People at Tidbinbilla – 1970s

Viking shifts

DSS42 and 43 Tidbinbilla Viking Shifts, 14th October 1976.

Photo by Hamish Lindsay. 2019 scan by Colin Mackellar from the 4x5 inch negative. Large, Larger.

Viking shifts

DSS42 and 43 Tidbinbilla Viking Shifts, 14th October 1976.

1. Jack Dickinson
3. Andy Jary
4. Bob Roseller ?
5. Noel Henderson
6. Keith Aldworth
9. Ian Burnie ?
10. Gary Pearson
13. Geoff Smith
15. Bernie Palmer
16. Tony Keiller
17. Ron Hargreaves.

Photo: Hamish Lindsay, scan: Colin Mackellar. Thanks to John Heath, Bruce Window, Keith Aldworth and Peter Churchill for the names.

Tidbinbilla ladies

Hamish Lindsay took this photo of five of Tidbinbilla’s ladies in May 1975. (The occasion was International Women’s Year, 1975.)

Standing behind the DSS43 ops console, left to right:

1. Ina Graham (switchboard and secretary? to Mr Amos);
2. Barbara Stratford (Secretary to the Director, Tom Reid);
3. Pat Ashford (Clerk, Logisitics section);
4. Lyn Cowley (Clerk, Operations section, working with Neil McVicar);
5. Helena Tuohino (Secretary to the Chief Engineer).

With thanks to Barbara Kayrooz (nee Stratford) for her help with identification, and (July 2022) this list preserved by Hamish Lindsay.

Photo by Hamish Lindsay. 2021 scan by Colin Mackellar from the 4x5 inch negative.

Tidbinbilla ladies

Hamish Lindsay took this photo before the photo.

Photo by Hamish Lindsay. 2021 scan by Colin Mackellar from the 4x5 inch negative.

Tom Reid and John Cummings

AWA Company Senior Representative (CSR) John Cummings (left) with Station Director Tom Reid who had transferred from Honeysuckle to Tidbinbilla in 1970. Photo undated. Photo preserved by Mike Dinn.

Stew Burton

Stew Burton at the USB console at DSS 43, 1970s.

Stew came over from Tidbinbilla to Honeysuckle to help support Apollo 8, but was at Tid for the rest of Apollo.

Scan: Stew Burton.



Les Whaley - Analog console Bob Cudmore – Instrumentation Section Leader Jack Rothwell – Antenna Engineer Peter Papps – Magnetic recording John Heath – Microwave Engineer Bob Leslie – Station Director Neil McVicar – Receiver Technician Paddy Johnstone – Ops Controller Dave Watts – Antenna Technician Mal Glenn – JPL Rep