Surveyor – The view from Downuder – with Mike Dinn


Video presentation.



“The view from Downunder with Mike Dinn” – for the 50th anniversary of Surveyor 1.

In May 2016, Mike Dinn gave a remote presentation on Surveyor to the Space Society of Australia.

Watch here – external link to YouTube. 35 minutes.

Mike Dinn

Mike Dinn in front of a 7 metre diameter lunar globe at Questacon science centre in Canberra, 23rd November 2018.

Photo by Colin Mackellar.

Les Whaley - Analog console Bob Cudmore – Instrumentation Section Leader Jack Rothwell – Antenna Engineer Peter Papps – Magnetic recording John Heath – Microwave Engineer Bob Leslie – Station Director Neil McVicar – Receiver Technician Paddy Johnstone – Ops Controller Dave Watts – Antenna Technician Mal Glenn – JPL Rep