
Australia Post Stamp Launch

2nd October 2007

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the Space Age with the launch of Sputnik 1 (4th October), Australia Post has released a series of six stamps.

Low-key launches for the stamps were held in the mainland Australian capital cities. Here are some photos –

Austrlain Space Stamps
The Australian space stamps. Image courtesy of Australia Post.


Jump to the section: Sydney Canberra Brisbane Perth Melbourne Adelaide


Ron Hicks and Paul Mullen (both Honeysuckle Creek) were presented with a framed set of the stamps at the Powerhouse Museum.

Paul and Ron

Paul Mullen and Ron Hicks in the Space section of the Powerhouse Museum.

Paul drove the Honeysuckle antenna for the Apollo 11 Moonwalk.

Ron was at Honeysuckle Creek as a Computer Engineer / Programmer in the early days of Honeysuckle and helped support Apollo 8 at Christmas 1968.


Paul and Ron with Rochelle from Australia Post – in front of a model of a Russian Lunokhod unmanned lunar rover.


Kerrie Dougherty (Space Curator of the Powerhouse Museum) with Paul and Ron and Rochelle from Australia Post.

Ron and grandsons

Ron Hicks with grandsons Xavier and Rainer.

(photos: Colin Mackellar)



Mike Dinn, Hamish Lindsay and John Saxon represented retired space-trackers at the launch in Canberra – at Tidbinbilla.


Hamish Lindsay, Mike Dinn and John Saxon at Tidbinbilla (CDSCC).
DSS 43 is in the background.
Photo: Betty Saxon.


Mike, Hamish and John with Tony from Australia Post and Dr Miriam Baltuck, current CDSCC Director.
Photo: Betty Saxon.


Hamish Lindsay inside the CDSCC Visitors Centre.
Photo: Mike and Trudy Dinn.

Other photos from Canberra:

from Mike and Trudy Dinn.

from John and Betty Saxon.

(external links)



Nevil Eyre (Cooby Creek, Honeysuckle Creek), Bruce Window (Island Lagoon Minitrack, Tidbinbilla, Parkes) and Keith Aldworth (Island Lagoon Minitrack, Tidbinbilla, Parkes) were at the Brisbane function – at the Sir Thomas Brisbane Planetarium.


Keith outside the planetarium.
Photo: Jan Aldworth.


Nevil and Keith outside the planetarium.
Photo: Jan Aldworth.


The presentation is made to Keith, Nevil and Bruce.
Trevor Lay from Australia Post is at left.
Photo: Sue Eyre.


Keith and Bruce – with ‘Neil Armstrong’ at left.
Photo: Jan Aldworth.


Keith, Bruce and Nevil.
Photo: Jan Aldworth.


Keith, Bruce and Nevil.
Photo: Sue Eyre.


Keith, Nevil and Bruce.
Photo: Sue Eyre.



Paul Dench (Carnarvon) and Jack Duperouzel (Muchea) were at the Perth function – at the Perth Observatory.

Photos: Jenny Duperouzel.


Paul and Jack with an Australia Post representative.

Jack is holding his copy of Perth’s Sunday Times for January 28, 1962.


Jack and Paul with the framed stamps


Jack and Paul with the children involved in the presentation.


Jack and Paul.



Robert Hardy Dey (Honeysuckle) was at the Melbourne function – at Melbourne’s ScienceWorks Planetarium.

Photos: Stuart Osbourne.


Robert – with a stamp booklet and his collection of Apollo mission patches.


Robert with some of the school students involved in the presentation.


Robert is presented with the framed stamps by one of the students.


John Mitchell (Island Lagoon and Honeysuckle) and
Milton Turner (Carnarvon, Tidbinbilla and Honeysuckle) were at the presentation at the Adelaide Town Hall.

Photos: Australia Post. With thanks to Milton Turner.

Adelaide - click for detail

Milton Turner (left) and John Mitchell – outside the Adelaide Town Hall – with three of the children who attended the launch.



John Mitchell and Milton Turner with [name to come - sorry] and one of the children who attended the launch.