Carnarvon Tracking Station, Western Australia

Carnarvon Tracking Station was opened in June 1964 to be a prime station for the Gemini Program. The Verlort Radar and Aquisition antennae were transported from Muchea to Carnarvon after Muchea closed.

Carnarvon was better placed than Muchea to be able to track Gemini spacecraft – and it was also in an ideal position to confirm the orbit of the Apollo spacecraft so that a Go / No-Go decision could be made for Trans Lunar Injection.

The USB section and the 9 metre antenna were built specifically to support Apollo.

Carnarvon Tracking Station was the largest manned space flight tracking station outside the US. It should not be confused with the nearby OTC Carnarvon Earth Station which was built primarily to carry comms from the NASA station to the US.

(See also the “Downunder Comes up Live” TV segment in the above OTC Earth Station section. The TV broadcast included people from the NASA station.)

Muchea and Carnarvon

This 1963 NASA sketch shows demonstrates how Carnarvon was better placed to track the low-earth-orbiting Gemini spacecraft.

Carnarvon plaque at Tidbinbilla

In this 2002 photo, the plaque commemorating the opening of Carnarvon Tracking Station has been mounted on a large rock outside the Visitors Centre at the Canberra Deep Space Communications Complex at Tidbinbilla.

Here’s an orthocorrected version of the above photo.

Photo: Colin Mackellar.


The entrance to the NASA Carnarvon Tracking Station, c 1964.

This was taken before the gates were added.
Photo: Hamish Lindsay. Scan: Colin Mackellar.

Entry to Carnarvon Tracking Station

Here’s a new sign – in the same place as the old one – erected December 2011. And, in a link with the past, the original posts were still in place, so they have been used again.

Photograph by Phil Youd, edited by Terence Kierans.
Sign fabricated and donated by Carnarvon Steel Supplies of Cornish Street Carnarvon. Signwriting donated by W&K Painting of Egan Street, Carnarvon.



If you worked at Carnarvon and would like to contribute photos, information or stories,
I would be delighted to add them to this section. Contact.


For more on Carnarvon Tracking Station, see also –

CROtrak – by Terry Kierans. – by Paul Dench & Alison Gregg.
Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum.

See also

Carnarvon and Apollo

Carnarvon and Apollo, by Paul Dench and Alison Gregg.