Signs at Honeysuckle


Over the life of Honeysuckle Creek, signs were posted at the start of the access road (now Apollo Road) near the intersection with Naas Road, along the road to the station to indicate that cars should not proceed durung critical periods, and at rthe Station gate, near the guard hut.

Here’s a collection of those signs (why not?).


Near the start of the Road.


Sign on Apollo Road

The Station sign near the beginning of Apollo Road November 1970.

Transparency by Hamish Lindsay. Scan by Colin Mackellar.

Sign on Apollo Road

Early 1971. Photo: Tom Sheehan.

Honeysuckle signs

October 1971.

Photo: Ken Mackellar.

Honeysuckle signs

Approx late 1970s.

Fairey Australia is the contractor.

From the Tidbinbilla archives. Scan by Glen Nagle.

Honeysuckle road
The new road sign for the Apollo 11 50th anniversdary, July 2019.


Half way up the road.

Sign and Light

Further up Apollo Road, the sign and flashing light in 1973.

Cars are waiting for the red light to stop flashing before they can proceed.

Photo: John Berry.


Just outside the main gate.

Honeysuckle signs

Website contributor Michael A. Crowe took this photo of his brother Christopher in front of the sign near main gate in 1971.

STC is the contractor. The guard hut is just out of field to the left.

Photo and scan by Michael A. Crowe.

Honeysuckle signs

Approx late 1970s.

Fairey Australia is the contractor.

From the Tidbinbilla archives. Scan by Glen Nagle.