Tidbinbilla booklets

Here are some information booklets on Tidbinbilla produced over the years.

1965 Tid opening booklet

This booklet was produced by WRE for the Department of Supply for the Opening Day, 19th March 1965.

4.6MB PDF file preserved and scanned by Harold Frodsham. OCR by Colin Mackellar.

1965 Tid booklet
This informative 1965 booklet was scanned by Mike Dinn and assembled by Colin Mackellar. 9.5MB PDF file.

1970 Tid booklet
This 1970 leaflet was scanned by Mike Dinn and assembled by Colin Mackellar. 4.2MB PDF file.

Les Whaley - Analog console Bob Cudmore – Instrumentation Section Leader Jack Rothwell – Antenna Engineer Peter Papps – Magnetic recording John Heath – Microwave Engineer Bob Leslie – Station Director Neil McVicar – Receiver Technician Paddy Johnstone – Ops Controller Dave Watts – Antenna Technician Mal Glenn – JPL Rep