Photos taken for International Women’s Year, 1975

Hamish Lindsay writes:

1975 was the International Women’s Year and I had the enjoyable task of going around all the offices in Canberra involved with space tracking and photographing all the girls.

[It seems the photos were taken to be used in an International Women’s Year display. – CM.]


Space ladies

Honeysuckle Creek DSS44.

From left to right:
Gai Rossell, Station Director’s Secretary.
Rhelma Burns, Receptionist,
Barbara Vanderputt, Company Secretary.
Margaret Morgan, Clerk.
Pearl Gregory, Canteen staff.

Photo: Hamish Lindsay. 2022 updated scan from 8 x 10 inch print: Colin Mackellar.

Space ladies

Here’s another photo.

Phot: Hamish Lindsay. 2022 scan from 4x5 inch negative contact print: Colin Mackellar.

Tidbinbilla ladies

Tidbinbilla DSS42 and DSS43.

Standing behind the DSS43 ops console, left to right:

Ina Graham, switchboard and secretary? to Mr Amos.
Barbara Stratford, Secretary to the Director, Tom Reid.
Pat Ashford, Clerk, Logisitics section.
Lyn Cowley, Clerk, Operations section, working with Neil McVicar.
Helena Tuohino, Secretary to the Chief Engineer.

Photo by Hamish Lindsay. 2021 scan by Colin Mackellar from the original 4x5 inch negative.

Space ladies

Network Support Facility, Fyshwick.

From left to right
Marion McDowell, Secretary.
Judy Welsh, Payroll Clerk.
Anne Donovan, Office Manager.

Kathy Scott, Admin Assistant.

Photo: Hamish Lindsay. 2022 scan from 4x5 inch negative contact print: Colin Mackellar.

Space ladies

NASA Canberra Office; Space Projects Branch; NASCOM Switching Center.

Apparently taken at the NASA Canberra Office.

Left to Right (Standing):
Jenny M. Haise, Clerical Assistant, Space Projects Branch.
June W. McIntyre, Clerical Assistant, NASCOM Switching Center.
Sue M. Hinchcliffe, Steno-Secretary, Space Projects Branch.

Left to Right (Seated):
Lucy Lytwynsky, Administrative Assistant, NASA Canberra Office.
Susan A. Neumann, Secretary, NASA Canberra Office.

Photo: Hamish Lindsay. 2022 scan from 4x5 inch negative contact print: Colin Mackellar.


Hamish doesn’t seem to to have taken any photos
of the ladies at Orroral Valley. At least, I haven’t found any yet. – CM.

This photo was apparently taken in 1978 or 1979.

Space ladies

The ladies at Orroral Valley.

Madge Johnson, Willma Sibley, Margaret Johnson, Sandy Freudenstein, Jenny King, Marion Newman, Joan Oliver.

Photo via Philip Clark and Rob Quick. Names from page 40 of “Acquisition!” by Philip Clark.