Honeysuckle Creek Station Directors (StaDirs)

Bryan Lowe

Tom Reid
Don Gray
Tom Reid

Bryan Lowe
1966 – 1967

Tom Reid
1967 – 1970

Don Gray
1970 – 1978

Ian Grant
1978 – 1981
Click each photo above for more.

Station Directors of Honeysuckle Creek

Bryan Lowe 1966 – 1967. Deputy Director: Bert Forsyth.

Tom Reid 1967 – 1970. Deputy Directors: Mike Dinn, Ian Grant.

Don Gray 1970 – 1978. Deputy Director: Ian Grant (until 1972).
(Reid and Dinn had moved to Tidbinbilla.)

Ian Grant 1978 – 1981.

(with thanks to Mike Dinn and Ian Grant for this information.)