“To the Moon and Back”

Children’s Book Council of Australia
Children’s Book of the Year 2005.

On Friday 19th August 2005, “To the Moon and Back” by Bryan Sullivan and Jackie French, was announced as the Children’s Book of the Year in the Information Books category at an award ceremony in Sydney.

(The categories for the Children’s Books of the Year are: Older Readers, Younger Readers, Early Childhood, Picture Books, Information Books. Read about the awards on The Children’s Book Council of Australia website.)

Here are some photos taken at the awards ceremony – held in the theatrette in the National Maritime Museum at Darling Harbour in Sydney.

Jackie and Bryan

Jackie and Bryan after the Awards Ceremony.

Bryan Jackie

Speeches as the award is presented.
(Standing at far right is Gus Gordon, who drew the illustrations for the book.)

Jackie, Bryan, and Bryan’s daughter Cath.

Colin and Bryan
Colin Mackellar with Bryan.
Photo: Cath Wall.

Bryan and the book

Bryan with the book – which now bears a sticker indicating it to be one of the books short-listed for the prize.

(Photos by Colin Mackellar unless noted.)