David Johns – Carnarvon SPAN

David Johns served at the SPAN (Solar Particle Alert Network) site at Carnarvon Tracking Station 1970–1974.

In the 37MB PDF file linked below, he shares his story, and tells of some of the fascinating people he met.


David Johns

David Johns at SPAN in 1972.

David Johns

Click the image above for a 37MB PDF file.

(The file might take a few moments to download.)

From David’s Introduction:

“Many years after the tracking station closed, I realised the uniqueness of those years so I wrote some of my recollections, partly for myself and partly so other people may gain some insight into the life of a 1970s Carnarvon tracker.

I wrote most of the recollections in about 1985 but where later relevant events occurred, those recollections have since been added. Where possible, I checked my memory against written records but much of what follows is from memory alone. But there is one thing of which I am certain and that is that there is absolutely no exaggeration in any of the described events. All of them occurred as they are told. I wrote of events as they came to my mind, not necessarily in the order that they occurred. Read it for its ideas and story and please ignore the errors.

David Johns
June 2012.”

Very special thanks to David for sharing his story and photos!

See also David’s photos of Carnarvon taken from NASA 421.

David Johns

David Johns at SPAN.