Honeysuckle Links

Honeysuckle People

See other sites run by Honeysuckle people – including

Mike Dinn’s Apollo Memorabilia

Mike Dinn’s The Truth about “The Dish”

John Saxon’s Honeysuckle pages

The Honeysuckle Creek Mailing List – run by John Saxon.
“For people who worked at the Honeysuckle Creek Tracking station during is working life from 1966 to 1981 – and their friends.”

Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex

Review of The Dish – by Bill Wood, ex-Goldstone

Treaty between Australia and USA relating to Honeysuckle and other tracking stations (1970 treaty linked)

The Space Show – 11th November 2003 with Mike Dinn and John Saxon. Listen in Windows Media Player format (about 18Mb) – about 80 minutes.


Other links

Madrid - Apollo discussion forum

Here’s a discussion forum for veterans of the Madrid Apollo Station (and anyone else interested!).


Viking Mars Missions Education and Preservation Project

Preserving the history, artifacts, original documents, and data from the Viking Missions.

Viking Mars Missions Education and Preservation Project

The Space Association of Australia Inc

The Space Association of Australia is a non-profit, non-political interest group, whose members are keen to learn about and share with others their excitement and passion for spaceflight and space exploration.

The Space Association of Australia

Australis OSCAR 5

The story of the first satellite built in Australia, built by students at the University of Melbourne in the 1960s and launched by NASA in 1970.

Australis OSCAR 5

Apollo Lunar Surface Journal

The Apollo Lunar Surface Journal from Eric M. Jones and Ken Glover – excellent – the Apollo lunar surface resource.

The Apollo Archive – by Kipp Teague. The best place for Apollo images.

The Apollo Flight Journal – by David Woods with Frank O’Brien, Tim Brandt and Lennie Waugh.

Bendix Field Engineering

Bendix Field Engineering memorial websitee

Carnarvon Tracking Station, West Australia

CROtrak – dedicated to Carnarvon – begun by Terry Kierans, continued by Lauri Glocke.

Carnarvonspace.com – dedicated to Carnarvon MSFN and also Carnarvon OTC – by Paul Dench & Alison Gregg.

Carnarvon Space and Technology Museum – opened June 2012.

Bermuda Tracking Station

A website devoted to the NASA tracking stations in Bermuda.

Apollo Range Instruments Aircraft

flyARIA.com – The Advanced Range Instrumentation Aircraft History and ARIA 328 Memorial Web Site

Museums, etc.

The Space Walk of Fame – Commemorative walk and museum in Titusville, Florida

TV from the Moon

Shooting the Apollo Moonwalks – A recollection of how it was done
by Sam Russell – dealing mainly with Apollo 15 lunar surface TV.

Jamesburg Satellite Earth Station

The Jamesburg Earth Station, just south of San Francisco, relayed the Apollo 11 Lunar TV coming from Honeysuckle and Parkes (via Sydney and the Moree Earth Station) to Houston and US viewers. The Earth Station closed in 2002, and is now in private hands.

Jamesburg Earth Station

Lunar Dust Experiment

Website by Prof. Brian J. O’Brien, Principal Investigator of the Lunar Dust Experiment.

Australian AM Radio History

Although not space related, you might enjoy the Australian AM Radio History website by Bruce Carty. Bruce was at Honeysuckle Creek for Apollos 16 and 17 and Skylab. This website is a wonderful resource.

Australian AM Radio History