The Manned Space Flight Network

The Vital Link


In 1965–66, a NASA team, headed by Charles Gallagher, produced a 28 minute documentary on the Goddard networks (MSFN and STADAN) as well as the DSN. It gives a unique insight into the vast NASCOM and the various stations.

Watch out for the Australian segment, covering Canberra city, Tidbinbilla, Honeysuckle (in construction), Orroral (parrots, wombats and kanagroos!), and Carnarvon.

Some of the footage shot for the film – but not all used – featured a number of people at Orroral Valley.

The Vital Link

The Vital Link.
(Probably released 1966 or early 1967.)
Click for an 80MB mp4 file
We suggest downloading it by control-clicking.

With thanks to Richard Nafzger at the Goddard Space Flight Center for finding the film!
Video encoded by Colin Mackellar.