Surveyor III Images

with thanks to Keith Aldworth

Keith Aldworth scanned his Polaroids, and provided the captions, of these images received at Tidbinbilla from Surveyor III.

Surveyor III landed in Mare Insularum in Oceanus Procellarum on Thursday 20 April 1967.

Two and half years later, the spacecraft was visited by Pete Conrad and Alan Bean when they landed Apollo 12’s Lunar Module, “Intrepid”, a short distance away.

Keith recalls how these Polaroids were obtained:

“We at DSS 42 continued that first lot of photo taking as we took over from Goldstone.

At the time, I worked on the magnetic tape recorders at Tid. That is how we all had copies of the photos for ourselves. Just a matter of replaying the tapes post track.

I recall that we had two methods of recording those photos. One was with the Ampex FR1400 (1/2" tape) and also with the Ampex FR800 (2" tape). The FR 800 was a nightmare machine, as it was quite unreliable. Unlike the FR600s which we used at Parkes and Tid during Apollo, it was not a helical scan recorder. Instead, the tape was fed past the rotating head at a right angle after being formed to shape around it. The slightest imperfection in the tape could lead to catastrophe for the spinning head. I don’t remember the rpm of the head but it was very fast. I think Ampex designed it to be used on the dewline radar installations. When it worked well, it did a great job but my memories of the difficulties we had are manifold.

We used to get pretty good results with the FR1400, using an FM recording technique and running the tape at high speed. From memory it was 60 inches per second. The Polaroid photos came from replaying those tapes.”



Les Whaley at the Surveyor TV console.

The camera mounted on the console took these images.

From Les Whaley, scanned by Mike Dinn.


Surveyor III images

01 As the scoop is deployed – shadow of omni antenna on surface.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

02 Beginning the first trench.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

03 Close-up of sample on placed on footpad.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

04 Close-up of surface being sampled.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

05 Earth photographed from the Moon.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

06 First ever photo of the Earth eclipsing the Sun, taken on the Moon.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

07 Footpad showing indentation into lunar surface.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

08 Large crater not far from the spacecraft.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

09 Lengthening shadows towards the end of Lunar day.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

10 Loose rocks nearby.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

11 Shadow of solar panels and scoop as lunar day draws to a close.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

12 Small crater.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

13 Small rock close to spacecraft.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

14 Sunset sequence 01.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

15 Sunset sequence 02.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

16 Sunset sequence 03.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

17 Sunset sequence 04.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

18 Sunset sequence 05.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

19 Sunset sequence 06.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

20 Sunset sequence 07.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

21 Sunset sequence 08.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

22 Sunset sequence 09.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

23 Sunset sequence 10.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.

Surveyor III images

24 Two trenches dug.

Scan: Keith Aldworth.