Visitors to Tidbinbilla


See also visitors who came for the opening of DSS43 on 13 April 1973,

and the visit of US Vice President Dan Quayle on 27 April 1989.

MSFN Inspection Team, 07 January 1967

Visitors to Tid

On 7th January 1967, members of the members of the Manned Space Flight Network Inspection Team, led by George Mueller, visited Tidbinbilla to see progress on installation of the MSFN Wing, in preparation for Apollo.

They had visited Honeysuckle Creek the previous day. They also visited Orroral Valley.

Left to right:

1. Gerald M. Truszynski, Associate Administrator Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition.

2. George Mueller, Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight.

3. Dick Fahnestock, JPL Representative to Australia. (Note the Surveyor tie-pin he is wearing.)

4. Don Gray, Deputy Station Director, Tidbinbilla (MSFN Wing).

Photo by Hamish Lindsay using his medium format Rolleiflex. Scan and ID by Colin Mackellar. Larger version on request.

Visitors to Tid

7th January 1967. Left to right:

1. Don Gray, Deputy Station Director, Tidbinbilla (MSFN Wing).

2. Unidentified.

3. George Mueller, Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight.

4. Paddy Johnstone, Tidbinbilla Ops Controller (back to camera).

5. Dick Fahnestock, JPL Representative to Australia.

6. Willson Hunter, NASA Senior Scientific Representative to Australia.

Photo by Hamish Lindsay using his medium format Rolleiflex, negative scan by Colin Mackellar. Larger version on request.

Visitors to Tid

On 7th January 1967, Manned Space Flight Network Inspection Team members, George Mueller and Gerald Truszynski are shown around the Tidbinbilla MSFN Apollo Wing by Deputy Station Director Don Gray.

At left are the S-Band Receiver/Exciters.

Left to right:

1. George Mueller, Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight.

2. Dick Fahnestock, JPL Representative to Australia.

3. Don Gray, Deputy Station Director, Tidbinbilla (MSFN Wing).

4. Willson Hunter (in background), NASA Senior Scientific Representative to Australia.

5. Gerald M. Truszynski, Associate Administrator Office of Tracking and Data Acquisition.

Photo by Hamish Lindsay, scan and ID by Colin Mackellar.
Larger version on request.

Visitors to Tid

On 7th January 1967, Manned Space Flight Network Inspection Team members, Ozro Covington and John Stevenson converse with Tidbinbilla staff in the MSFN Apollo Wing.

At left are the S-Band Receiver/Exciters. Behind Mike Dinn is the Ranging equipment. Behind the glass partition is the Wire Room.

Left to right:

1. Ozro Covington, Goddard Assistant Director for Manned Space Flight.

2. John D. Stevenson, former USAF Major General, and – from 1967 – Director of Mission Operations in the Office of Manned Space Flight. (He appears to be holding a copy of this 1965 booklet about Tidbinbilla. 9.5MB PDF file.)

3. Back to camera – unidentified.

4. Mike Dinn, Deputy Station Director, Tidbinbilla (DSN).

5. Tony Saville, Communications Supervisir, Tidbinbilla.

Photo by Hamish Lindsay, scan and ID by Colin Mackellar.
Larger version on request.

Lord Casey at Tid

Bob Cudmore (SpaceTrack chief engineer), Mike Dinn (Deputy Director), Lord Richard Casey (Governor-General of Australia), John Galbraith (SpaceTrack Manager). 28th August 1967.

(Lord Casey also visited Honeysuckle on the same day.)

Scanned by Mike Dinn.

Lord Casey at Tid

This newspaper clipping records the visit.
Scanned by Mike Dinn.


NASA Administrator Thomas Paine, 25 February 1970

Photos: Clive Jones via Mike Dinn. Scans: Colin Mackellar.

Visitors to Tid

On 25th February 1970, NASA Administrator Thomas Paine visted Tidbinbilla. He also visited Honeysuckle Creek the same day.

Here, new Tidbinbilla Station Director Tom Reid (at right) leads the tour.

Visitors to Tid

NASA Senior Scientific Representative to Australia, Willson Hunter, watched as Station Director Tom Reid and Administrator Paine tour the DSS42 operations area.

Visitors to Tid

Left to right:

Keith Brocklesby (Chief Electronics Engineer), Frank Northey (Deputy Director responsible for DSS43), Geoff Newnham (Senior Instrumentation Engineer – back to camera), Lewis Wainwright (Deputy Assistant Controller of the American Projects Branch), and Bob Cudmore (Maintenance and Operations Manager).

NASA Administrator Thomas Paine is visible at the end of the room.

Visitors to Tid

At the Receivers.

Visitors to Tid
Visitors to Tid

NASA Administrator Thomas Paine signs the Visitors Book.

Visitors to Tid

The party leaves the main building to walk across the road to the DSS43 construction site.

Bob Leslie, American Projects Branch, is in the centre, between Paine and Reid. Behind Tom Reid is Department of Supply Deputy Secretary Tom O’Connor.

Visitors to Tid

The DSS43 construction site.

Visitors to Tid

The DSS43 construction site.

Visitors to Tid

The DSS43 construction site.

Visitors to Tid

The DSS43 construction site.





Australian Deputy Prime Minister Lance Barnard

Deputy PM Lance Banard

Australian Deputy Prime Minister Lance Barnard (1919–1997), centre, speaks with Bob Leslie, right, in the Operations area at Tidbinbilla.

NASA Senior Scientific Representative Willson Hunter looks on at left. At the far right may be Neil Currie, Secretary, Department of Supply.

In the foreground is Receiver Operator Fred Markmann. (Thanks to Bruce Window for the ID.)

The photo ID is 17/4/73/121, so this photo was either taken on 17 April 1973, or (perhaps more likely) it was taken on 13 April 1973, the day of the DSS-43 opening ceremony.

As well as being Deputy Prime Minster, Mr Barnard was Minister for Supply 1972-73.

Large, Larger.

From the Tidbinbilla archives, scan with thanks to Glen Nagle.

NASA Administrator Dr Robert Frosch

Robert Frosch

Inside the Visitors’ Centre at Tidbinbilla.

Thomas Reid, Complex Director and Dr. Robert Frosch, NASA Administrator (June 21, 1977 – January 20, 1981), with a model of DSS-43.

Photo: Hamish Lindsay. Scan: Colin Mackellar.


NASA Budget Meeting c 1988 (or earlier)

Budget meeting

Annual NASA budget meetings rotated between the US, Spain, and Australia. They eventually became DSN only.

Mike Dinn contributes this photo of one such meeting, circa 1988. It features many key figures in the DSN and in Australian support. At the Hotel Ainslie in Braddon.

Scan: Mike Dinn.

Budget meeting

Here is a key to the above photo. Some details remain to be filled in. Can you help? Contact.

Click for a PDF file.

Names by Mike Dinn, assembled by Colin Mackellar.

The Crown Prince of Spain


His Royal Highness, The Crown Prince of Spain, Prince Felipe (centre), is shown around the station by StaDir Mike Dinn on 6th July 1990. On the right is NASA Senior Scientific Representative to Australia Richard Colonna.

Photo courtesy Mike Dinn, scan by Colin Mackellar.


Australian-born Oceanographer and Astronaut Paul Scully-Power is pictured here with Director Mike Dinn in the Visitors Centre – probably early 1990s.

Photo courtesy Mike Dinn, scan by Colin Mackellar.


Astronaut John Young visited Tidbinbilla in July 1994.

From left: Jim Kirkpatrick, Len Litherland, John Young, Cyril Fenwick, Paul Hutchinson.

Photo courtesy Cyril Fenwick.


On 16 December 2004, Australian-born Astronaut Phillip Chapman visited Tidbinbilla.

From left: Peter Churchill (Station Director), Neal Newman (NASA Representative to Australia), Dr. Phillip Chapman.

Photo courtesy Peter Churchill.