The Manned Space Flight Network

Technical Information Bulletins


The Goddard Space Flight Center’s Manned Flight Operations Division published regular internal newsletters “for Network Personnel Only”. These bulletins provide a unique snapshot of what was happening in the MSFN.

Unless otherwise noted,
the Mercury and Gemini era TIBs were preserved by John Lambie (Muchea and Carnarvon), and Hamish Lindsay (Muchea, Carnarvon) and scanned by Colin Mackellar;
and the Apollo era TIBs were preserved by Richard Nafzger (Goddard) and scanned by Bill Wood (Goldstone)
or by Bernard Smith (Honeysuckle)and Hamish Lindsay (Honeysuckle) and scanned by Colin Mackellar.


Jump to issues:
(I am in the process of scanning issues from several sources. Sets are not complete.
Do you have copies not represented here? Contact.)

Volume 1 (1963)
Volume 2 (1964)
Volume 3 (1965)
(Not published in 1966)
Volume 4 (1967)
Volume 5 (1968)
Volume 6 (1969)
Volume 7 (1970)
Volume 8 (1971)


Volume 1 – 1963.


Volume 1, Number 1,
March 8 1963.

The very first issue of the TIB, with details of Gordon Cooper’s upcoming MA-9 flight.
Training Center Renovating for Gemini.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.2MB PDF.

Volume 1, Number 2,
March 22 1963.

Preview of Gemini Instrumentation Plan,
The Manned Space Flight Support Division.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

3.6MB PDF.


Volume 1, Number 3,
April 5 1963.

‘News’ Tracking Display for MA-9, Radar Ships for MA-9, HF Vertical Antenna test, Verlort Antennas being replaced.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

3.6MB PDF.

Volume 1, Number 4,
April 19 1963.

Scientific Benefits Possible From MA-9,
MA-9 BDA & CAL TLM Data to be
Remoted to MCC.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.



Volume 1, Number 5,
May 3 1963.

Recovery Operations for MA-9 Under Way.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

3.7MB PDF.

Volume 1, Number 6,
May 17 1963.

Digital Command to be Delivered.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

3.4MB PDF.


Volume 1, Number 7,
May 31 1963.

Gemini Acquisition System now beng produced, MA-9 Debriefing.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

3.8MB PDF.

Volume 1, Number 8,



Volume 1, Number 9,
June 28 1963.

First Gemini Acquisition Aid System Completed.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

5.3MB PDF.

Volume 1, Number 10,



Volume 1, Number 11,
July 26 1963.

Carnarvon gets FPQ-6 Radar.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

5.4MB PDF.

Volume 1, Number 12,
August 9 1963.

SCAMA Network.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.2MB PDF.


Volume 1, Number 13,
August 16 1963.

Typo: Dated August 6.
Command Stations to have 10kW capability.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.5MB PDF.

Volume 1, Number 14,
August 23 1963.

Edition mis-numbered as 13.
CRO Equipment enroute from Baltimore.
Gemini Equipment extensive testing.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.5MB PDF.


Volume 1, Number 15,
September 20 1963.

Network to support Saturn SA-5 test.
M&O Console to replace M&O Desk.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.2MB PDF.

Volume 1, Number 16,
October 4 1963.

New display consoles to support Gemini.
Final Mercury Conference Held.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.6MB PDF.


Volume 1, Number 17,
October 18 1963.

Introducing the Integrated Mission Control Center in Houston.
Cable replacing Sydney-Hawaii Radio link.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.8MB PDF.

Volume 1, Number 18,
November 1 1963.

Goddard Computing Center.
WWV, ‘Big Ben’ of Network.
SCAMA 304 switchboard features built-in ashtrays.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.7MB PDF.


Volume 1, Number 19,
November 15 1963.

MCC prepares for Gemini,
Netwoerk to receive new 14-channel recorders,
RKV at Baltimore for mods.

Paul Dench’s copy preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

5.5MB PDF.

to come


Volume 2 – 1964.


to come

Volume 2, Number 10,
May 15 1964.

CRO uses Bush Telegraph during GT-1.
HAW FPS-16 range extended.
Remote loading of DCSs being conducted.

Preserved by Hamish Lindsay, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

3.7MB PDF.


Volume 2, Number 21,
October 16 1964.

Special feature on the Bermuda dual-site station (Cooper’s Island and Town Hill).
Includes a photo spread on Bermuda.
Jupiter monitoring network to be implemented.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

5.8MB PDF.

to come



Volume 3 – 1965.


Volume 3, Number 1,
January 8 1965.

PCM Telemetry,
Console RO Paper Feed Problem,
Engineering Instructions issued.

Preserved by John Lambie, scanned by Colin Mackellar.

Volume 3, Number 2, to come.


Volume 3, Number 3, to come.

Volume 3, Number 4, to come.


Volume 3, Number 5, to come.

Volume 3, Number 6,
March 1965
GT-4 Experiments planned.
Engineering Instructions and Documentation.

Preserved by Hamish Lindsay, scanned by Colin Mackellar. 3.5MB PDF.


Note: The TIB was not published in 1966.

After a hiatus of a little more than a year, publication recommenced with Volume 4, Number 1, in April 1967.

Apollo era

Volume 4 – 1967.


to come

Volume 4, Number 16,
December 01 1967.

First TTS [later renamed TETR] Ready for Launch.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.


Volume 4, Number 17,
December 15 1967.

(typo has Volume 1, Number 17.)

MSFN spacecraft perform well for AS-501 (Apollo 4).

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

to come

Volume 5 – 1968.


Volume 5, Number 3,

to come

Volume 5, Number 4,
February 15 1968.

Lunar Module Passes First Test.
Five Landing Sites on Moon Selected.
Ships Status.
ANT and GBM photos.

Preserved by Dick Nafzger,
scanned by Bill Wood.


Volume 5, Number 5,

Volume 5, Number 6,
March 15

Merritt Island plays critical role in mission operations.


Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.


Volume 5, Number 7,
April 1 1968.

Apollo Wings Join Network.
Station Directors to meet this month.
Mercury to support AS-502.

Preserved by Dick Nafzger,
scanned by Bill Wood.

Volume 5, Number 8,
April 1 1968.

Apollo Wings Join Network.
Station Directors to meet this month.
Mercury to support AS-502.

Preserved by Dick Nafzger,
scanned by Bill Wood.


Volume 5, Number 17,
September 3 1968.

Apollo Ship Central Data Processor.
Ship Support for AS-205 Mission.
Changes Announced For Apollo Program.
Contract Awarded to TRW.

Preserved by Dick Nafzger,
scanned by Bill Wood.

Volume 5, Number 18,
September 18 1968.

ARIA have an important mission.
Guidance system keeps Saturn on a preset course.
NTTF Training Schedule.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.


Volume 5, Number 19,

to come

Volume 5, Number 20,
October 15 1968.

Second TETR Satellite set to Exercise the MSFN. Final design plans for Apollo Application Program’s Spectrographic Telescope.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.3MB PDF.


Volume 5, Number 21,
November 1 1968.

Network Gives Good Performance AS-205.
Corrosion Study Prepared For MSFN.
Watertown Released From Apollo Support.
Change to NOD.

Preserved by Dick Nafzger,
scanned by Bill Wood.

188kb PDF.

Volume 5, Number 22,
November 15 1968.

‘GO’ Signal Given on Manned Lunar Orbital Flight in December.
TETR-2 performing well.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.6MB PDF.


Volume 5, Number 23,
December 5 1968.

Simulation Prepares Network For AS-503 (Apollo 8).
Three Experiments set for Lunar Landing.
AS-505 is planned as the second manned of the lunar module..

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.3MB PDF.

Volume 5, Number 24

Not available – do you have a copy?


Volume 6 – 1969.


Volume 6, Number 1,
January 03 1969.

The MSFN performed according to plan during AS-503 (Apollo 8).

Next two missions to check out Lunar Module.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

Volume 6, Number 2

Do you have a copy? Contact.


Volume 6, Number 3,
February 20 1969.

AS-504 Mission will test newest (Westinghouse) Space TV Camera.
CCTV systems to be installes at Goldstone, Madrid and Honeysuckle.
Australians Honored for Apollo 8.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

Volume 6, Number 4,
March 20 1969.

Two Experiments In EASEP Package.
CVI, NST, NTTF Join In Success.
New M&O at Madrid.
Bermuda – Critical Point In Network.
Two 210-Foot Antennas Planned.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.


Volume 6, Number 6,
April 01 1969.

Prime crew named for second landing.
MSFN in honoured for Telemetry work.
Pre-fab space station planned for mid-70s.
Tananarive station provides vital support.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

Volume 6, Number 5,
April 15 1969.

(Issue number out of order.)

MSFN will support EASEP for Apollo 11.
AS-505 Launch Schedule planned.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.


Volume 6, Number 7 missing.

Do you have a copy? Contact.


Volume 6, Number 8,
June 5 1969.

Australian Stations Since Project Mercury.
Parkes Antenna Will Support AS-506.
Clock Monitor Implemented.
A5-506 Now on Pad.

Preserved by Dick Nafzger,
scanned by Bill Wood.


Volume 6, Number 9 missing.

Volume 6, Number 10,
June 25 1969.

First Man On Moon – July 21 at 2:17am.
Index To NOD To Be Published.
Grand Canary in MSFN from Beginning.
John Cook and Alva E. Smith mourned.
Network Training Schedule.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.


Volume 6, Number 11,
July 20 1969.

Apollo 11 Mission a Success.
Honeysuckle Creek Engineer Develops 642B Utility Package.
Mariners 6 & 7 nearing Mars.
Ascension Vital To Lunar Mission.

Preserved by Bryan Sullivan,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

2.7MB PDF.

Volume 6, Number 12,
August 15 1969.

Network Performance is Termed ‘Magnificent’.

Crew selected for Apollo 13 and 14.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.3MB PDF.


Volume 6, Number 13,
September 15 1969.

Guayamas – Long a part of Space Effort.

MOL Pilots named as NASA Astronauts.

3 ships released from Apollo Support.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.


Volume 6, Number 14,
October 22 1969.

Astronauts will spend 31 hours on Moon during AS-507 (Apollo 12).

(Front cover photo by Bill Wood, Goldstone.)

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

5.1MB PDF.


Volume 6, Number 15,
November 25 1969.

TEXAS Station has long history.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.
4.6MB PDF.

Was there as Volume 6, Number 16?



Volume 7 – 1970.


Volume 7, Number 1,
January 15 1970.

Moon Landing, Mars Flights, highlight the year in space.

Hawaii, over a decade in MSFN

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

More to come.


Volume 8 – 1971.


Volume 8, Number 1,
January 07 1971.

Zero-Gravity demonstrations (from Apollo 14) may be shown on live TV.

MSFN M&O Supervisors annual conference.

Preserved by Hamish Lindsay,
scanned by Colin Mackellar

1.5MB PDF.

Volume 8, Number 2,
February 03 1971.

Mis-numbered as Volume 2, Number 3.

MSFN preparing for Mariner Mars 71.

New Camera used on Apollo 14.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

5.1MB PDF.


Volume 8, Number 3,
February 26 1971.

TETR-2 successful despite faulty battery pack.

MSFN Support of Apollo 14 is Excellent.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.


Volume 8, Number 4,

to come


Volume 8, Number 5,
March 15 1971.

NTTF Expands.
New NST Room.

Apollo 15 will take LRV to the Moon.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.


Volume 8, Number 6,
21 April 1971.

MSFN Documentation updated.

(A handy list of the different document Series.)

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

620kb PDF.


Volume 8, Number 7,
May 03 1971.

Geodetic position determination for 30-Foot stations using Mars 71.

Young to command Apollo 16 mission.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

4.4MB PDF.

Volume 8, Number 8,
June 17 1971.

Tidbinbilla completing giant DSN Antenna.
Honeysuckle Isolated by Cave-in.
Guam Laser Facility.
Apollo 15 will use Electric Drill.

Preserved by Les Whaley,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

700kb PDF.


Volume 8, Number 9,
July 23 1971.

Apollo 15 aims at widespread objectives.

Summary of event times.

Preserved by Bernard Smith,
scanned by Colin Mackellar.

770kb PDF.