35th Anniversary of Apollo 11

35th anniversary logo - courtesy of NASA

HSK reunion at Tidbinbilla

At Tidbinbilla, in front of the old Honeysuckle antenna, Thursday 22nd July 2004.

The Apollo 11 35th Anniversary lunch in Canberra was a wonderful time for many Honeysuckle and Tidbinbilla people and others to get together.

John Saxon has summarised the events here.

See also his Reunion page.

Messages received.

Mike Dinn has compiled the many messages received – from each member of the Apollo 11 crew, and from many others – here.

This video of the events (10 minutes on Vimeo) can be seen here.

DVDAt the gathering, among other things, a Honeysuckle DVD was launched.

(The DVD is no longer available, but most of the material is now on my Vimeo channel. Search for Apollo 11.)

And Bryan Sullivan and Jackie French’s wonderful new book To the Moon and Back.

See details here.




35th cake at Tid

The 35th anniversary of Apollo 11 cake
at Tidbinbilla, Thursday 22nd July 2004.

Photo: Colin Mackellar.