Honeysuckle Team Photos 13th October 1976


John Saxon writes:

“They were taken by Hamish Lindsay in October 1976 to celebrate the Viking missions to Mars. Later the team size went to 3 people!

There is a faint possibility that the Maintenance Team may be from a slightly different era.”

These are updated scans of Hamish’s 4x5 inch negatives, with the exception of the Maintenance Team photo which is a scan of an 8X10 inch print. (The older scans can be found here.)


Team photos

Tony Salvage’s Viking Team A.

Henry Field, Peter Gavin, John McLeod, Tony Salvage, Angel Ioannou.

Updated scan by Colin Mackellar July 2021. (This image is a composite of two photos Hamish took of the team.)

Team photos

Martin Geasley’s Viking Team B.

Martin Geasley, Albert (Lew) Lewis, Tony Van der Putten, Kevin Gallegos, John Heart, Paul Hutchinson.

Updated scan from the negative by Colin Mackellar July 2021.

Team photos

Len Litherland’s Viking Team C.

Tony Gerada, Paul Mullen, Alan Vonthetoff, Brian Hale, Len Litherland.

Updated scan from the negative by Colin Mackellar 2020.

Team photos

Another photo of Len Litherland’s Viking Team C.

(L-R) Len Litherland, Alan Vonthetoff, Brian Hale, Paul Mullen and Tony Gerada stand on the roof of the Ops Building with a great view to the antenna around sunset.

Scan from Hamish Lindsay’s large format Linhof negative by Colin Mackellar.

Team photos

Laurie Turner’s Team D.

Back Row: Stirling Finlay, Les Hughes, Laurie Turner.
Front Row: Phil Maier, Terry Hearn.

Updated scan from the negative by Colin Mackellar July 2021.

Team photos

Maintenance Team.

Back Row: Geoff Ruck, Fred Hill, Roy Rae, Neil Sandford.
Front Row: Bill Waugh, Bill Perrin, Nev Eyre, Ted Burt, Paul Duncan, Bernard Smith.


Paul Duncan was Facilities Electrician at this time and attached to facilities. – Roy Rae.

Updated scan by Colin Mackellar, April 2024 from an 8x10 print preserved by Bernard Smith.


and at Tidbinbilla the next day…


Viking shifts

DSS42 and 43 Tidbinbilla Viking Shifts, 14th October 1976.

Photo by Hamish Lindsay. 2019 scan by Colin Mackellar from the 4x5 inch negative.

Viking shifts

DSS42 and 43 Tidbinbilla Viking Shifts, 14th October 1976.

1. Jack Dickinson
3. Andy Jary
4. Bob Roseller ?
5. Noel Henderson
6. Keith Aldworth
9. Ian Burnie ?
13. Geoff Smith
15. Bernie Palmer
16. Tony Keiller
17. Ron Hargreaves.

Photo: Hamish Lindsay, scan: Colin Mackellar. Thanks to John Heath, Bruce Window, Keith Aldworth and Peter Churchill for the names.