Cooby Creek photos


Cooby Creek
Cooby Creek

The TGS arrives in Brisbane.

Unloading the ship.

Cooby Creek
Cooby Creek

On the road.

Arrival at Cooby Creek.

Above screenshots from film of the Cooby Creek TGS arrival in Australia – supplied by Nevil Eyre.

Cooby Creek

The antenna column is transported up the range.
Photo: Jack Watson.

Cooby Creek

The antenna is erected.
Photo: Jack Watson.

Cooby Creek

The antenna struts are attached.
Photo: Jack Watson.

Cooby Creek

Cooby Creek 40 foot antenna antenna looking east.
Photo: Jack Watson.

Cooby Creek

Cooby Creek T&C van and 40 foot antenna.
Photo: Jack Watson.

Cooby Creek

Cooby Creek T&C van and 40 foot antenna.
Photo: Jack Watson.

Cooby Creek

Photo: Jack Watson.

Cooby Creek

Cooby Creek 40 foot antenna.
Scan: Nevil Eyre.

Cooby Creek

Looking down on the 40 foot antenna from the cherrypicker.
Photo: Jack Watson.

Jack writes, “I think that was Bob Davies on the ladder.”

Cooby Creek

Backup power generator.
Scan: Nevil Eyre.

Cooby Creek

Ops Console.
Scan: Nevil Eyre.

Cooby Creek

Transmitter High Voltage Power Supply & Heat Exchanger.
Scan: Nevil Eyre.

Cooby Creek

Equipment vans.
Scan: Nevil Eyre.

Cooby Creek

SSB Transmitter Exciter.
Scan: Nevil Eyre.

Cooby Creek

The Maser amp.

Peter Pistoor writes: “I am fairly certain that the chap in the maser photograph is Ron Cuthbert after he had grown that magnificent red beard. The hand on the maser is my right hand – I remember well adjusting the comb structure under the supervision of Ron. My hand print is still the same!”

Scan: Nevil Eyre.

Cooby Creek

The 40 foot antenna.

This photo also appeared in the Cooby Creek Dept of Supply booklet.

Photo via Hamish Lindsay. Scan: Colin Mackellar.

Cooby Creek

Cooby Creek from the air.
Photo preserved by Hamish Lindsay, scanned by Colin Mackellar.