Lloyd Bott DCS CBE

Lloyd Bott

Lloyd Bott.

“There have been few public servants who were better known and more respected within the Public Service and the community at large.” – Australian Senator Michael MacKellar, 1977.

After distinguished service in the Australian Navy and the Royal Navy during World War II, Lloyd Bott returned to Australia to work in the Department of Supply.

He held senior positions in the Department from 1954 to 1967, including that of the First Assistant Secretary, Finance and Contracts.

He was Deputy Secretary of that Department from 1967 until August 1969.

He had many responsibilities, and these included a key role in negotiating agreements regarding NASA’s tracking stations in Australia. He would regularly accompany the Minister of Supply during visits to NASA facilities in the United States.

Bob Leslie, first Director of Tidbinbilla and then Assistant Secretary, American Projects Branch, Dept. of Supply, writes:

“The responsibility within the Department of Supply for administering the agreement with NASA for the establishment of tracking stations in Australia was carried by Lloyd Bott, who was then First Assistant Secretary Policy and Coordination. He was assisted by Ian Homewood, Assistant Secretary Projects, and the staff of Projects Branch, although, of course, many other sections of the Department were involved in such a large undertaking, notably Contracts, Stores and Transport Branches and the State Regional Offices.”

By all accounts, all who worked with Lloyd Bott in his many capacities held him in extremely high regard and remember him with great fondness.

Department of Supply people at HSK, mid 1966

A high-powered group standing outside the Honeysuckle Creek powerhouse – around mid-1966, before the station opened.

From left to right:

1. ?; 2 Ian Homewood (Department of Supply); 3. ? ; 4. ?; 5. Don Wood DoS (?); 6. ?; 7. Alan Cooley (the Secretary of the Department of Supply); 8. ?; 9. ?; 10. Edmond C. Buckley (OSTDS – NASA’s Office of Space Tracking and Data Systems); 11. Lloyd Bott (Deputy Secretary Department of Supply).

Note the builders offices of T H O’Connor, the Department of Works contractor. This hut was built on the western edge of the car park. (See this photo by Ian Hahn for another view from the same location.)

Scan: Colin Mackellar. With thanks to Michael Bott for the photo and Tom Reid for help with identification. Full picture here.