Photos of Goldstone by Pat Delgado

Photos taken by Pat Delgado in 1965.

Pat Delgado was one of the team of 15 people from DSS 41 (Island Lagoon, Woomera) who went to JPL and Goldstone for checkout and acceptance of the L/S-Band conversion equipment for Woomera. He took the photos on this page from Goldstone’s helicopter.

Photo restoration by Colin Mackellar and Bill Wood (who assures us that the purplish colours are real!).


Pat Delgado with Goldstone’s helicopter, during the Island Lagoon team’s visit for the L to S-band conversion. Larger version. Largest version. Scan: Jan Delgado.


DSS12 – The Echo Site

Goldstone 1965

Chppper at the Echo site.

Bill Wood writes:

“At that time the DSS-12 (Echo) collimation tower was on top of Mt Teifort, on the far side of Fort Irwin. There was NO access road up there.

JPL had a helicopter pilot and helicopter assigned to Goldstone full time. It was usually parked near the DSS-12 antenna at the Echo site. So it was easy to get copter rides around Goldstone.”

Photo by Pat Delgado.

Goldstone 1965

Echo site from Goldstone’s helicopter. Photo by Pat Delgado.

Goldstone 1965

Echo site from Goldstone’s helicopter. Photo by Pat Delgado.

DSS11 – The Pioneer Station

Goldstone 1965

The Pioneer Station. Photo by Pat Delgado.

Goldstone 1965

The Pioneer Station. Photo by Pat Delgado.

Goldstone 1965

The Pioneer Station. Photo by Pat Delgado.

Goldstone 1965

The Pioneer Station. Photo by Pat Delgado.


DSS14 – The Mars Station

Goldstone 1965

The 64 metre Mars antenna under construction. Photo by Pat Delgado.

Goldstone 1965

The 64 metre Mars antenna under construction. Photo by Pat Delgado.

Goldstone 1965

The 64 metre Mars antenna under construction. Photo by Pat Delgado.


DSS13 – The Venus Site

Goldstone 1965

The Venus Site. Photo by Pat Delgado.

Goldstone 1965

The Venus Site. Photo by Pat Delgado.

Colour-correction by Colin Mackellar.