday, 06 September 2006

Added Bill Wood’s wonderful photos of the visit of Walter Cronkite and the CBS News film crew to Goldstone on July 4th 1969. (Other Stations > Goldstone > Cronkite photos.).


Monday, 04 September 2006

Added new photos taken at the Fresnedillas (Madrid) Apollo station during Skylab. (Other Stations > Madrid > More photos.).


Friday, 01 September 2006

Added some great photos taken at CDSCC (i.e. Tidbinbilla) in 1965 and this week (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla).


Friday, 25 August 2006

This new story from Space.com has an update on the tape search.


Friday, 18 August 2006

Added a new section on Mission Control Center, Houston. (Apollo Missions > Houston)


Thursday, 17 August 2006

See this video file from WJZ channel 13 in Baltimore on the tape search.

This earlier story from Space.com lacks the sensational nature of a lot of the mainstream media coverage and just concentrates on the facts. :-)


Wednesday, 16 August 2006

NASA’s update on the search for the Apollo 11 tapes. See this on the NASA website.


Monday, 31 July 2006

Added a link to the (US) National Public Radio story on the search for the Apollo 11 slow scan TV tapes.


Saturday, 22 July 2006

Added links to Nevil Eyre’s photos taken at Honeysuckle and also Cooby Creek tracking station. (Honeysuckle Links)


Friday, 21 July 2006

Added the audio of the First Step – as recorded at Honeysuckle. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 Mission > Apollo 11 audio)


Thursday, 20 July 2006

Added a new 3 page flyer about the search for the Apollo 11 telemetry / slow scan TV tapes to the Apollo 11 TV section. It’s a 1.6MB PDF file. (Apollo 11 TV > Tape Search > Flyer)

Added a new section for Audio of the Apollo 11 Mission – as recorded at Honeysuckle – and have started with a 52 minute recording of the descent and landing. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 Mission > Apollo 11 audio)


Friday, 14 July 2006

Added some links to make navigation easier for any who visit the site from the Slashdot story.


Thursday, 13 July 2006

Added links to Paypal, to make it easier to buy copies of the DVDs.

Added a story from Hamish Lindsay on using the FPQ6 Radar at Carnarvon.


Monday, 03 July 2006

Added a newly discovered audio recording (from Bryan Sullivan) of an SRT and the lunar landing of Apollo 16. In the newly started SRT section. (Apollo missions > SRTs)

Also added a Google Earth placemark, complete with overlays of plans of the Station – with thanks to Harald Kucharek. (The Station)

Added three photographs taken the day the Apollo 11 Astronauts visited Sydney – Saturday 1st November, 1969. With thanks to Glen Nagle. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > The Apollo 11 astronauts in Sydney.)


Saturday, 24 June 2006

Added an except from the May-June edition of the Northrop Grumman staff newsletter “Circuit” – which features an article on Stan Lebar’s visit to Canberra with the Lunar TV camera. On the 2006 Reunion page.(scroll down)


Wednesday, 07 June 2006

Added a new photo of the Honeysuckle Honeys to the Bryan Sullivan files. It’s a scan of one of Bryan’s slides. I have some more photos from Bryan which will go on ASAP.


Wednesday, 31 May 2006

Added a new subsection – The search for the Apollo 11 TV tapes (recorded at Goldstone, Honeysuckle and Parkes) – including a paper by John Sarkissian at Parkes on the state of the search. (Apollo 11 TV > Tapes)

Added some info about Surveyor 1 – launched 30 May 1966, and tracked to the lunar surface by Tidbinbilla. (Apollo Missions > Preparing for Apollo > Surveyor.)


Saturday, 21 May 2006

With the help of Martin Geasley, have added a few more names to the 1969 photo (P. Kent and Ross Barnes). (People > 1969 staff photo)


Thursday, 18 May 2006

Updated the names on the 1969 photo and added Barry Currie. (With thanks to Don Loughhead, Bryan Sullivan and Martin Geasley) (People > 1969 staff photo)


Tuesday, 09 May 2006

Added the names of three more people on the 1969 staff photo – (Henry Gilkins – Computer Technician, Kevin Crabbe – Teletype Operator and Jeff Day – Wireroom Technician) with thanks to Martin Geasley. There are still 7 who are unidentified. (People > 1969 staff photo)

Also, various corrections have been made to the Apollo 11 TV section – and scans of the OTC Moree Earth Station and the Pacific Intelsat II satellite have been added.


Monday, 01 May 2006

Added a set of photos taken by Martin Geasley at the Opening of Honeysuckle Creek, 17th March 1967. (Early Days > Opening > Martin’s photos).


Wednesday, 05 April 2006

Added a photo of NASA 421 from a newly scanned slide from Nevil Eyre – featured photo for April.


Thursday, 23 March 2006

Added some more information about the DVDs.


Saturday, 18 March 2006

Added video files of the heartfelt address given to the Apollo lunch by Stan Lebar. On the 2006 Reunion page.


Friday, 17 March 2006

Added some photos from the 2006 Reunion lunch in Canberra (these aren’t all the photos taken – we hope to add more soon).


Thursday, 02 March 2006

Added details of Stan Lebar’s public lectures – with the Apollo 11 TV camera.


Saturday, 04 February 2006

Added Paula Denning’s name to the 1969 staff photo (with thanks to Bryan Sullivan).


Thursday, 02 February 2006

Added two photos of Alan Shepard’s visit to HSK in 1968, and a lovely photo of the HSK site taken from near the water tank. Both by David Hooper (Telemetry 1967–68).

Also added a “Request for help” page. (Can you help identify this person?)


Wednesday, 18 January 2006

Added a 12.6MB MPEG4 video file of Neil Armstrong on the ladder – through to the First Step – as recorded from Australian TV using Honeysuckle’s picture. This footage complement’s Ed von Renouard’s Super 8 footage and is considerably better than what the rest of the world saw. This is a copy of the only known recording. (Apollo 11 TV > Australian Broadcast.)


Friday, 23 December 2005

Added some clips of Net 1 audio, from Apollo 8, recorded at Honeysuckle Creek– to Hamish’s essay on Apollo 8 (Apollo missions > Apollo 8 > Essay).


Thursday, 08 December 2005

Updated the Apollo 11 EVA Stills page, and posted a new version of the video file of Ed von Renouard’s Super 8 footage of the Apollo 11 PLSS dumping.


Wednesday, 07 December 2005

Added a PDF document (4.2MB) comparing still pictures taken of the monitors at the tracking stations during the Apollo 11 EVA. (Apollo 11 EVA TV > PDF).


Wednesday, 23 November 2005

Added a Flash version of the clip of Neil Armstrong on the ladder – on Ed von Renouard’s Super 8 movies of the Apollo 11 EVA page.


Saturday, 19 November 2005

Added a clip of Neil Armstrong on the ladder – on Ed von Renouard’s Super 8 movies of the Apollo 11 EVA page.


Thursday, 17 November 2005

Added a page about Ed von Renouard’s Super 8 movies of the Apollo 11 EVA – and a clip of the PLSS backpacks being dumped down the ladder, two and a half hours after the EVA.


Thursday, 10 November 2005

Added a scan of the names from the November 1969 HSK Staff List. (People)


Wednesday, 02 November 2005

Added two photos takn from Ed von Renouard’s Super 8 movie – of the Receiver / Exciter positions at the end of the Apollo 11 EVA.


Thursday, 27 October 2005

Added David Scott’s greetings to the 35th anniversary lunch – to the Apollo 15 section.


Tuesday, 18 October 2005

The Educators’ Preview of the Imax movie “Magnificent Desolation” was held in Sydney tonight, and Eric Jones (Apollo Lunar Surface Journal) and Mike Dinn spoke. See some photos here.


Monday, 03 October 2005

Added a photo of Alan Shepard arriving at HSK – a frame from a short Super 8 movie by Ed von Renouard to be included in a DVD of Ed’s footage which is in preparation. On the main page as the featured photo for October.


Saturday, 17 September 2005

Added some photos sent by Stew Burton who was at Tid during most of Apollo – but who at HSK for Apollo 8). (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > People at Tid.)


Monday, 29 August 2005

For the Featured photo of the month for September, we have the signed photo from Buzz Aldrin sent to last year’s Apollo luncheon in Canberra. As well, there’s a link to the new Tom Hanks Imax movie, “Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon 3D.”


Friday, 19 August 2005

Today Bryan Sullivan and Jackie French’s book “To the Moon and Back” was announced as the Children’s Book of the Year in the Information Books category at an award ceremony in Sydney. See some photos taken at the ceremony here. (Books > To the Moon and Back award.)


Wednesday, 10 August 2005

Rearranged the Miscellaneous Technical info during the Apollo Missions in the hope of adding more. (Station > Miscellaneous Technical.)


Monday, 08 August 2005

Added a story from Ian Edgar about a radio test with Canberra Airport. (People > Stories)


Saturday, 06 August 2005

Added the beginnings of a Memorabilia section – for certificates and the like awarded to Honeysuckle people. (People > Memorabilia.)

Added a photo of OTC Paddington (from John Berry) and a map of the NASA Communications network for Apollo 11, to the Apollo 11 TV discussion. (Apollo 11 TV > TV from the Moon.)

Added aTWX, “Ode to the LM – and its Creators” – sent to the network to mark the demise of the last Lunar Module, Challenger, and the end (for a long time) of manned lunar exploration. For the moment, it’s all there is in the Apollo 17 section. Scan from Bryan Sullivan. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 17.)


Tuesday, 02 August 2005

Added two more mp3 audio files to The Boniecki Tapes. Recorded from ABC Radio during the Apollo 11 re-entry, we hear live from Qantas 707 Captain Frank Brown giving his description of the re-entry fireball above the Gilbert and Ellis Islands. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > The Boniecki Tapes.) And there’s a newspaper clipping here.


Monday, 01 August 2005

Added a page of photos from Ed von Renouard’s scrapbook – taken of the road to HSK during the Apollo 14 mission in February 1971. (Station > More photos (third image from top)> from Ed’s scrapbook.)


Thursday, 22 July 2005

Yesterday, SBS Radio in Australia broadcast a 13 minute programme on Apollo 11 – featuring interviews with Mike Dinn, John Saxon and Hamish Lindsay. You can download the 13 minutes programme as a 6.3Mb mp3 file on this page.


Wednesday, 20 July 2005

Added The Boniecki Tapes – some mp3 highlights of radio and TV coverage of the Apollo 11 EVA as heard in Sydney. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > The Boniecki Tapes.)


Tuesday, 19 July 2005

Added photos of the boresight camera monitor, and Kevin Gallegos to Hamish’s Apollo 11 essay. Also added a high quality scan of the Apollo 11 (scanned by Hamish, enhanced by me.). (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Apollo 11 Essay.)


Tuesday, 12 July 2005

Updated the Apollo 11 TV section (still more to do here) – renamed the Apollo 11 Polaroids section to “Apollo 11 EVA stills” – after hearing from Ed von Renouard that he took the photos with his Konica SLR. I have also updated that page and added GET and some other details for most of the stills. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 11 > Apollo 11 TV.)


Wednesday, 06 July 2005

Added a photo sent by John Heath of the Ops area at Tidbinbilla, while tracking Mariner IV in January 1965. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > People at Tid.).


Friday, 01 July 2005

Added a high resolution scan of the 1969 post-Apollo 11 staff photo. (People > 1969 photo).


Wednesday, 29 June 2005

Added photos of Deadman’s Hill – with the passive repeater just visible. (Station > More Photos).


Friday, 10 June 2005

Added Hamish Lindsay’s Epilogue – written for, but not used in Tracking Apollo to the Moon. Essential reading. (Last days > Epilogue)

Added some photos of the abandoned station in the HSK Today section.


Monday, 30 May 2005

Added a photo from Alan Foster of the feedcone being changed during Apollo 8. (Apollo missions > Apollo 8 > Essay)

Colour-corrected another photo of a feedcone change (this looks like it might be Apollo 8 – any ideas?) in People at Work 2. (People > People at Work 2)


Sunday, 29 May 2005

Added a photo taken by Tony Gerada at the post-Apollo 8 US Ambassador’s party. (Apollo missions > Apollo 8 > party)


Wednesday, 25 May 2005

Added a page for Martin Geasley in the People section. (People > Individuals > Martin Geasley)


Wednesday, 11 May 2005

Added Bill Wood and Neil Sandford’s new PDF of NASA SP-87 – the Proceedings of the Unified S-Band Conference in June 1965. This is the most comprehensive document detailing the USB system. (Station > USB System)


Wednesday, 27 April 2005

Two photos from yesterday’s Honeysuckle lunch in the Southern Cross Club at Woden in Canberra –

The experts 1

Looking at the slideshow of Honeysuckle photos.

L-R: Paul Mullen, Col Power, Alan Foster, Robert Dey, Hamish Lindsay.

The Experts 2

L-R: Martin Geasley, Mike Dinn, Paul Mullen, Col Power, Alan Foster.

Photos: Colin Mackellar

And John Saxon has posted his photos here.


Tuesday, 26 April 2005

Corrected a number of errors – e.g. noted that it was Tom Wilson in the ID photos.


Tuesday, 19 April 2005

Added a scan of the front page of Goddard News, 01 May 1967 – with a photo of NASA 21. (Apollo Missions > Goddard Sims > sims photos > scroll to bottom)

and – from the same issue – a report on the opening of Honeysuckle. (Early Days > Opening > More photos > scroll to bottom.)

Added a photo of the station before the official opening. (Early Days > Construction.)

Added a scan of a Network TWX from Christmas Day 1968. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 8 > Christmas Day 1968.)

All of the above are from Bruce Withey.

Added The Bryan Sullivan Files – with a very nice collection of photos and notes from Bryan. (People & Stories > People > Bryan Sullivan Files.)

Have begun a Skylab section. Much more to come there, although the song “Ballad of a Balladonia Night” is now online. (Apollo Missions > Skylab.)


Friday, 15 April 2005

Added a scan of a newspaper cutting from The Canberra Times, about one of the land slips affecting the road to HSK. With thanks to Danny Twomey. (Early Days > Road)

Added a photo of Bob Taylor and a diagram of links within Australia and two photos of Sydney Video to the Apollo 11 TV section. (Apollo 11 > Apollo 11 TV)


Thursday, 14 April 2005

Added a photo of Bruce Withey. (People > People at Work 3) and a photo Bruce took of a kangaroo relaxing at the station. (Graffiti)

Added a photo of Danny Twomey with the Gemini X spacecraft brought out for the opening ceremony. (Early Days > Opening Day >Opening Day – more photos)

Added a link to Mike Dinn’s DSS43 Support Plan for Apollo 17 – on the Tidbinbilla 64m page. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > 64m antenna.)


Tuesday, 12 April 2005

Added a colour-corrected version of a photo of John Saxon and Ken Lee at the Ops console. (People > People at Work 3)


Friday, 08 April 2005

Added a photo of the Tidbinbilla and CSIRO team at Parkes, taken by Bruce Window during their support of Apollo 12. (Other Stations > Parkes).

Added the new, revised account of Prime Minister Gorton’s unscheduled second visit to Honeysuckle on July 26, 1969 – with Danny Twomey’s account. (People > Stories > Gorton’s second visit.)


Thursday, 07 April 2005

Added two photos taken at the Station Opening – recently unearthed and scanned by Danny Twomey – one of Harold Holt’s car arriving, as seen from the antenna – and one of Holt and Robert Seamans looking at the Gemini X spacecraft. (Early Days > Station Opening)

Added The Linney files – a comprehensive collection of stories and memories from Mike Linney. (People and Stories > Stories > The Linney Files.)

Added what I said at the HSK/Apollo lunch in July 2004. (About > What I said pdf).

Added the section from Doug Mudgway’s book “Uplink-Downlink” where he writes about Bob Leslie. (Pioneers > Bob Leslie & Bob Leslie page 2)


Saturday, 02 April 2005

Added some photos taken by Kaz Kijac around the powerhouse in snow, and a great photo of the antenna and Dead Man’s Hill from the cherrypicker. More to come! (There are also half-finished bits and pieces on other pages which you may spot...) (The Station > More Photos)


Monday, 28 March 2005

Reorganised the “Official Opening” section – and added some ‘new’ photos taken by Bruce Withey.

Added the very beginnings of a page on Bob Leslie – in the new Pioneers section. Does anyone have any photos or other information? Of interest will be a short recording made on July 21, 1969 – a few hours before the Apollo 11 EVA. (Pioneers > Bob Leslie) (Coming soon – a very nice piece about Bob from Doug Mudgway.)


Saturday, 26 March 2005

Added the beginnings of a section devoted to Australian pioneers of space tracking – both space-trackers and those who helped to make it all possible. Any contributions to this section would be most welcome!

The first section started is on Lloyd Bott. It includes a very interesting presentation from from the NASA Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition delivered to the Australian Minister of Supply in July 1963. (Pioneers > Lloyd Bott)


Thursday, 24 March 2005

If the text on the site looks different, it is because I have changed the Stylesheet. Bill Wood pointed out that the old stylesheet prevented IE6 users from resizing text (it’s a ‘feature’ of IE6!).

This new stylesheet should allow resizing – but the site may look better or worse, depending on which OS and which browser you are using. If it looks terrible, please let me know. If the default text size is too small, I’d appreciate knowing that too. (It looks fine on a Mac!) And thanks to Bill for the feedback! :-)

The good news is that IE6 users should be able to resize the text to their heart’s content!


Monday, 21 March 2005

Added a cartoon by Ed von Renouard to the very beginnings of an Apollo 13 section. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 13.)

Added a sketch by Ed of the dangers of the Apollo-Soyuz Test Program. (People & Stories > Graffiti.)

Added a photo from Ed of Island Lagoon to the Island Lagoon section.

Added a photo of Prime Minister John Gorton with Stadir Tom Reid at Honeysuckle on July 21 1969. Photo supplied by Ed von Renouard. (Apollo 11 TV section)


Saturday, 19 March 2005

Happy 40th Birthday to Tidbinbilla! Not exactly an ‘update” – but I wasn't sure where to put the link – this article in today’s Australian newspaper – Stars in their skies. And this tribute page from the DSN.


Thursday, 17 March 2005

Sorry about the delay in getting material on –

And take a look at the scene on opening day here.

Hamish’s excellent essay on Apollo 15. (Apollo Missions > Apollo 15 > Hamish’s Essay.

Wednesday, 16 February 2005

Added 3 video configuration charts by Ed von Renouard to the Video section. (Station > Video) then scroll to bottom.

Tuesday, 15 February 2005

Added larger versions of Ian Hahn’s photos of equipment in the Ops Building – and also added some notes from Bill Wood. (Station > Ian Hahn’s photos > Operations Building Equipment).

Friday, 11 February 2005

Added names to some of the new photos – as well as to the Tharwa ‘pub’ photo. (People > People at Work page 3)

Thursday, 10 February 2005

Added a photo of Ron Hicks’ Mum and sons at HSK in 1968, and one of the Sign with the Flashing light on the entrance road – taken by John Berry in 1973.

Added some photos of Jim Hanlon, Laurie Turner, Les Hughes and Andrew Tupalski (all taken by Ed von Renouard). (People > People at Work page 3)


Sunday, 06 February 2005

Added full size versions of two images on the Viking page in the DSS44 section. (Just click on the images to get the full size. I didn’t add them initially due to lack on space on the old server.) (Deep Space Missions > Viking 1 & 2)


Friday, 04 February 2005

Added several more photos to the video section – mainly taken during the first Apollo 17 EVA. (Station > Video)

Added location maps to the Fresnedillas (Madrid) section, as well as some stroies from Larry Haug. (Other Stations > Fresnedillas)


Thursday, 03 February 2005

Added another photo of Nevil Eyre in the video section. Any ideas on which mission it was? (Station > Video)


Friday, 28 January 2005

Added a high quality scan of a photo – taken from the cherrypicker – of the station at the official opening. (Early Days > Opening.)


Thursday, 27 January 2005

Added a photo from Bryan Sullivan of the Univac 1218 computers taken in April 1972. (Station > Technical Description.)

Added Bryan’s story of the one and only Union strike action at HSK – 3rd October 1972. (People and Stories > Stories.)

Added some high resolution scans of Hamish’s “classic” photo – with thanks to Kaz Kijak and Alan Scheckenbach. (Station.)


Monday, 24 January 2005

Added photos of the Skylab Command Van in 1973 (Station > More photos) and of some of the Honeysuckle troops at the Tharwa store in 1972 (People > People at Work 3) – scanned by John Berry.

A text only version of Hamish Lindsay’s wonderful essay on Apollo 15 is now online here. Photos to be added soon.


Monday, 17 January 2005

Added two photos from Ron Chivers in the Computer section during Apollo days. (People > People at Work 3)


Tuesday, 11 January 2005

Added audio files – “Please Mr. Hamilton” – by the Honeysuckle Honeys, and the travelogue “Honeysuckle: Gateway to the Moon” – circa 1967. (People and Stories > Graffiti > Songs)

Finally added a new featured photo for this month – Honeysuckle antenna in fog.


Monday, 10 January 2005

Added Ron Chivers’ name to the pop-up names feature on the annotated 1969 staff photo. (People > 1969 staff photo)

Added photos of Tom Reid (Station Directors page), Wally Smallwood and his Saturn V model with Astronaut Alan Shepard (People at Work page 1), and Tony Cobden and Bruce Hamilton (People at Work page 3).


Friday, 31 December 2004

Added a new section for Island Lagoon Tracking Station to the Other Stations section. This is just the beginning of a section, but includes a Dept of Supply booklet on the station – scanned by Glen Nagle. (Other Stations > Island Lagoon)


Friday, 24 December 2004

Moved the Houston/Network page from “Apollo Missions” to the “Other Stations” section and tried to reduce the clutter of menus a bit.


Thursday, 23 December 2004

Added some photos taken by Terry Kierans of displays of the Muchea Tracking Station north of Perth. (Other Stations > Muchea)


Saturday, 11 December 2004

Added some photos of Fresnedillas in Spain, and one of Goldstone (Other Apollo Stations).


Tuesday, 07 December 2004

Added a scan of the front cover of Walkabout magazine, August 1967 – featuring a photo of the Honeysuckle Creek antenna, Prime Minister Harold Holt and Deputy NASA Administrator Robert Seamans. (Early Days > Opening)

Monday, 06 December 2004

Added some info on Bryan Sullivan’s book – To the Moon and Back. (The Books > To the Moon and Back)

After a suggestion that Hamish’s “Honeysuckle, kangaroos and snow” photo might make a very nice Christmas card photo, Yahoo Apollo Group member Paul Becker sent a modified image.

Added a link to the “Saturn 5 Audio Archive” of former NASA ground engineer James Cottle. His audio recording of the launch of Apollo 11 is the closest anyone today will get to hearing a launch of the Saturn V. (HSK Links)

Tidied up the Links page.


Wednesday, 01 December 2004

Added a page to flip between the pre-Apollo and Apollo photos of Tidbinbilla. (Other Stations > Tidbinbilla > The Wing > Comparison.)


Tuesday, 30 November 2004

Added photos and news-clippings from Madrid during Apollo, courtesy of Larry Haug. (Other Stations > Fresnedillas (Madrid))

Added 45 small ID photos of staff – taken in August 1967. With thanks to Bryan Sullivan. (People & Stories > People > ID photos.)


Monday, 29 November 2004

After a discussion on the Yahoo Apollo Group, have added some stills from the Apollo 11 TV of Neil Armstrong tethered to the LEC.

Updated info on the Dallas – Fort Worth Turnpike sign at Carnarvon.


Friday, 26 November 2004

Added Hamish Lindsay’s Lunar Orbiter essay. (Manned Missions > Preparing for Apollo > Lunar Orbiter)


Wednesday, 17 November 2004

Added a form-to-e-mail link to make it easier for people to contact me. (About > #contact)

Added a photo of Tom Reid to the Station Directors section. (People & Stories > Stadirs)

Added a photo and entry for the visit of Governor-General Lord Richard Casey to HSK in 1967. (People & Stories > Visitors.)

Added a new page, People at Work page 3, with some photos from the National Archives. (People & Stories > People at Work 3)


Tuesday, 16 November 2004

Added a copy of the 1969 staff photo (taken just after Apollo 11) – with pop-up text of names. This is derived from Mike Dinn’s site, but updated to work with some newer browsers. (People and Stories > People > link from the black and white staff photo)


Monday, 15 November 2004

Added some photos I took of the Apollo 11 astronauts in Sydney in November 1969. (Manned Missions > Apollo 11 > Sydney)


Wednesday, 10 November 2004

Have added quite a bit of new material – re-organised the Station section and added new photos.

Added some new material to the Early Days section.

Added new sections and photos on Carnarvon, Tidbinbilla and Goldstone in the Other MSFN Stations section.

Renamed the menu item “Manned Missions” to “Apollo Missions” so that it’s more obvious for the uninitiated.

Added a great photo by Hamish of the antenna on a foggy morning.

Updated “The Book”.

Sunday, 07 November 2004

Added a link to the Saturn 5 Audio Archive on the Links page.


Monday, 01 November 2004

Added the illustrations to Hamish Lindsay’s very comprehensive ALSEP Essay. (Manned Missions > ALSEP > Hamish’s essay.)


Sunday, 17 October 2004

Added captions by Hamish Lindsay to the photos of the roads by Ian Hahn.


Monday, 11 October 2004

Added a page of photos of a trip up the new road to the station – taken by Ed von Renouard during Apollo 14. (Early Days > Road – scroll to the bottom)

Added the Invitation to the Official Opening of Honeysuckle Creek Tracking Station. (Early Days > Opening.)


Sunday, 10 October 2004

Added some great photos of the station taken by Ian Hahn towards the end of construction.

Once some of the photos have been indentified, the photos will be linked to the appropriate sections on the site.

(If you can help, please let me know... contact.)


Monday, 04 October 2004

Added some scans of the Press Release from the Minister for Supply, 22 July 1969 – and a TXW from Apollo 11 Flight Director Clifford Charlesworth – on the “Parkes and Honeysuckle” page of the Apollo 11 TV section.


Friday, 01 October 2004

Added some more info to Hamish’s Apollo 11 story (search for that page for “There were some replacement parts”).


Saturday, 25 September 2004

Added a link on the Links Page to The Space Walk of Fame – Commemorative walk and museum in Titusville, Florida.


Friday, 24 September 2004

Added photos of Bryan Lowe and Don Gray to the Station Directors section (People & Stories > > People > Station Directors)


Monday, 30 August 2004

Added words of some old Honeysuckle favourites – The Banana Boat Song, the El Rissole floor show and The Honeysuckle Alphabet to the Grafitti section (People & Stories > Grafitti)


Thursday, 19 August 2004

Hamish Lindsay was interviewed on Radio National this afternoon – see the ABC’s site here. The audio of the show should be available on the site a bit later today.


Friday, 13 August 2004

Added a link to John Saxon’s page on the 35th anniversary events. (on the Apollo 11 35th anniversary page)


Wednesday, 11 August 2004

Added Peter McGinity’s name to one of Ron Hicks’ photos taken during Apollo 8. (People & Stories > People > Ron Hicks Apollo 8 collection) Also added the suggestion that the last photo on this page is of Brian Bell (any thoughts??) (People & Stories > People > Stills)


Sunday, 01 August 2004

Added a link to Bryan Sullivan and Jackie French’s book, To the Moon and Back.


Wednesday, 28 July 2004

We’ve added links to photos by John Saxon and others, at the Apollo 11 lunch in Canberra on July 21, and at Honeysuckle and Tidbinbilla the next day.


Monday, 19 July 2004

Added the text (without illustrations and photos – they will come soon) of Hamish Lindsay’s overview of ALSEP (MSFN Missions > ALSEP).

Updated the Apollo 11 TV section, though there is still more to add to this section – especially compariosn photos of the TV coverage. (Apollo 11 TV)


Tuesday, 13 July 2004

Added 3 photos taken by Rhelma Lawrence of The Honeysuckle Hotel (on the Road page), the Honeysuckle Creek (Location page) and Operations Building from near the antenna (on the Station page).

Added thumbnail images of the Department of Supply leaflet from the Apollo Exhibit – possibly at the Museum of Natural History in Sydney (at the bottom of the Station page).


Sunday, 11 July 2004

Added a photo of Wally Smallwood and his Saturn V model with Bernie ScrivenerPeople at Work page 1. (People and stories > People at Work)

Added a digitally enhanced photo of the Honeysuckle team (People and stories > People)


Thursday, 08 July 2004

Added some info on the Honeysuckle / Apollo 11 35th anniversary DVD – and put a link to Apollo 11 material on the front page.

Added photos of Bernard Scrivener, Nevil Eyre, Hamish Lindsay and John Saxon, and Mike Dinn and Ian Grant to the People at Work 2 page (People > People at work 2)


Tuesday, 06 July 2004

Added a photo of most of the Apollo 17 Goddard Sims Team. (MSFN Missions > Goddard Sims > Last Sim Flight)


Wednesday, 02 June 2004

(Sorry – things have been busy!)

Have added a links page to info on Apollo 11 35th anniversary reunions.


Thursday, 20 May 2004

Updated the link for the Bendix Field Engineering memorial page on the Links page.


Tuesday, 11 May 2004

Added a photo of TSS Secretaries Judy Wise and Lisa Jensen in the snow. (People & Stories > People at Work page 2)

Added two photos to the section on the Apollo Road – one from the movie taken by John Saxon on his first day at HSK, and another from Hamish Lindsay of the cars trapped on the mountain by a road slip. (Early days > Road)

Added a link to Fly ARIA – the online history of the Apollo Range Instrumented Aircraft (Links)


Monday, 10 May 2004

Added Ron Hicks’ story to the People section. (People & Stories > People> Ron Hicks)


Friday, 07 May 2004

Updated the transcript of Net 2 & Alpha at the start of Apollo 11 EVA TV – and uploaded a 2.4MB mp3 file of the speed-corrected version of the recording starting at “TV on” and running until “best TV yet” commendation for Parkes.


Thursday, 29 April 2004

Added a version of Hamish’s Apollo 11 essay in a single file (it’s already available in 3 parts). (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Essay)

Replaced a black and white photo of Dean Gilkes and Terry Hearn with a colour one. (People > People at work [scroll down])


Wednesday, 28 April 2004

Added photos of Super Constellation NASA 421 to the Goddard Sims section. (MSFN Missions > Goddard Sims > Last Sim flight to Australia)

Also added a photo of NASA 421 interior to the Photos of Sim Teams section.

Added a colour photo of astronaut Jack Schmitt’s visit to Honeysuckle – in addition to the black and white one already there. (People and Stories > Visitors.)


Tuesday, 27 April 2004

Added “the Ron Hicks Collection” :-) of photos taken during Apollo 8. (People > People section > Ron Hicks Apollo 8 photos)

Added a colour photo of the Honeysuckle team taken just after Apollo 11 and also put it on the opening splash screen. This colour photo was taken just before or after the well known black and white one. (People > People section.)

Created a second page for People at Work photos (the first one was getting too long) and added photos of Laurie Turner, a feedcone change and a newspaper clipping about the Honeysuckle ladies. (People > People at Work page 2)

Replaced a black and white photo of Peter Gavin with a colour one from Hamish. (People > People at Work)

Added several photos of ARIA – including a spectacular mid-air one – taken by Bob Burns. (Other Stations > ARIA).


Monday, 26 April 2004

Added a photo of Jim Holland, Ron Hicks and Clive Cross during Apollo 8. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 8 > Hamish’s essay)


Monday, 19 April 2004

Added quite a few photos of the Opening ceremony – supplied by Ron Hicks. (Early Days > Opening)


Saturday, 17 April 2004

Added the crew list to Bob Burns’ Goddard Sims story below.


Friday, 16 April 2004

Added more info and a diagram to the ARIA section in Other Apollo Stations.

Added several diagrams to the Pioneer Venus story (DSN Missions > Venus Pioneer)

Added Bob Burns’ story about his last Goddard Sims flight to Australia pre-Apollo 17. (MSFN Missions > Goddard Sims)

Added a new subsection to the MSFN Missions section called Houston / Network Team. (MSFN Missions > Houston / Network Team)

Added Tom Sheehan’s story to the Houston / Network Team section. (MSFN Missions > Houston / Network Team > Tom Sheehan)


Thursday, 15 April 2004

Added some stills from an ABC black and white film

and reorganised the People and Stories section to (hopefully) make things easier to find.

Added two more photos to the “People at Work” section – one of Bill Shaw inspecting pig damage, and one of Milton Turner’s Saturn V at launch. (People & Stories > People at Work)


Saturday, 10 April 2004

Added typed notes for anyone conducting a guided tour of Honeysuckle. Most like by Milton Turner. (People > Graffiti)

Added Hamish Lindsay’s essay on Apollo 9. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 9)

Added scans of the January 1969 issue of Goddard News - with story about HSK. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 8)


Friday, 09 April 2004

Added photos to Hamish Lindsay’s essay on Apollo 10. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 10)


Wednesday, 07 April 2004

Added Hamish Lindsay’s essay on Apollo 10 – photos yet to be added. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 10)

Updated the Venus Pioneer 13 article with extra info. (DSN Missions > Venus Pioneer)


Monday, 05 April 2004

Added Hamish’s classic photo of Honeysuckle Creek and another I took at the main gate. (Station)


Wednesday, 31 March 2004

Added photo of the snow-covered Honeysuckle site before construction commenced. (Early Days > Location)


Saturday, 27 March 2004

Added a section for the ARIA aircraft in the Other Apollo Stations section - no content yet, other than a photo (any takers?) (Other Apollo stations > ARIA)


Friday, 26 March 2004

Added photos and info on the Goldstone ‘Wing’ station – from Bill Wood. (Other stations > Goldstone wing)

Added photos of Gordon Bendall, Laurie Turner, Eric Stallard, John Crowe, Ron Hicks and Bryan Sullivan to the People at work section. (People > People at work)

Added the note that the Navy person at the Opening Ceremony is Ron Reavley. (Early Days > Opening.)

Added Hamish Lindsay’s story on Pioneer Venus to the DSN section (DSN > Pioneer Venus)


Thursday, 25 March 2004

Added Ron Hicks’ story of the Harold Holt computerised picture at the station opening. (People > Stories)

Added a photo of Kevin Gallegos and Peter Gavin in the USB section and a photo of John Saxon and Geoff Ruck in the computer room to the Technical Description (Station > Tech Description)

Added a photo of Stirling Finlay and Charlie Collins to the DSN section (DSS 44)


Wednesday, 24 March 2004

Added photos and technical info on the Goldstone Apollo station - from Bill Wood. (Other stations > Goldstone)


Tuesday, 23 March 2004

Added info on the configuration of the Super Constellation used in Sims and Sims types - thanks to Bob Burns. (MSFN missions > Goddard Sims)


Monday, 22 March 2004

Added two photographs of Alan Shepard’s and Dr Eberhardt Rees’ visit to Honeysuckle. (People > Visitors)

Added a scan of a memento for the last Apollo lunch - drawn by Lisa Jensen. (People > Graffiti)

Added a photo of Dean Gilkes and Terry Hearn in the Test Equipment Section. (People > People at work)

Added a photo of the Girls of Honeysuckle. (People > People at work)

Added another photo taken at Goldstone in May 1969, while tracking Apollo 10. (Other stations > Goldstone)

Added The Parable of HOD by Laurie Turner (MSFN Missions > Technical)


Friday, 19 March 2004

Added notes by Hamish to one of the photos of boulders on the Panos Freeway (Early Days > Road)

Added a photo of NASA 421 and a photo of a simulation at the Ops console to the Goddard Sims section (MSFN missions > Goddard Sims)

Noted that William Pickering, former head of JPL, and who visited Honeysuckle when it joined the DSN has died ths week. (People > Visitors)

Added some photos of Carnarvon (Other Apollo Stations > Carnarvon.)

Added Hamish’s account of Prime Minister John Gorton’s second, unofficial, visit to Honeysuckle. (People > Stories)


Tuesday, 16 March 2004

In the People at Work section, added photos of Wally Smallwood (and his Saturn V model), Nev Eyre, Ted Burt, and Peter Gavin. (People > People at Work.)

Added photos of Astronauts Jack Swigert and Tom Stafford to the Visitors section (People > Visitors)

Added two photos of the Goldstone 85' site, taken by Bill Wood around the time of Apollo 10 – and re-organised the "Other Apollo Stations" section.

Some corrections to the Goddard Simulation teams page made. (MSFN Missions > Goddard Sims)


Monday, 15 March 2004

Added another two photos of Prime Minister John Gorton’s visit on the morning of Monday 21 July 1969 - the day of the Moon Landing. (Apollo 11 TV > Gorton visit)

Reorganised the Apollo 11 section - a bit (lots more to be done) (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11)

Added a new section for the Goddard Simulation teams (MSFN Missions > Goddard Sims)

Added a photo of the Coll Tower to the Technical Description of the site (Station > Tech Decsr)

Added another photo of Alan B. Shepard and Eberhardt Rees to the Visitors section (People > Visitors)


Friday, 12 March 2004

Added a new photo of a washaway on the old (pre-Panos Freeway) road (Early Days > Road)

Added two photos of Prime Minister John Gorton’s visit on the morning of Monday 21 July 1969 - the day of the Moon Landing. (Apollo 11 TV > Gorton visit)


Tuesday, 09 March 2004

Added Hamish’s excellent story about Apollo 11. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Essay)


Saturday, 06 March 2004

Added a scan of a Polaroid of the Slow scan monitor at Goldstone – during the Apollo 11 EVA – from Bill Wood (Apollo 11 > TV from Moon > Goldstone Polaroid)


Thursday, 26 February 2004

Started a new page on the other 85' Apollo USB stations – Goldstone and Madrid – hopefully more can be added!


Tuesday, 24 February 2004

Added two photos of NASA Administrator Thomas Paine to the Visitors Section (People > Visitors)

Updated the layout of the main “People” page.


Monday, 23 February 2004

Added Hamish’s account of Preparations for Apollo at Honeysuckle (MSFN Missions > Ready for Apollo > Essay)

and additional comments from Mike Dinn.

Added a story from Bryan Sullivan (People > Stories)


Monday, 09 February 2004

Added a revised and expanded version of Hamish’s essay on Apollo 8 – (MSFN Missions > Apollo 8 > Essay)

Added a complete version of Hamish’s essay on Helios 1 & 2 – (DSS 44 > Helios)


Thursday, 05 February 2004

Refined Honeysuckle’s location with data from Hamish Lindsay. (Early Days > Location)


Wednesday, 04 February 2004

Added a cartoon by Hamish Lindsay to illustrate Mike Dinn’s scans of the HOD. (MSFN Missions > Miscellaneous technical info)


Tuesday, 03 February 2004

Added a photo of Original Deputy Director W.A.L. Bert Forsythe. (People > People at work)

Added Mike Dinn’s scans of the HOD – Honeysuckle Ops Directives (MSFN Missions > Miscellaneous technical info)

Added a cartoon drawn by Hamish “when we were all facing redundancy”. (People > Graffiti)

Added Bruce Withey’s name to the photo of him at the Telemetry Analog Recorders. (People > People) – as well other miscellaneous updates.


Friday, 30 January 2004

Added a letter of commendation from JPL to all at Honeysuckle. (DSS-44 – bottom of main page.)

Added scans by John Saxon of Apollo USB modes. (MSFN Missions > Miscellaneous technical info)


Tuesday, 27 January 2004

Added two comms diagrams to the Technical Description below.


Monday, 26 January 2004

At last, added Hamish’s Technical Description of Honeysuckle Creek during the Apollo Era (Station > Technical Description)


Thursday, 22 January 2004

Added an anecdote by John Saxon about the visit of Dr. George E Mueller. (People > Stories)


Tuesday, 20 January 2004

Added a photo of Dr. George E Mueller to the Visitors page. (People > Visitors)


Monday, 19 January 2004

Added another photo of staff walking around a road slump in the Panos Freeway slump – Tony Cobden, Barbara van de Putt, Jim Kirkpatrick in photo. (Early days > Road)


Thursday, 15 January 2004

Updated John Saxon’s story on the post-Apollo 8 party at the US Embassy. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 8 > Apollo 8 party)

Added the detail that the Gemini spacecraft brought to the station opening was Gemini 10. (Hamish found a newspaper clipping - the mystery is solved!) (Early Days > Opening)


Friday, 02 January 2004

Added a revised floor plan of the Operations building at Honeysuckle. (Station).

Added another story by Hamish (People and Stories > Stories)

Added a scan of a commemorative envelope produced by Milton Turner for the last Apollo mission. (People and Stories > Graffiti)

Added a link to the autographed Honeysuckle cartoon on Mike Dinn's site. (People and Stories > Graffiti)

Added a photo of Australian-born astronaut Philip Chapman on his visit to HSK. (People and Stories > Visitors)


Thursday, 01 January 2004

Added a cartoon by Laurie Turner on how the different shifts felt they were being treated. (People and Stories > Graffiti)


Wednesday, 31 December 2003

Added a “Graffiti” section and a “DSE Dumps” certficate presented to John Saxon by Laurie Turner. (People and Stories > Graffiti)


Tuesday, 30 December 2003

Added photo of Bill Kempees with Don Gray (People and Stories > People at Work)

Added photos of work on cabling behind Data Demods (People and Stories > People at Work)

Added a scan of Hamish Lindsay's invitation to the Apollo 8 party (MSFN Missions > Apollo 8 > Party)

Added a TWX from NOCC on HSK leaving the MSFN (MSFN Missions > Leaving MSFN)

Added a new colour photo of the opening ceremony (Early Days > Opening)


Wednesday, 24 December 2003

Added photo of Jenny Hame (People and Stories > People at Work)

Added John Saxon’s story about the Apollo 8 party thrown by the US Ambassador (MSFN Missions > Apollo 8 > Party)


Tuesday, 23 December 2003

Added a revised Transcript of the NET2 and Honeysuckle intercom loop as Apollo 11 TV was received on 21 July 1969 (Apollo 11 TV > Transcript)

Added a story and photo on snow at HSK. (People & Stories > Stories)


Monday, 22 December 2003

Added a new main section, “The Last Days” and also “The Last Track”, written by Hamish.

Added one of Hamish’s diagrams to the end of the Apollo 8 section (MSFN Missions > Apollo 8 > Essay)

Have “colour-coded” the background for the left-hand menus to make it clearer (hopefully!) which section you are in.


Sunday, 14 December 2003

Added more photos to the Apollo 8 essay by Hamish. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 8)

Added more photos to (People > People at Work)

Added photos of Del Golightly in the Super Connie NASA 421, and Dr William Pickering (People > Visitors)

Added a 1971 / 2002 comparison photo at the bottom of the “About / Contact” page


Friday, 12 December 2003

Reorganised the Apollo 8 material, made some corrections.


Wednesday, 10 December 2003

Added a great article written by Hamish Lindsay on the Apollo 8 mission. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 8)

Have added an introduction by John Saxon to the Apollo 11 log. (MFSN Missions > Apollo 11 > Apollo 11 log)


Friday, 5 December 2003

Added an mp3 audio file from Tony Gerada of the last HSK track. (DS44 > HSK Closes)

Added a photo of the plaque flanked by guards at the official opening (Early Days > Opening)

Added a photo showing location of the transmitter room (People > Stories)

Added a new section on "Visitors" to the "People" section - includes a link to Mike Dinn’s scans of the VIP Visitors Book. (People > Visitors)

Added a photo by Hamish looking down on the HSK site from a helicopter - taken in 1966.

Added a photo of HSK with the Goddard Sim Team prior to Apollo 16. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 16)


Thursday, 4 December 2003

Added 3 new photos scanned today by Hamish -

Ian Anderson on top of the quadrapod installing the acquisition dish. (Early Days > Construction)

Lisa Jensen and others (People > People at work)

Ray Cox from Collins Radio (Early Days > Construction)


Wednesday, 3 December 2003

Added thumbnail of photo of Fred Hill and Keith Hiscock to those of John Saxon’s photos (People > People)

Added the last 3 pages of John Saxon’s log of Apollo 11


Tuesday, 2 December 2003

Added another story by Hamish (People > Stories)

Added the station log for Apollo 11 - explanatory notes to come. (MSFN Missions > Apollo 11 > Apollo 11 log)

Reorganised the "People and Stories" section into a "People" section and a "Stories" section in the main "People" area. (Does that sound confusing??)


Monday, 1 December 2003

Replaced the scan of John Saxon’s HSK log for Neil Armstrong’s first step with a new colour scan (Apollo 11 TV > Parkes and HSK)

Made a separate page for each manned mission supported by HSK. So far, just some photos on these pages. (MSFN Missions)

Added the “Snow, Kangaroos, Christmas Trees and a Tracking Station” photo to (MSFN Missions)


Saturday, 29 November 2003

Added thumbnails of stills of 1969 Aust Information Service film from Mike Dinn’s site to (People)

Added a brief note about observing the Vela Pulsar in (DSN Missions)


Friday, 28 November 2003

Added photo of Ed von Renouard with the slow-scan TV processing rack. (Apollo 11 TV > TV from the Moon)

Added a photo of the HSK antenna taken in autumn during Skylab - great photo! (MSFN Missions)


Thursday, 27 November 2003

Added photos of the Paraboloid Survey to ready the antenna for DSN work (DSN Missions)

Added a story by Hamish Lindsay about two Americans (People > Stories)


Wednesday, 26 November 2003

Added photos of the construction of the new road - “Panos Freeway” - as well as reminiscences by John Saxon and John Berry. (Early Days > Road)


Tuesday, 25 November 2003

Added photos taken by Ken Lee of the antenna being built. (Early Days > Construction).

Added more thumbnails of photos on John Saxon’s site (People)

Added a photo of the Comms section (People > People at work)

Added a photo of the opening of the Honeysuckle memorial (HSK Today)


Monday, 24 November 2003

Re-named the "Location" section to "Early Days" and reorganised it a bit.

Added a new photo of boulders on the road (Early Days > The Road).

Added a new section "HSK closes" (DSN missions > HSK closes) - with photos of the station being packed up.

Added a link to an interesting network message describing the involvement of Honeysuckle and other stations in the Apollo 11 mission. (Apollo 11 TV).

Added thumbnails of images of the Teams photos that John Saxon has on his site (People)

Added section for Station Directors (People > Station Directors)


Sunday, 23 November 2003

Reorganised the Apollo 11 TV section


Saturday, 22 November 2003

Moved the site to a new server (www.pair.com) at least temporarily to have some more space.

Added a never-before-seen photo by Hamish Lindsay of the Honeysuckle antenna - taken just before Neil Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface. (Apollo 11 TV).


Friday, 21 November 2003

Added photo of antenna pointing at Apollo 8 at about the same time as the famous “Earthrise” photo was taken. (MSFN Missions)


Tuesday, 18 November 2003

Added a link to The Space Show of 11 November 2003, featuring Mike Dinn & John Saxon. (Links)


Thursday, 13 November 2003

Added photo from Hamish of modifications in progress in prep for the J Missions (People > People at work)

Modified the main menu items to better fit the content – Missions changed to MSFN Missions, DSS-46 changed to DSN Missions.


Wednesday, 12 November 2003

Added material to the Apollo 11 section - including a transcript of NET2 and Alpha at the start of the Apollo 11 EVA.

Made some corrections to varius captions and to the NET2 and Alpha transcript.

Added comments from John Saxon in the (HSK Today > index) section.

Added a new section (People > Stories) and 2 stories by Hamish.


Tuesday, 11 November 2003

Added Prime Minister John Gorton’s Visitors Book entry and photo of him touring the Ops area on 21 July 1969 (Apollo 11 TV > Gorton)


Monday, 10 November 2003

Added a new section (People > People at work) - with photos just scanned in by Hamish and a photo John sent a while ago.

Made corrections to (Station)

Added a counter to (intro)

Added an “Under construction” note to the home page.


Sunday, 9 November 2003

Added photos of landslide and my car parked on Apollo Road (Location > Road)

Created new main section (Station) - including Hamish’s site map and floor plan of Ops Building - and moved (Station > Antenna) into that section


Friday, 7 November 2003

Added table of Mike’s transcript of NET2 and Alpha to (Apollo 11TV)

Added a footnote to (DSS44 > Voyager) on Voyager I’s imminent encounter with the termination shock.

Added background info and contact details on (About)

Added a link to the chapters on John’s site in (Book)


Thursday, 6 November 2003

Added Mike’s biography and photo on (People > Dinn)

Modified (People > Saxon)

Added list of Station Directors to (People)

Changed photo on home page at Mike’s suggestion

Added Hamish’s biography and photos to (People > Lindsay)

Made slight changes to (Book)

Added photo of Honeysuckle area taken from Black Mountain (Location)

Added two photos of antenna at sunrise (Missions)

Added telex from Chris Kraft on HSK leaving MSFN (Missions)

Updated (Location > Road)

Started work on the HSK Today section.


Sunday, 2 November 2003

Added John’s stories to (Location > Opening) and to (Location > Road) as well the photo of Harold Holt talking to Hubert Humphrey (Location > Opening).


Tuesday, 28 October 2003

Added Hamish’s Voyager article (DSS44 > Voyager)

Antenna by night photo added to Antenna section

Added Mike’s notes on the HSK designation (People > HSK_Address)

Added notes to Construction and Road in the Location section.

Added brief notes to DSS44 section.


Monday, 27 October 2003

Added “Who owned Honeysuckle” by Mike (Location > Construction)


Sunday, 26 October 2003

simplified main menu (combined HSK links and Apollo links)

put photos on Viking section into tables to format the text better

added the HSK/Apollo crest to the Intro page

added link to US / Aust treaty governing the tracking stations - on the Links page


Saturday, 25 October 2003

added photos of the opening (Location > Opening)

added a photo of Don Gray and Gerry Soffen (DSS44 > Viking)


Monday, 20 October 2003

added photos and bio of John Saxon in People section

added John’s comments on favourite mission [from the Apollo Group] in the same section

added Mike’s comments on favourite mission


Sunday, 19 October 2003

added Hamish’s “Viking”article (still have to do the Voyager article...) in DSS44 section