photos of the outside of the Station
Another version of Hamish Lindsay’s classic Honeysuckle photo. Photo: Hamish Lindsay. From the Tidbinbilla archives, scan: Glen Nagle. Minor image repair: Colin Mackellar. |
A kangaroo poses beside the roadway into the station. Note the two dark-coloured microwave dishes on the link tower. These were installed just prior to Apollo 10 in preparation for relaying television from the station during Apollo 11. This photo was taken 1969 or 1970. (The small trees have grown in this October 1971 photo.) Photo: Ian Grant. Scan: Colin Mackellar. |
Maintenance on the Y axis gears. The concrete pad in the foreground is a parking bay for the cherry picker. I notice that there is a portable rail put up to stop traffic entering the antenna pad while the operation is in progress. Photo and notes: Hamish Lindsay. |
The antenna in May 1970. Photo: Hamish Lindsay. 5x4" negative scan: Colin Mackellar, Feb 2024. |
Look carefully, and you can see two kangaroos silhouetted against the dish in this August 1977 photo by Hamish Lindsay. Negative scan by Colin Mackellar. |
A beautiful photo of the Honeysuckle antenna by Hamish Lindsay. Undated. 5x4 inch negative scan by Colin Mackellar. |
Honeysuckle Creek, the cherrypicker, and the crescent Moon at dawn. |
Scan of the 4x5 inch negative by Colin Mackellar, 2021. |
Undated transparency by Hamish Lindsay shows the cherrypicker in place to service something on the antenna. This is the MSFN configuration. 2023 scan by Colin Mackellar. |
Honeysuckle Creek by floodlight, during Deep Space days. Photo: Hamish Lindsay. |
Honeysuckle Creek by floodlight. 2018 updated scan from the original transparency. Photo: Hamish Lindsay. Scan: Colin Mackellar. |
Honeysuckle Creek DSS44 during Deep Space days. Undated. Transparency: Hamish Lindsay. Scan: Colin Mackellar. |
The Honeysuckle antenna. Photo: Tom Sheehan, 22 April 1971. |
Honeysuckle Creek at dawn, December 1975. Taken from the roof of the Operations Building. Note the planet Venus just to the right of the dish. Venus was a morning star in December 1975. Photo: Hamish Lindsay. 2019 slide scan: Colin Mackellar. |
Honeysuckle Creek at dawn, December 1975. Taken from the roof of the Operations Building. Photo: Hamish Lindsay. 2019 slide scan: Colin Mackellar. |
The Road
The same spot during the Apollo 14 mission in February 1971. Click the image to see a page from Ed von Renouards scrapbook. |
A view from the main gate. Photo: Colin Mackellar, October 1971. |
north-east from the cherrypicker. |
The Apollo Road as viewed from the sub reflector. Photo: Alan Foster. Scan: John Saxon. |