Readiness Tests
Station Readiness Tests (SRTs) were a regular feature of any mission at each of the tracking stations.
The SRT involved detailed and exhaustive checks
of equipment and configuration,
in conjunction with the Goddard Space Flight
Bryan Sullivan discovered a 30 minute
compact cassette recording he made at Honeysuckle during Apollo 16.
Recordings of a Station Readiness Test 1.) Part 1 of tape – 14 min 32 s – including explanatory notes. 2.) Part 2 of tape – 10 min 04s – including explanatory notes. __________________ Any corrections – or info on speakers at Goldstone, Houston, Goddard, Hawaii, etc, would be appreciated. Please let us know. John Saxon writes – “The SRT shift doing a great job! And a good illustration of how difficult that CADFISS stuff was (specially LM Mode 8 :-).” 3.) As recorded from Net 1 and Net 2 at Honeysuckle (Goldstone was prime) – 4 min 33 s – 560kb mp3 file Hear John Young and Charlie Duke as they descend towards Descartes |
(Audio digitised by Colin Mackellar.)