Orroral Valley – frames from The Vital Link

Frames from The Vital Link

In 1966, the film The Vital Link was produced for the Goddard Space Flight Center by Charles Gallagher.

In 2008, while searching in the US Archives, Mark Gray of Spacecraft Films found some colour footage of Orroral that was shot for the film but not used.

Here are some frames from his film transfer – and also some screenshots with names added by Philip Clark.

Orroral Valley

The road down into Orroral Valley.

Orroral Valley

The flashing red light stops cars when operations are in progress.

Orroral Valley

The flashing red light stops cars when operations are in progress.

Orroral Valley

The 85' dish and Operations Building – taken from the cherrypicker.

Orroral Valley

The 85' dish and Operations Building – taken from the cherrypicker.

Philip Clark has sent these screenshots with identification.

Orroral Valley

Jim Fenwick and Ron Milton.

Orroral Valley

Dave Richards, Jim Fenwick and Hugh Cocking.

Orroral Valley

Tony McEvilly and Hugh Cocking.

Orroral Valley

Jim Fenwick, Bill Brear, Ted Peppercorn.

Orroral Valley

Ted Peppercorn, Lou Cotrell, Tom Reid (STADIR), Sid Hurst (?).

Orroral Valley

Tom Reid, Sid Hurst (?).

Orroral Valley

Bill Howard.

Orroral Valley

Peter Wedd (?).

Orroral Valley

Roger Stacey, George Riddell.

Orroral Valley

Jim Balthazzar.