Santiago STADAN Station


Photos by Bill Schoene, taken in 1965.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

Entrance to the Santiago STADAN station in Chile.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

Administration office.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

Diesel generators.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

Minitrack building and antennae.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

9 Yagi VHF telemetry antenna.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

30 foot ranging (GRARR*) S-Band Antenna.

* Goddard Rate and Range Rate.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

Ranging Ops Building and 30 foot ranging S-Band Antenna.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

40 foot dish and SATAN* telemetry antenna.

* Satellite Automatic-Tracking Antenna.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

40 foot dish antenna.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

GRARR VHF 28x28 foot Planar Array Antenna.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

Countryside at the station.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

Administration building and machine shops.

Santiago by Bill Schoene

Dog Mountain.

Bill writes, “Use your imagination when looking at Dog mountain (the dog face is there, nose to left).”

Photos by William Schoene. Colour-correction / restoration (where needed), Colin Mackellar.