Ascension during Apollo

From NASA’s MSFN Technical Information Bulletin Vol. 6. No. 6 (1 April 1969) –

Don Dunsmore, NASA representative on the USNS Huntsville has now taken over the post as station director at the MSFN Ascension Island station. He replaces R. J. Augenstein who has returned to GSFC as Head, Network Management Office.”


From NASA’s MSFN Technical Information Bulletin Vol. 6. No. 11 (20 July 1969) –

“The NASA station director at the Devil's Ashpit site is Donald Dunsmore.

The M&O supervisor is James Murphy; the assistant M&O is Mel Fetzer.

Other supervisory positions are held by B. Currin, operations supervisor ;
R. Tucker, communications system supervisor ;
H. Donnally, data systems supervisor ;
J. Jarboe, telemetry lead engineer; L. Hoppe, lead engineer;
J. Kenworthy, acquisition aid lead engineerr,
C. Snyder, TDP/APP lead engineer; and
L. Parker, digital ranging lead engineer.”

Below are some photos by Harry Turner, APP / TDP, used with permission.

Ascension Island

During Apollo 11 (probably not during a track).

Harry Turner at left wearing sunglasses, Charlie Renn seated at centre, ‘Whitey’ White at right. The servo console is in the background.

Ascension Island

Harry Turner.

Ascension Island

‘Whitey’ White at Receivers.

Ascension Island

The powerhouse with The Peak in the background. WWV antenna at right. Taken from just outside the Ops building.

Ascension Island

The 9 metre USB antenna, tracking Apollo to the Moon.

Ascension Island

The 9 metre USB antenna.

Ascension Island

The 9 metre USB antenna, viewed from the southern end of the Ops building.