


Note of Congratulations from the Apollo 11 Flight Director

Clifford E. Charlesworth, Apollo 11 Flight Director, sent this congratulatory TWX to Honeysuckle Creek, Tidbinbilla and Parkes after the Apollo 11 EVA.

TWX from Cliff Charlesworth

John Saxon preserved this copy.

TWXs were printed on multi-ply impact sensitive paper. John’s copy is a top level one.

TWX from Cliff Charlesworth

Here’s another copy from lower down in the same printout – kept by Mike Dinn, photo by Colin Mackellar, March 2006.

Bill Wood writes, “This is one page of a Teletype multi-ply printout. The teleprinters were loaded with special paper that acted like carbon paper and produced as many as six copies of every message that came in.”

Flight Director Cliff Charlesworth

Flight Director Cliff Charlesworth smiles from his console position in the MOCR during the Apollo 11 EVA.

Screen capture by Colin Mackellar from NASA 16mm footage.


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See also –

Apollo 11 section home page
Apollo 11 TV – section
Apollo TV stills