Muchea: Today

Glenn Hooley
sent these photos he took in early 2006.

Roughly corresponding photos by Hamish Lindsay have been added as insets.

Muchea ruins 2006

The towers for the Acquisition Aid antennas looking south, from somewhere near the entrance track.

Where the T&C building was

Foundations for the T & C Building, with the southernmost Acquisition Aid tower behind.

Click on the image for a larger version. Click here for a photo without the inset.

Aqu Aid towers then and now

The towers for the Acquisition Aid antennas.

Click on the image for a larger version. Click here for a photo without the inset.

Aqu Aid tower

One of the towers for the Acquisition Aid antennas.

Click on the image for a larger version. Click here for a photo without the inset.

Verlort then and now

What’s left of the tower Verlort radar.

Click on the image for a larger version. Click here for a photo without the inset.

Photos © 2006, Glenn Hooley.