Carnarvon News Clippings


Carnarvon Tracking Station was a big story for local, West Australian and national publications.

Here are several news clippings (some also appear in other sections) –


Carnarvon news clippings

Western Australia’s largest crane was dispatched to Carnarvon to help with the erection of the FPQ6 Radar.

This clipping from The West Australian, 8 November 1963, was preserved by Hamish Lindsay. 2021 scan by Colin Mackellar.

Carnarvon news clippings

Tracking Station is Always Busy –
featuring a photo of M&O Dick Simons.

This clipping from The West Australian, 22 July 1964, was preserved by Hamish Lindsay. 2024 scan by Colin Mackellar.

Carnarvon news clippings

A story about Carnarvon featured in Electronics Australia magazine in December 1965.

Click the image for a 2MB PDF ile.

The photos accompanying the article were supplied by Hamish Lindsay.

The cover photo of a 30 foot (9 metre) USB antenna, however, is not the one at Carnarvon. It might possibly be the test antenna at the Collins Radio facility near Fort Worth, Texas.

This copy was preserved by Hamish Lindsay.
2021 scan by Colin Mackellar.

“Forgotten Spacemen” – US article about Carnarvon.

This article was written about Carnarvon’s role during the Gemini Program – and is taken from a US magazine dated October 16, 1966.

With thanks to Alan Gilham for the article.

Northern Times

The Northern Times – 27th February 1967.

This article – ‘by a special correspondent’ – outlines the NASA effort in Australia.

With thanks to Alan Gilham.

TV covers W.A. Space Role

The West Australian, 10th August 1966.

Alan Gilham sent this news clipping on the US public perception of Carnarvon amid the turmoil of current events.


More to come.