People at work page 2
Hamish Lindsay, took this photo of the Children’s Christmas Party at Honeysuckle in 1974. (It’s not really an “at work” photo!) It’s in the staff car park, with the Skylab Command Van in the background. John Saxon ventures these names for the men standing in the distance at left: Photo by Hamish Lindsay, 2020 negative scan by Colin Mackellar. |
Hamish Lindsay, John Mitchell and ? at SDSS (the Signal Data Demodulators). Photo possibly by the Australian News and Information Bureau. |
Brian Hale at the Honeysuckle Recorders, shortly before Apollo 15. |
Brian Hale at the Honeysuckle Recorders. |
Maintenance on the bull gears on the Honeysuckle Creek antenna. |
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Laurie Turner, Telemetry photographed in the Ops area on 3 May 1973 by Hamish Lindsay. |
There were times when the whole feedcone had to be removed which meant borrowing the crane and another cherry picker from Tidbinbilla. Here you can see the feedcone swinging out out from the dish before being dropped to the ground. Photo and text: Hamish Lindsay. (Notice someone on top of the feedcone.) |
The TSS Secretaries Judy Wise (left) and Lisa Jensen making use of a good snowfall in August 1971. Photo: Hamish Lindsay. |
Bernard Scrivener, the Department of Supply Administration Officer in his office at Honeysuckle. Among other things, Bernie served as the media liason for the station. When Tom Reid becaame Station Director of Tidbinbilla in 1970, he requested Bernard join him in a similar role there. (And, at that time, Milton Turner came from Tidbinbilla to Honeysuckle.) Photo: Hamish Lindsay. Scan: John Saxon. |
Nevil Eyre, the Test Equipment Supervisor, operating the video equipment during an Apollo Lunar EVA. |
Hamish Lindsay (standing) and John Saxon. |
Hamish Lindsay (standing) and John Saxon. |
Mike Dinn (left) and Ian Grant at the Operations console, December 1968. |
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