Tidbinbilla Social Activities

Here are photos of some of the social activities at Tidbinbilla in the early days.


Tidbinbilla social activities

DSS-42 Christmas Party 1966.

Father Christmas arrives by Cherrypicker, accompanied by Dave Botha. (Can anyone remember the identity of the Tid Father Christmas?)

Update: Keith Aldworth writes, “I believe that Father Christmas used to be Peter O’Donoghue.”

Large, Larger (2MB). Detail.

Photo: Mike Dinn.

Tidbinbilla social activities

Stew Burton preserved this 1970s Christmas party sign.

Tidbinbilla social activities

And here’s Stew Burton with the sign at the Tidbinbilla 50th anniversary celebrations, 19th March 2015.


Does anyone know who drew this cartoon?
Update (16 March 2021): This was drawn by Jim Duncan.
Preserved by Les Whaley, scanned by Colin Mackellar.