Leaving the MSFN / STDN
As the Manned Space Flight Network wound down after the Apollo missions, Honeysuckle briefly became a part of the STDN (Space Tracking And Data Acquisition Network).
In February 1974, Honeysuckle officially joined the Deep Space Network as Station 44.
Christmas 1973
On 20 December 1973, only five years after the triumphant Apollo 8 flight, this TWX was sent to the network it pays tribute to many with whom the Honeysuckle team worked over those years.
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Honeysuckles Station Director, Don Gray, commissioned this Ode to be sent to the Network at Christmas 1973. He writes, On this bitter/sweet occasion of our last Christmas as a member of the STDN I have commissioned the following ode to commemorate the days of our manned flight glory, and to pay tribute to all those people with whom we have worked over the years. Scanned by John Saxon. |
At the switch to the DSN February 1974
A TWX from Network Operations Control Center. |
From Station Director Don Gray. |
and from Flight Director Chris Kraft. |
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